
Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Top Ten Tuesday - My Summer Reading List

This week's Top Ten Tuesday topic from The Broke and the Bookish is a summer reading freebie.  Now I never minded assigned summer reading in school.  There were some books I didn't enjoy reading but for the most part it just wasn't a big deal.  Of course now summer means the kids being out of school and schedules being turned on end.  That coupled with temps in the 90s and humidity so high that it feels like I can reach out and grab handfuls of air typically means I'm headed towards a slump.  Since nobody likes a slump I've been trying to avoid it this year and focus on what books really tempt me when my brain feels fried.  This is what I'm hoping to read this summer to avoid the dreaded slump!

1.  I See You by Clare Mackintosh  - The blurb on this book reminds me of one of my favorite episodes of Criminal Minds where people start seeing themselves on missing persons fliers before they go missing.  It was super creepy in the show and I'm betting it'll be super creepy in the book!

2.  I Found You by Lisa Jewell - I love that this book takes place on a beach but is hardly a typical beach book.  Plus, I've been wanting to try Lisa Jewell's books forever and this seems like a good place to start.

3.  Bay of Sighs by Nora Roberts - I loved the first book in this trilogy but for some reason have yet to read the second book even though it's been out for almost a year.  It's light, fun, with a little bit of suspense, and there's even some beach time!

4.  The Girl Who Knew Too Much by Amanda Quick - I love the 1930s setting and Krentz/Quick's books are just like popcorn - tasty and fun if not the most filling.  Perfect beach or hammock reading!

5.  Garden Spells by Sarah Addison Allen - I read The Peach Keeper last summer and loved it and Allen's writing style just screams summer.

6.  Killer Party by Lynn Cahoon - This is one of my favorite cozy mystery series and is just perfect for summer!

7.  The Cafe by the Sea by Jenny Colgan - It's about a cafe by the sea and written by Jenny Colgan!  How could I resist it!  Also, I think the main character is coming home to get her bearings which is one of my favorite things.

8.  The Dream Keeper's Daughter by Emily Colin - There's a years old disappearance and creepy phone calls!  And the main character is an archaeologist.

9.  The Blue Bedroom and Other Stories by Rosamunde Pilcher - I love a short story collection and this one by Pilcher is one of my favorites..  It'll be a perfect read when my brain is tired but I want some comfort reading.

10. The Glass Kitchen by Linda Francis Lee - There's sisters and food and magic.  It sounds like a whole lot of fun but sweet too.  I love books with sisters - probably because I never had any!

What books are on your summer reading list?


  1. Your list sounds very promising. The only one I've read is I SEE YOU and I think you'll like that one. The comparison to Criminal Minds is apt. Good luck holding off the slump.

  2. I actually never had summer reading assignments when I was in school. I am curious about The Girl Who Knew Too Much. And it definitely seems right up your alley, too.

  3. That's so ironic because I just picked up Garden Spells at a local thrift store! I had never heard of it or the author but it was just a dollar so I figured I might as well. I'll try to get to it soon instead of letting it gather dust on my bookshelf.

    [[My top ten tuesday]]

  4. I've been thinking about getting I See You too. And I Found You is good stuff! Hope you like it. :) I'll definitely be reading more Lisa Jewell.

  5. All female writers! I've read the other Clare MacKenzie book, (good!) and you will love Garden Spells. Enjoy!

  6. The cover for Garden Spells is beautiful and so perfect for summer!

  7. Love your list and I see some that I have really enjoyed. I Found You was my first that I read by Lisa Jewell and my only one so far but will read more. I enjoyed Bay of Sighs, Garden Spells and The Glass Kitchen. All great choices. I want to read the new Amanda Quick and I have The Cafe by the Sea to read so we have quite a match going on here!

  8. This is a really tempting collection of summer reads, Katherine - and I very much hope they stave off the dreaded slump... that humidity sounds very draining. I do like the sound of The Dream Keeper's Daughter. Thank you for swinging by my site and have a great week:).

  9. Garden Spells is my favorite Allen book. I have read and loved some of these books, but you have me curious about I Found You by Lisa Jewell

  10. I've read a few but the one I think I like too is the Jenny Cogan one!

  11. I find that my reading slows down in the summer most years as well. We are just more likely to be outside doing things. I liked the first book on your list and have several more of these on my tbr list.

  12. Nice list! I've only read I FOUND YOU. I really need to read GARDEN SPELLS and THE GLASS KITCHEN sounds good as well.

  13. This is a great list of books I don't know, lol. You always have the most unique sounding books! I love it!
    I hope you are able to read them all this summer! ox

  14. I haven't read a single one of these, but I completely relate to the need to find appealing and easy-to-get-into reads when the days get busy.

  15. Your list looks so awesome! I've never heard of any of them, but they sound so interesting. Best of luck avoiding the slump! This summer, I plan to read Eliza and Her Monsters by Francesca Zappia, The Love Interest by Cale Dietrich, and Flame in the Mist by Renee Ahdieh. :)

    Ellie | My TTT

  16. I have I See You by Clare Mackintosh on my Summer list too. Well it was on my Winter and Spring list too, as I bought it at Christmas! But hopefully I'll get to it soon. And I love Lisa Jewel and have her book to read too. Garden Spells is fab, and anything by Rosamunde Pilcher is amazing. Great list, even though I'm shocked there is no Agatha Christie on there! :D

  17. I don't read at the beach or on vacation trips, so my reading stays the same during the summer. Thank goodness because I already have too much trouble trying to figure out personal reading. Although reading about snowy or cold locations might help when it's scorching hot out. XD

  18. Ugh summer heat is the worst! And reading slump on top of that! Hope you enjoy reading the books and get through all the books on your list!
    Here's my TTT

  19. Hope you beat that reading slump soon! I hear you about summer turning our schedules on its head and causing confusion. I've been wanting to read I See You, since I read another book by the author and loved it... and the nod to Criminal Minds, yay, now I want it even more. # 2, 4, 5, and 7 are also books I've thought about picking up sometime.

    Fun list as always, Katherine! Just let loose and choose the titles that call to you, and you'll be engrossed in another good book soon.

  20. These all sound like lovely summer reads. I've read and enjoyed The Blue Bedroom (I went on a Pilcher binge in my twenties, and have kept and reread some of them.) I enjoyed Bay of Sighs and will be reading Killer Party sometime in the next month or two. I look forward to your reviews of the rest, to see if I should read them too!

  21. Yay Quick! Yes, she's one I'd like to read more from this summer :)

  22. The Girl Who Knew Too Much is on my list, too!

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday

  23. Fantastic summer reading list! I need to check out that Amanda Quick series! It sounds lovely!

  24. I need to catch up on my Nora Roberts and Amanda Quick - those both look super fun!

  25. If you liked The Peach Keeper, you'll enjoy Garden Spells. I always have a problem with magical realism but Addison Allen does a great job of creating a magical place.

  26. I want to read I See You. It is supposed to be in the mail from the publisher.
