
Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Top Ten Tuesday - Memorable Fictional Mothers

In honor of Mother's Day this week's Top Ten Tuesday topic from The Broke and the Bookish is a Mother's Day freebie.  So I thought I would do a list of memorable mothers - not main characters who are mothers but the mothers of main characters.  Some are good, some not so much but all stick in my mind for some reason or other.

Lillian Gilbreth - The mother in the famous Cheaper by the Dozen and the lesser known Belles on Their Toes.  She's also not so fictional and a fascinating woman in her own right.

Emily Inglethorp - This overbearing mother was Agatha Christie's first victim in The Mysterious Affair at Styles and far from the last mother she killed off but she was one of the most entertaining.

Violet Bridgerton - I adore Violet Bridgerton because how can you not?  She's one of the best side characters in Julia Quinn's Bridgerton series.  She's funny and nice but has her own bit of snark to her.  Plus she can hold her own against her own strong willed children.  Since I know how her own romance ends I don't think I want a book about her but more books with her as a side character please!
Marmee -  The long suffering mother from Little Women at times drove me a bit crazy with all her listen giving but she was also a woman in a seriously tough situation and it was hard not to respect her even though I thought she was WAAY to easy on Amy.

Harriet de Luce - She's not really an active character but her presence is most definitely felt in the Flavia de Luce series.  I love learning about her along with Flavia.

Mrs. Bennett - Well I can't have a list about memorable mothers without including the matchmaking Mrs. Bennett from Pride and Prejudice now can I?

Ma Ingals -She might not have the charisma that Little House on the Prairie's Pa has but Ma keeps the family going with her kindness and good sense.

Marilla Cuthbert - While she's not Anne Shirley's mother in Anne of Green Gables Marilla is definitely the most important maternal figure in Anne's life.  Marilla's change through the course of the Anne books is one of my very favorite things.

Sophie Stern - Sophie's more like a sister to The Shell Seekers Penelope Keeling but with her French accent, gentle manner, and sparkling sense of humor she's a delight any time she's on the page.

Iris Stanford -  She's a little more recent but Iris from The Honeychurch Hall series of cozy mysteries from Hannah Dennison is definitely memorable.  She has more secrets than she knows what to do with and a gift for meddling in her daughter, Kat's, affairs.

What memorable mothers have you come across in your reading?


  1. I would have to say Marmee from Little Women. What a fun topic!

  2. I read Cheaper by the Dozen when I was younger, but it's been years!


  3. Very nice! I agree about Marmee - firm but so loving. I need to go back and revisit THE SHELL SEEKERS one day.

  4. Oh, yes the Flavia stories! Wonderful and heartbreaking at once.

  5. Aaah I love your selection! I thought about a "non-mom" theme and Marilla did make it onto that list. I ended up doing a Stepmom selection - have a look:

  6. I don't know many moms in books, only really Molly from HP. This is a great list! I might not know them but I really enjoyed reading why you liked them!

  7. Such great mothers! You know I love Violet Bridgerton. Did you ever read that novella about her and Mr. Bridgerton. It's really sweet, but sad of course. And seriously Mrs. Bennett. As annoying as she is, I can't hate her. She just wants what she thinks is best for her daughters.

  8. I love Marilla and Marmee. Mrs. Bennett is shallow and tackless, but she does make me laugh! Oh and Ma, of course Ma, I love her! Especially if you compare her to Mrs Olson!

  9. Ma Ingalls- great choice! She was kind of a rock. :) And Mrs. Bennet- I haven't even read the book but from the movie adaptations I feel like I kinda know of her. She seems like a great choice too!

  10. Nice list! Ma Ingalls is a great addition to the list. I also really like Marmee and Marilla. Here is my TTT.

  11. Totally Harriet de Luce! Such a huge impact for a mother off screen... She is such a huge impact on Flavia even though she never met her mother. I love that series too. A great list here...

  12. Aw, yes, the mother in Cheaper By the Dozen! And amarilla. Great list!

  13. I can't think of a single mom I read about in a book. In a tv show, I Marion Ross on Happy Days as the mom, and something about having those elegant pearls and high heels made Leave it to Beaver's mom fantastic! Hugs...

  14. Ma Ingals, I have thought of the Little House books for a while. I do want to re-read them and see what I think of them as an adult someday.

  15. Awesome list. I haven't read any of these but I'm curious, especially Cheaper by The Dozen. Sounds so good. :)

  16. I did parents and I had the Gilbreths and the Cuthberts on my list, too. :)

  17. Mom in Little Women is a great choice. I wasn't thinking that far back into my reading adventure.

  18. Coming up with moms in books was hard for me! I default to Molly Weasley. I still need to read Anne of Green Gables. Greta list!

  19. Great list, and so true about Ma Ingals. She was the glue that kept them all together.

  20. Emily Inglethorp -- oh dear. lol That would make one memorable.

  21. I love this post and I think you've chosen some really interesting mothers. Marmee and Mrs Ingals seem to come out of the same mould, although their circumstances were different.

  22. Definitely agree on those classic moms!

  23. Marilla Cutheburt is a great mother figure.

    Lauren @ Always Me
