
Sunday, May 7, 2017

This Week in Reading - May 7

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Another week of no new books!  Part of me is thrilled because that hopefully means I'm getting closer to being able to getting some of my overwhelming backlog cleared up.

The other part of me wants to hit the bookstores and go on a giant book buying binge.

It's really only a matter of time.


Reading:  I Hate Everyone Except You by Clinton Kelly, Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck, and A Reference to Murder by Kym Roberts

Listening:  I finished up The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain and am now listening to podcasts while I wait for my next book.  Right now a podcast I'm really enjoying is called The Vanished which is a true crime podcast about missing persons cases.

Watching:  I watched a lot of movies while visiting my grandparents this past week.  We watched Humoresque with Joan Crawford (really good), Bonnie and Clyde with Faye Dunaway and Warren Beatyy (also really good though not quite what I was expecting), Buffalo Bill and the Wild West Show with Paul Newman (weird), Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (an old favorite), and Gilda with Rita Hayworth (really good - highly recommend).  Since I've gotten back I haven't watched much. 

Off the Blog:

A few weeks ago I did a review of an audio book I had gotten from eStories which is an audio book service where you can listen on all kinds of devices.  I used the app on my phone and found it really easy to use and was pleased with the quality of the book (Yes, My Accent is Real by Kunal Nayyar - SOOO good).  Well, the other day I got an email from eStories with a pretty good deal - 3 months (aka 3 books) for $11.99 TOTAL.  I'm definitely signing up and here's the link if you're interested in signing up as well.  I'm super excited because there are a few audio books I've really been wanting that my library just doesn't seem to be getting.

I had such a nice visit with my grandparents.  The Tornado stayed home with J and they had a fantastic time so it was just me.  Mostly I just hung out and watched movies with my grandfather and we had a really nice time.  I also went to lunch and did some cooking with my grandmother which was nice.  We're both normally recipe followers and were kind of winging it when it came to dinner preparations which lead to much hysteria and lots of fun.

Yesterday was my birthday and I have declared this weekend the weekend of me.  Other than going out to dinner and a burst of online shopping I haven't done a huge amount but just relax and read which is pretty much the perfect weekend - especially if it's raining and we had a good bit of that.  I'm now officially 37 and my husband are debating if that's mid-30s or late 30s.  I say late he says mid - not that it really matters one way or the other!  On Friday I had to go to the grocery store and I discovered that you shouldn't go to the grocery store when you're hungry and you REALLY shouldn't go when you're hungry and the next day is your birthday because it's pretty easy to convince yourself you deserve treats.  On a related note that Simply Cookie Dough they sell in the refrigerated which is essentially cookie dough that's meant to be eaten raw is pretty amazing!

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday:  The Hidden Thread - Historical Fiction Review + Giveaway
Tuesday:  Top Ten Tuesday - Ten Things on My Reading Wishlist
Wednesday:  Death in the Abstract - Cozy Mystery Review
Thursday:  I Hate Everyone Except You - Nonfiction Memoir Review
Friday:  Linkups with Current Book
Saturday: TBD

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. I love some of those older I'm tempted to see Bonnie & Clyde again with Faye Dunaway and Warren Beatty. I don't think I've ever seen Gilda.

    The Joan Crawford mention reminds me of that movie Mommie Dearest, from the 80s, in which Faye Dunaway plays Joan.

    How wonderful that you got to watch movies with your grandfather.

    Have a great reading and watching week!

  2. You know it's funny if I go too long without buying books I start to get antsy and that's when it's dangerous, because if I end up in a bookstore who knows how many I'll buy??

    Glad you had a great visit with the grandparents. and happy birthday!!! Hope it's a wonderful weekend!

  3. Happy Birthday! Sounds like you've been having fun and also reading some great books. Life is good!

    My Sunday Post

  4. Happy birthday for earlier in the week, so young - 37! I know I got itchy too wanting to go visit the bookshop today and just buy some books, but didn't do it, just kept reading the book I have! But like you I still might just do it!

  5. I love watching old movies, but watching with your grandparents sounds even more special.

    Happy birthday, and I say call it mid-thirties, it sounds better!

  6. Happy birthday! I am waiting for Bonnie and Clyde to come on Netflix, Hulu or one of those sites so I can get my husband to watch it. I remember loving it but that was many years ago so I don't know if I still will. Sounds like you have had a lovely visit.

  7. Happy birthday to you - happy birthday to you!! I will have some cake and a nice cup of tea "with you" later today. Hope you will have a great year ahead!

  8. I didn't know it I didn't know it was your birthday, happy belated birthday!!

  9. I see you watched a lot of older movies with your grandfather, I love older movies. :) When you visit my blog have will power there is a cozy on there you might :)

    Have a great week,
    Week in Review

  10. Happy Belated Birthday! Your weekend of relaxation sounds perfect... it's rainy here, too (possible snowy later!) so I'll be reading this afternoon. No new books should give you a chance to catch up, but I definitely understand that itch to visit a bookstore :)

  11. Happy birthday! It doesn't really matter if you are in your mid-30's or your late 30' are young! Enjoy this time!

  12. Happy Birthday! This is the first time I have been to your blog, and I love your writing style, straight-forward and honest. I am on a book buying freeze myself, and it is so hard! May is a big moth of releases that I would love to buy. But, I will have to be patient and get them at the library. Have a wonderful week.

  13. Aw happy birthday! And yay for the awesome visit with the grandparents. That sounds wonderful. Hope you have fun the rest of your birthday weekend :)

  14. Oh wow, no new books! Awesome will of steel there, I am proud of you :D I was doing alright in April, but I went and got way over ten books in this last week. Geeeeez.

    eStories sounds great!

  15. I will have to check out that audiobook deal. There are a few my library hasn't gotten in either. Happy birthday!!! Oh man cookie dough you can eat - I'm in!!! Have a great week!

  16. Happy Birthday! Sounds like you are making the most of it. :-) I am glad you had a nice visit with your grandparents.

    I hope you have a great week, Katherine!

  17. I love that you got to hang with your grandparents. I hope when I have grandkids they will want to hang with me when they get older. I am looking forward to your TTT wishlist. Happy birthday! Thirty-seven is the new twenty-five, so you are in your mid mid twenties. Have a fabulous week. :)

  18. I say mid 30s :) Your time with your grandparents sounded wonderful.

  19. Happy Birthday! It sounds like you had a nice time with your grandparents. I miss mine so much. I am really need to have a few weeks without any additions to my shelves but I am weak when it comes to books.

  20. Happy Birthday to you and I hope you had a lovely day with LOTS of books for pressies:) Have a great week!

  21. Hau'oli la hanau; glad you are having a birthday on your terms. What a nice visit you had with your grandparents; what classic movies!

  22. Happy Birthday!! That is a good deal for audiobooks. I have the one credit a month with audible, because it ties to Amazon kindle. Often I can get a book on sale and add the audible for a few dollars. I do end up buying extra credits. You can buy 3 at a time for like 11 each.

  23. First let me give out a Belated Happy Birthday, and a kudos that you did some things just for you to celebrate. I've seen Bonnie and Clyde about 4 times and notice something different about it every time. (lol) Most of my books came from the library this week, and it was quite a pile for sure. Hugs...

  24. Haha - I like the idea of your birthday weekend. Happy belated birthday; I hope it was a lovely one! I definitely would've been tempted to treat myself to a book for my birthday, especially with none coming in of late. Happy reading, and have a lovely week!
