
Sunday, May 21, 2017

This Week in Reading - May 21

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

A Stardance Summer by Emily March - I absolutely love the Eternity Springs series and I'm super excited to have this next book.  Plus this has a best friend's little sister/brother's best friend plot which I love.  (Publisher)

A Strange Scottish Shore by Juliana Gray - I really don't know all that much about the series but it takes place in 1906 Scotland, there's an old castle and an archealogist.  I'm thinking I'll enjoy it!  (NetGalley)

I've got a couple of request pending - 1 I'm pretty sure I'll get and 1 that I don't think I'll get but it couldn't hurt to request it!  I'm trying to cut down on the number of books I'm getting and I figure 2 isn't too bad a number!


Reading:  Three Fates by Nora Roberts, Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck (almost done!), and Love and Death in Burgundy by Susan C. Shea

Listening:  I'm listening to podcasts while I wait for my next audiobook to be available.  Right now I'm going through the backlist of The Babysitter's Club Club where they're talking about Babysitter's Club book #19 Stacey's Mistake.

Watching:  I'm getting caught up on this season of Doctor Who and I'm really enjoying it.  Capaldi seems to be really comfortable in the role and I love the new companion Billie.  She kind of reminds me of Donna.

Off the Blog:

We are in the middle of the end of the school year festivities.  Friday was Field Day which involved a whole day outside doing games and then the fire truck came with the fire hose and sent water high up into the air so that it fell kind of like a waterfall.  The kids loved it and were completely drenched.  I volunteered in the concession stand all day which was fun and crazy.  Thankfully, the weather cooperated and it was clear and sunny though a bit hot at right around 90.  The Tornado and I were both asleep by 9 on Friday night!

I had a DNF this week which was disappointing as it was a book I've been wanting to read for awhile.  I realized that it was time to DNF it when I voluntarily called my cell phone provider to talk about my plan instead of reading!

Eleanor's 22nd birthday is tomorrow.  She's always the easiest one to buy presents for and I've had a good time trying to go with a mix of things that she'll find useful and things that are just fun.  We're also going out to the Melting Pot because who doesn't love to dip stuff in cheese?

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday:  Buns - Contemporary Romance Review
Tuesday:  Top Ten Tuesday - 10 Books on my Summer Reading List
Wednesday: Watching the Detective - Cozy Mystery Blog Tour Review + Giveaway
Thursday:  Love and Death in Burgundy - Cozy Mystery Review
Friday:  Friday Linkups with Current Book
Saturday:  52 Pins in 52 Weeks - May Edition

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Lol about your DNF. Yeah sounds like maybe it was less than gripping! That's a bummer though when a highly anticipated book becomes a DNF. Happy birthday to your daughter tomorrow and your end of school year thing sounded like a lot of fun! I love how there's podcasts for just about everything now and I really wish I took more time to listen to some.

    Have a great weekend!

  2. Haha, the fire hose thing sounds like fun for the kids. And that's wonderful that they had good weather for Field Day!

    Ooh, The Melting Pot! I actually have my own fondue pot, and I'm pretty sure I've used it a grand total or two or maybe three times in the at least ten years I've had it lol. It's just so much work! Fondue is delish though :-)

  3. It field day sounds fun and am glad the weather was good for you the water hose from the fire truck would have came in handy and sounds fun. I hope you have a great week. Happy reading!

  4. I was so excited too to get the new Emily March book, I had been watching out for it on NG but then when I was given the link was I sure happy! Love that series too.

  5. Yawns are normally what let me know when not finish a book but I can see phoning your cellphone provider would be a sign too. Fingers crossed you get all the books you requested. Emma x

  6. I can take it when I get a book in the mail from the publisher and I don't finish it, or I get the book from the library and I don't finish it, but I hate it when I buy the book and I don't finish it.

    We had our field day here, too, and, oh my, we had a Dance Party in the library with a real DJ. I can't remember when I had that much fun!

  7. I always know it's time to DNF a book, when I'm making excuses not to read. It's extra disappointing when it's one you were looking forward to. The Field Day sounds fun but exhausting!

  8. The Melting Pot is my FAVORITE! I love love love that place. Cheesy, brothy, chocolatey goodness. Oh man.

    I need to check out your review on A Reference to Murder! I love cozy mysteries, especially one with a book theme. I'll head there next.

    Hope you have a great week!

  9. That sounds like a fun field day. I am hoping it's not hot for our kids, they never plan anything fun like that.
    I have not been to the melting pot yet. We have one, not close, but might be worth the trip one day.
    Happy Birthday to your daughter, I hope she had a great day!

    Have an amazing week Katherine! Happy Reading! ox

  10. I have a Stardance Summer too! I received it this week and I look forward to reading as well. Have a great week!

  11. The Scottish Shore book sounds good so I went and put the series on my wishlist. That is funny about your DNF but yeah it's time when you would rather talk to them than read. :)

    Have a great week!
    Week in Review

  12. I've never been to the Melting Pot, but would love to try it. Enjoy the birthday celebration!

  13. I still haven't caught up with DW. Is Billie a nice companion? I've heard good things about her. Ooh, she reminds you of Donna! That's definitely a good thing.

  14. Sorry for your DNF but good you knew to do it!! Love the Melting Pot and haven't been there in forever. Enjoy your books and have a great week!

  15. I had to laugh at your DNF and how you decided it was time. Anything is more interesting than talking to cell phone providers...except a boring book.

    I think I'll have to try Emily March...that book looks good, and a series sounds like fun.

    Happy birthday to your daughter!

    Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

  16. Happy Birthday to your daughter and enjoy your dinner out!

    The book about the Scottish castle caught my eye. I love the time period and the setting-- hope it's good. Have you ever tried the Lady Darby series by Anna Lee Huber? Cozy mysteries. I love it, and the first book in the series takes place in Scotland, but further back in time. Just a thought.

    Enjoy your week as school wraps up and Summer takes off!

  17. A hau'oli la hanau to your daughter. I have Emily March on my TBR list for this year. I need to remember to read her. How fun for the kids to be "sprayed" by the local firemen. We are having hot weather here in the east bay too.

  18. I hope you enjoy the books you're currently reading and planning to read this week. Have a wonderful week and happy reading. :)

  19. When you make that phone call it's definitely time to give up on the book. LOL Hopefully you'll find some winners!

    My Sunday Post

  20. Hm... I think you did the right thing with the DNF book, given you'd rather talk about your phone plan than read it:). It's odd to think that you are winding down at school when we haven't yet got to half term. I hope the weather continues to be kind - we have had a great week-end with lovely weather, though the nights are still chilly. Have a wonderful week with Tornado. My Sunday Post -

  21. Who doesn't like to dip things in cheese?! Given what you did instead of read that book it must have been worthy of DNF. Enjoy your new books!

  22. I have never been to The Melting Pot but I think I would enjoy it since I love dipping things in cheese :) Too bad on the dnf but yes if you were calling your phone service rather than read it was probably a good choice. I hope you have a great week!

  23. LOL yeah that would be time to call it quits on a book. lol

    Hope yall had fun on the birthday!

  24. I like Billie too and agree Peter is much more relaxed this year. The storylines have been good. Bwahaha..yeah that is a serious indicator it's time to DNF. Happy Birthday to Elenor, I hope you have fun!

  25. I think I'm about to dnf a book right now, also. Ha ha. I am cramming all of my 52 Pins for this month into this week, too! I picked two super easy recipes from my board. I hope you are having a great week. :)

  26. I'm also trying to keep my requests low until I'm a bit more caught up. There's some I just can't help myself for though! I hope you get the 2 you asked for!

    Field day sounds like it was a lot of fun and I'm glad the weather cooperated.

    I'm sorry you had a DNF - that's never dun.
