
Friday, May 19, 2017

Friday Linkups: Three Fates

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
What do you do with books you no longer want?  Do you donate them?  Do you take them to a half-price bookstore?  Does a friend or family member benefit?

My Answer: 
If I have a friend or family member who I think will enjoy the book I'll pass it onto them.  Otherwise, I typically use paperbackswap and exchange the book for credit to get more books!  If I can't trade them I'll donate them.  So a little bit of all!

This week's book is off of my reread shelf and so far I'm really enjoying it!  Three Fates by Nora Roberts is kind of like a trilogy in one book and is lots of fun.  It also has a lot of factors I always enjoy in a book - strangers coming together to work as a team, historical mystery, research, treasure hunts and different personalities bringing out the best in each other!  I'm really glad it's living up to my memories of it.

The Beginning:
May 7, 1915
Happily unaware he'd be dead in twenty-three minutes Henry W. Wyley imagined pinching the nicely rounded rump of the young blonde who was in his direct line of sight.  It was a perfectly harmless fantasy that did nothing to distress the blonde, or Henry's wife, and put Henry himself in the best of moods.

My Thoughts:
I think 'I'd like Henry W. Wyley.  He's got a little bit of mischief in him but enough common sense and respect for those around him that he doesn't act on it.

The 56:
Cleo went straight to her apartment, though calling the single room an apartment was like calling a Twinkie a fine dessert.  You had to be either really your or stupidly optimistic.

My Thoughts:
I had to laugh at this one!  I know the kind of apartment she's talking about and the term is definitely stretching it a bit!

So what do you think?  Keep reading?


  1. I always love to give my print copies to friends. I love to spread books I love around. These days a lot of my books are eBooks.

  2. I usually give my YA books to my niece and others to a friend r my mom. I have to check out this paperback swap though! Happy reading!!

  3. I think I probably already read and have this one on my keeper shelves. I should make a reread shelf too. This week I am spotlighting Say You're Sorry by Melinda Leigh. Happy reading!

  4. I donate, share, and take to Half Price Books - all of these. Though now that most of my books are e-books, that is less and less relevant. I read THREE FATES years ago and remember liking it a lot. Maybe a reread one day.

  5. Nora Roberts is one of those authors whose books I will always pick up when I see them.
    sherry @ fundinmental Friday Memes

  6. My sister and I read the same genre, so we both read me books. I have also passed on to friends, donated some, and have sold some that I had been sitting on for way too many years. I'd love for you and your readers to check out mine . . .

  7. I think I had that apartment once, back in the 60s...didn't take long to clean, though.

    I enjoy NR, so this one sounds good. Here's mine: “THE PEOPLE AT NUMBER 9”

  8. Too bad Henry Wyley isn't going to stick around in the story. This title sounds good.

    I review children's books, so I'm always giving them to family, friends, neighbors and school libraries. I do take some books to our local used bookstore, as well.

  9. Sounds like a fantastic read! Happy weekend!

  10. Hmmm, I can't remember if I had read this.

  11. That beginning cracked me up. And the 56 quote is great too. Definitely sounds fun! Love books where the humor really works...

  12. I tend to do a bit of all three with my books, too.

    Henry died after that intro? I want more. Oh and the apartment quote has me eager to read on, too. Hope you like them.

  13. I love passing on books ... gotta spread the love raound! 💗

    I have a giveaway with my Friday post! Hope you pop by and join the fun:

  14. I either share with friends or donate to the library sale.

  15. What a great beginning. I guess most people hope to be happily doing something before they die (rather than sadly dying in a hospital). Good opening. My Friday Quotes

  16. I donate 99% of my books to Goodwill or Friends of the Library and give the rest to relatives. Most of my books nowadays are on my Kindle though, or from the library.

    I never read Three Fates, but I did recently get an older Nora Roberts (book 1 in The Circle Trilogy) Morrigan's Cross. Did you ever read that one? Some of Roberts older series & trilogies are fun to pick up.

  17. The beginning!! I am now so intrigued! Hope you enjoy reading it!
    Here's my Friday Reads

  18. Sounds interesting! Maybe I'll have to try Roberts someday. :)

    Lauren @ Always Me

  19. EDITS

    I have been so busy that I haven't gotten to post this Book Blogger Hop, yet. I hope to do it tomorrow. I give the children's books I get to a local non-profit daycare, middle grades go to ky friend's fifth grade reading nook, and YA and adult titles go to the library used book sale. :)
