
Friday, May 5, 2017

Friday Linkups - I Hate Everyone Except You

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
Do you re-arrange and move books around on the shelves or move books off your bookshelves to another area after a certain amount of time or do you just leave them the way they are?

My Answer:
I'm pretty limited in book storage area right now.  I do have one small bookshelf that's devoted to fiction and one larger bookshelf that has non fiction and middle grade.  I used to have books piled up under my side of the bed but for allergy reasons (a rather vicious dust mite allergy) I had to pack them up in plastic storage boxes and put them in the guest room.  Right now the only time a book gets moved is when I read it.  I don't typically keep a book I've read unless it's a book I want to reread or will reference for something.  I usually use paperbackswap to swap books I've read for new books.  At the end of the year I'll fill in gaps on my fiction shelf with books from my storage boxes but that's about all the moving around.  I have plans of turning one of the guest rooms into a library with lots and lots of shelves and once that happens I doubt I'll move books around all that much.

I've been a Clinton Kelly fan since I found his TLC show What Not to Wear at least a decade ago.  The banter between Kelly and his co-host, Stacy London, was always so funny and their advice was always so fantastic.  I was thrilled when I discovered he was on The Chew, a daytime talk show where they mostly talk about food that features Carla Hall, Daphne Oz, Mario Batali, and Michael Symons. He always comes off as hilarious as smart so when I saw his latest book, I Hate Everyone Except You, at the library I knew it had to come home with me and so far it has lived up to my expectations.  It's hilarious, smart, and with a touch of heart.

The Beginning:
In the spring of 1982, I got it into my head that I needed, more than anything in the whole world, to visit Action Park in New Jersey.  The commercials, which played every seven minutes during reruns of Gilligan's Island and The Brady Bunch, spoke to the deepest desires of my thirteen-year-old soul.

The 56:
Mark must have put Meredith on tray duty because she began to tidy the empty tables around us.  She wouldn't look in our direction, and I couldn't blame her.

So what do you think?  Keep reading?


  1. I have limited space too so books are shoved in and space on my one bookshelf so not a lot of moving books around. I loved this book and glad you are enjoying it!

  2. A couple of years ago (has it been that long already?), I did some big purges, and my shelves were definitely rearranged, since some were even eliminated. When I first moved here, I had my unread books on the that there is more shelf space, they "live" in my office on a wicker shelf or on my coffee tables until I get to them. The books I've read are on the remaining shelves, and I haven't rearranged anything since the purges (except to add "read" books to them).

    As for your feature, I didn't realize Clinton Kelly was the one on The Chew, which I see the tail end of most days...just before General Hospital. LOL.

    They are quite the crew, those Chew people.

    Your book sounds tempting...enjoy. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  3. Once books get a place on my shelves, that is where they stay. I don't rearrange very often. The book sounds good. I used to enjoy What Not to Wear despite not wanting to dress like that. I am reading Traitor's Kiss by Erin Beatty this week. Happy reading!

  4. I like Clinton too! Hope you enjoy his book.

  5. Definitely keep reading!
    Well, I have been a book hoarder for some time and recently started getting rid of the ones I read. Unless it's a favorite like The Shell Seekers or a series I loved. Less to dust now and I can pass the books on to someone else. Crazy, right?! I always thought I'd have a big library but that never worked out.

  6. The Chew is one of my favorite shows. I'd probably like this book so thanks for mentioning it.

  7. Never read this author but liking the sound of the book.

    My Friday 56 from The Darkest Thread

  8. I was a "What Not to Wear" fan, too. This sounds like a delightful book that I'd enjoy.
    My Friday post features The River of Corn.

  9. I also have to keep my books in bins. I do have a special shelf for my favourite and prettiest books.

  10. Sounds like a fun read! Happy weekend!

  11. Oh....I wish I could do what you do and not keep the books I have read. Some are such favorites that I just can't part with them.

    Well...I guess I have quite a few favorites. LOL!!

    Thanks for sharing and visiting my blog.

    Have a great weekend, and Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  12. Hi Katherine,

    I am not a huge fan of biographies and to be honest, as a Brit, I know nothing about Clinton Kelly, so this definitely isn't one for me, although I do think I would enjoy his style of wit and sarcasm. I am also intrigued about the budgerigar book cover!!

    I never hold on to a book once I have read it and generally either donate them to friends and family to read and swap, or to the local charity hospice shop where I volunteer. I will sometimes move books around, just to remind myself of the second row of books I have neatly stacked behind the first, which I am assured no longer fools my husband.

    'Paperback Swap' sounds like a great idea, although the latest craze over here, are 'community libraries', where books are left in public places such as disused telephone boxes, with the unspoken promise that if you take a book you should replace it with one for someone else to enjoy.

    A great fun post today, thanks for sharing and have a great weekend :)


  13. This is a tougher question for me because now that I buy so many e-books I guess I keep them, on the e- reader lol. But physical books- yeah I don't move them much. They pretty much stay where they are on the bookshelf, for the most part. The thing now is (and it helps to keep my piles of books down) is I buy mostly e-books, so I only buy physical if I love the book and want to actually own it. When I first started blogging I was buying all physical books and they were starting to pile up!

    Have a great weekend!

  14. Ohh that's great idea for organizing books. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog hop and have a great weekend.

  15. I would definitely read Clinton Kelly's book - love him!

  16. I am a book hoarder, for sure! I wish that I could be as organized as you.

    The title of this one just cracks me up and I am totally intrigued to read more. Thanks so much for sharing it! :)

  17. I'm curious to see what you think of Clinton Kelly's book. How lovely to be able to turn a guest room into a personal library! I'm still waiting for my craft room. If you want to make a header in the subway art style, it's all text boxes and changing their directions. One day when I have time, I will knit you a pair of socks.

  18. Paperback swap sounds like a good idea to shift read books and acquire new ones.

  19. Is it just me or does the parakeet on that cover look like it has a lot of attitude? Hope you enjoy your weekend!

  20. I just bought a bookshelf and moved an empty one upstairs. I now have empty shelves for books but I haven't even arranged my books yet. I threw them on the shelf and walked away. I am sure that the shelves will not stay empty for long. I will look forward to your review of this book. I loved Clinton Kelly!

  21. I love the look of this book, it sounds like a great deal of fun. Enjoy, and have a great weekend.

  22. The summary alone was enough to grab me; I say keep reading. :)

  23. I'm a book hoarder but lack of shelves is definitely taking toll on me too. I just have dedicated two shelves in my cupboard to books. I'm in dire need of some book shelves.
    Sounds like a fun read. Have a great weekend!
    Here's my Friday Reads

  24. Books I've read stay in one place. My TBR and books for review move around all the time. It took me a while to like Clinton Kelly, but once I did I think he's really funny! I'd love for you and your readers to check out mine . . .

  25. I did turn my guest room into a library and it was the best decision I ever made! I don't move books around much, just to take photos of them and read them.

  26. I need to be better about letting go of books, but it's tough. I have to be in the right mood. Otherwise, everything I have read sounds like something I want to read again . . .

    I hope you are enjoying your weekend, Katherine!

  27. Oh you're like my mom with books. She reads and then they're usually given to a community library or the church one. Me...I keep them all. ALL OF THEM. lol

  28. Nice answer to the Blog Hop question! You actually swap books you've already read? OMG, I am, for the most part, unable to do that! Lol. Once I've read a book, especially one I've been highly anticipating, and it's AWESOME, I can't give it away. Not even if I might never read it again, either. (Yeah, I always do tell myself that I'll read it in the future, and it probably won't happen.) The thing is, once I've read a book, and LOVED it, the book has become part of me. I'm totally attached to it! Giving it away would be almost like parting with a member of my family!

    On the other hand, if I TOTALLY CAN'T STAND a book, then it's VERY easy for me to give it away. In fact, I can't WAIT to get rid of it!! This happened to me, for instance, with Cecelia Ahern's "The Gift". OMG, how I HATED that book!! The cover is very pretty, true, but the plot....I just couldn't get into it. Then I skimmed ahead, and discovered that I DETESTED the ending!!!! Think of "It's A Wonderful Life" gone TOTALLY SOUTH. Yup. So I really could NOT wait to get that book out of my life!!

    Another book I HATE is "Wuthering Heights". Needless to say, there's no copy of it in my home library! In contrast, I have several different editions of "Jane Eyre", a book I ADORE!! LOL.

    Interesting pick you have for the other two Friday memes! I've never heard of this book, or its author, before, but that cover is SO cute! From your description, it sounds like a VERY funny book. I'll go check it out on Goodreads!

    Thanks for sharing, and thanks for the nice comment on my own BBH post!! Hope you have a WONDERFUL week!! <3 <3 :) :)

  29. I really need to try this one! :)

    Lauren @ Always Me
