
Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Antique House Murders - Cozy Mystery Review

The Antique House Murders (Oakwood Mysteries #2) by Leslie Nagel

Rating: Good
Source: NetGalley

Description:  Mulbridge House stood, silent and decaying, deep in the woods at the heart of Oakwood, Ohio, long before the passing of Augusta Mulbridge. Yet suddenly everyone in town seems to have a stake in its fate: the greedy heirs, eager to tear it down for a tidy profit; the local preservationists, determined to maintain it as an historic site; the angry neighbors, staunchly opposed to the construction of a modern subdivision. Even Charley Carpenter is forced to admit that her beloved shop, Old Hat Vintage Fashions, could use an infusion of the estate’s treasures.
The clock is ticking. The wrecking ball is ready to swing. All that stands between Mulbridge House and oblivion is one final vote. That, and murder . . .

The trouble begins when Charley walks into auctioneer Calvin Prescott’s office to find her cherished family friend crumpled on the floor. Detective Marcus Trenault quickly connects his death to a string of increasingly violent burglaries plaguing Oakwood. But when Charley uncovers a link to a massive land swindle worth millions, not to mention a drug ring operating out of the manor’s abandoned outbuildings, that theory crumbles faster than Mulbridge House. Now Charley’s racing to catch a killer before everything falls apart.

Genre: Mystery - Cozy

Why I Picked This Book:  I've been wanting to read this series since the first book came out last year and this one has a crumbling manor house!  How could I resist?

My Impression:  I'm embarrassed to admit that I've had the first book in this series The Book Clum Murders on my Kindle since it came out in September but somehow never got around to reading it.  But when I saw the blurb for the 2nd one I knew that there was no way I could resist it so I went on and dove into the series at #2.  I'm glad I did!  I had no trouble figuring out who was who and how they were connected.
I liked Charley.  She knows her business (and what I wouldn't give to go through all the goodies she got at the Mulbridge House!) and is desperately trying to make it work.   She's smart and good at reading people though perhaps a little overenthusiastic in her investigations.  I liked her relationship with Marcus and really just Marcus in general.  He's got a sense of humor and while pride and wanting to keep Charley safe can cause some conflicts he also is willing to listen to her.  Dmitri nicely rounds out the cast.  He's a good friend and kind of balances out Charley.
The mystery on this was really enjoyable and very well done.  I enjoyed watching Charley and Marcus get to the bottom of it.   This was a fun read and I would pay serious money to explore Mulbridge House (without all the murder of course)!  I'm looking forward to revisiting Oakwood very soon.

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?: Absolutely!  I'm looking forward to going back and reading the first book and will be on the lookout for new books in this series.

Would I Recommend this Book?:  I would!  This is a fun cozy series that I think most mystery readers would enjoy.


  1. That is great that you had no problem following along with the story even though you started with book 2. That's actually something I love about romance series. Normally I'm all "must read in order" but with romance series, I pick and choose. And I love it.

    Also, I'm like you. I love old manor houses. :)

  2. Isn't Marcus great? I haven't read this one yet, but I really liked the first book, The Book Club Murders. I have to agree with you about Charley. I like your description of her, "overenthusiastic in her investigations." Haha.

  3. Sounds like a good read and yes a manor would be really fun to walk through - without the murder of course!

  4. I read the first one, but haven't had a chance to read the second one. It looks good.

  5. I like the manor setting! sounds a good one.

  6. Glad you enjoyed this and were able to jump in at #2. Great review!

  7. This sounds like it had some really great characters and I want to go visit that house with you. Glad you enjoyed it!

  8. Cozy mysteries and old houses just seem to go together, don't they? I'm glad you enjoyed this and will put the series on my check-it-out list.
