
Monday, April 17, 2017

Ramblings from the Stacks - When a Book Just Clicks + a Giveaway

I love that feeling when I pick up a book and am instantly swept away and pulled into the story.  It doesn't happen all that often but when it does it's amazing.  These are the books I sneak off to read or pick up to read "just one page" and look up half an hour later.  It's hard to predict what book will do it and it's not always about the quality of the book.  There have been several where I've been completely wrapped up in the story and then half an hour after finishing I'll realize there's a major plot hole or one aspect of the mystery just wasn't wrapped up very well.  So what is it exactly that makes a book just click?  For me it's these things - 

1.    The Author's Voice - There are a few authors who something about the way they write just clicks with me.  Elizabeth Enright, Ruth Ware, Nora Roberts, Julia Quinn, Sabrina Jeffries and Sheila Connolly all qualify for this one.  Even if I don't like the characters there's just something about the book itself that just pulls me in.

2.  The Atmosphere - Atmosphere can really add to my enjoyment of the book and when the feel of the book is permeating every corner of the story I'm in.  Barbara Michaels is amazing at this and Donna Alward's House on Blackberry Hill did this to perfection.

3.  The Book that is Just Exactly What I Need - Sometimes a book comes along at the perfect time.  It can be the book that busts you out of your slump, the book that wakes you up, the book that inspires you, or just the book that entertains you just at the time when you desperately need it.  Some of the books for me have been - Better Ghosts and Gardens by Molly Harper (I needed something funny and light and this was perfect), The Kitchen Counter Cooking School by Kathleen Flinn (I was getting so tired of the daily dinner grind and this was the perfect inspiration), and Recipes for a Beautiful Life by Rebecca Barry (I was in a massive reading slump and this diary style memoir was funny and human and completely what I needed).

4.  The Relationship Between Characters - I love it when a character feels like someone you'd want to be friends with but what really hooks me is when the relationship between characters is a focal point and that relationship is developing as the book goes on.  I love ensemble casts or trilogy type series with a continuing story and each book focuses on a different character.  A recent book that really excelled in that category was Last Chance Matinee by Mariah Stewart (read my thoughts on that book here)


This brings me to the giveaway!  If you want a chance to win a copy of Last Chance Matinee by Mariah Stewart which just happens to be one of my favorite books of the year all you have to do is leave a comment with your email address and your favorite book of the year so far!  A copy is being provided by the amazing people over at Simon & Schuster/ Gallery Books

Can't wait to see everyone's favorite books so far!  What makes a book click with you?


  1. So many favorites but Five for sorrow ten for joy by Rumer Godden struck a chord.

  2. I agree with all of the things that make a book click for you. I think one of my favorites this year was A Million Junes. It caught me off guard with how much I liked it.

  3. My favorite novel this year is The Echo Twilight. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

  4. In This Grave Hour would be my favorite book. I enjoy this series and the history and writing which is captivating. elliotbencan(at)hotmail(dot)com

  5. I think for me the most important thing is the author's voice. Like you, Julia Quinn and Nora Roberts really click with me. So does Julie Garwood, Tessa Dare, Julie James. Also, another huge thing is tone of the book. That is often a huge selling point for me, and tone is usually closely related to author's voice.

    Characters are important too. I have to actually like the main characters. I don't want them to be perfect, but I have to like them. If I don't then I'm not interested. I know not everyone feels that way, but it's a biggie for me. But that goes for both male and female characters.

  6. So far I like Frogkisser by Garth Nix and Behind Her Eyes by Sarah Pinborough. Two very different books, but I enjoyed them both. acctgirl80(at)yahoo(dot)com.

  7. Atmosphere is a big one for me, especially if it's a thriller, and a good ensemble cast or supporting characters is always nice too. And of course if the MC hooks me or is relatable. And you're right- some authors just have it. :)

    I think my favorite this year is The Long Way To A Small Angry Planet.

  8. I love effective scene setting, but it's most about the character for me. I love it when I find myself REALLY caring what happens to the main protagonist. My favourite book this year so far is After Atlas by Emma Newman, very closely followed by Winter Tide by Ruthanna Emyrs. They both have amazing protagonists.

  9. I had a lot of fun reading the new Sophie Kinsella, My Not So Perfect Life. It had the fun of the shopaholic books, but soon had me rooting (and laughing) for Katie Brenner! It's a winner!

  10. My favorite read so far this year is "The Guests on South Battery" by Karen White.

  11. My favorite read so far this year is "The Guests on South Battery" by Karen White.

  12. I haven't reviewed it yet but my favorite book so far this year has been White Hot. I just love all things Ilona Andrews. I have to agree with you on all of your points. Sometimes a book just comes at the right time and it is like the author is speaking to you. I love being sucked into a story.

  13. no fav yet

    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  14. I loved The Last Chance Matinee (not entering giveaway) but equally loved The Garden of Small Beginnings and The Chilbury Ladies' Choir.

  15. Want to add that I alternated listening with reading Chilbury Ladies' Choir. It's an excellent audiobook.

  16. I think my favorite book this year was Game of Shadows by Erika Lewis, it was a fantasy adventure and not my norm but it hit the spot at the right time. :)

    booklady2007 at gmail dot com

  17. So far my favorite book I have read is No Mercy by Sherrilyn Kenyon. Loved it!!

  18. Sorry

  19. It is so true some books have that extra magic that just hooks us in. I did enjoy the audio version of Mariah Stewart's book. Now I want to read Donna Alward's House of Blackberry Hill. By the way she said to watch out for October and George's story (homeless guy) in her present series. Yay.

  20. Yes to every one of these! Especially timing--when I read a certain book at the right time. It's usually when all of these things come into play.

  21. It is sometimes strange what makes a book click. I really realize it when I go to Goodreads and see a bunch of two star ratings. Ha ha. XD

  22. My favorite book of the year? I have read so many really good ones. But the one that touched me the most was An Unexpected Grace by Kristin von Kreisler. Lila Elliot is terrified by dogs after being bitten as a child. A golden, Gracie has been sorely abused and neglected. They help each other heal. Love human interest and cozy mysteries.
