
Friday, April 28, 2017

Friday Linkups - Til Death Do Us Part

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
How many books have you re-read?  If you have re-read a book please tell us the book's title and why you re-read it.

My Answer:
I do reread books though not as often as I once did.  Typically I reread to kind of revisit characters that I really enjoyed meeting the first time around or because I'm kind of in a slump and need a guaranteed good read.  I've reread all of the Agatha Christie mysteries multiple times as well as books by Barbara Michaels, Nora Roberts, Julia Quinn and several others.

This week's book is a random library grab.  I've been wanting to read 'Til Death Do Us Part by Amanda Quick since it came out and it just happened to jump into my bag while I was wandering the shelves.  I've enjoyed her contemporary romantic suspense books under her Jayne Ann Kretnz name and really wanted to see how she added suspense to a historical romance.

The Beginning:
"I've got to get rid of her, Birch." Nestor Kettering reached for the brandy bottle and refilled his glass.

My Thoughts:
This doesn't bode well for "her" and really if it follows along the lines of most suspense novels it doesn't bode to well for Nestor either.

The 56:
She looked at him with a mix of wariness and thinly veiled anxiety.  It was, he thought, the expression of a woman who has just received some bad news and is anticipating more of the same.

My Thoughts:
While I'm enjoying this so far I'm finding the language a little stilted.  I will say that she has some very real reasons for that expression!

So what do you think?  Keep reading?  Any books from your TBR that have unexpectedly jumped to the top of the pile?


  1. I have reread Outlander, The Thorn Birds, and The Shell Seekers. Love those.
    That is a great cover on this book you reviewed. On my TBR list I have jumped up the Inspector Banks books. Peter Robinson is coming out with his latest book in July so I wanted to catch up and finally read his latest book.

  2. I've actually wanted to read Till Death Do Us Part. I'm sad to hear you're not loving it. I've never read any books by Amanda Quick, although way back in the day I read some Krentz books.

    I reread a lot of JQ and Nora Roberts.

  3. I recently re-read Rex Stout's Nero Wolfe books. It's amazing how well some of those older mysteries, like Agatha Christie's, hold up over time.

  4. I have not read this author so I am kind of curious, hope you end up liking it.

  5. I have this on my TBR. I haven't read her work for a very long time, but thought to revisit this year.

  6. yes you should totally finish this, it looks interesting :D def on my TBR as well

  7. This one looks interesting. Enjoy the book!

  8. I don't re-read my favorite books I so wish that I have the time that I could. But I do skim through my favorite parts in books that I remember including my favorite quotes. Have a great weekend and happy blog hopping.

  9. I love this author and enjoyed that book. I'm reading a science fiction novel from my TBR stack - Dragon's Time by Todd McCaffrey. Happy reading!

  10. Those are good authors and good books to re-read. Great reasoning for re-reading.

    I just have never re-read any books.

    Thanks for sharing and have a good weekend.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  11. I don't reread. And I would definitely be curious about this one!

  12. Happy Friday! I don't re- read as much as I did- when I was a kid I re- read all the time! Not so much nowadays. Some recent reads I've thought about re- tackling though, like maybe eight Hundred grapes or something like that, books I really liked but my memory is a bit fuzzy on after a few years.

  13. I started this year in a reading slump and having those favourite books to revisit was so helpful. Great post!

  14. I re-read books now more than ever but I do a lot of re-reads by audio so it is a different experience. I am finding that I don't remember books like I used to. I will be looking forward to your review of Til Death Do Us Part - I like the sound of this book!

  15. I do love Jayne Ann Krentz's books, so I'm curious about her Amanda Quick creations.

    This one sounds good. Thanks for sharing.

  16. I've re-read a lot of Agatha Christie's books as well.

  17. You have me curious for more! Happy weekend!

  18. I just don't have time to go back and re-read these days. I haven't re-read a book in about 5 years or so.

  19. I read also re-read for slumps and I totally forgot about that on my post!

  20. I am not a big re-reader, although I have re-visited a handful of books.

    I hope you end up liking 'Til Death Do Us Part!

    Have a great rest of the weekend, Katherine. Thank you for sharing!

  21. I enjoyed that one from Quick. Not my absolute favorite from er but it was a good time overall. Hope it starts clicking better for ya!
