
Friday, April 14, 2017

Friday Linkups: Tempest in a Teapot

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
When you feature a book in your posts, do you include a book cover?

My Answer:
Yes, always.  I know covers draw me in and make me give a book a second look so I figured that can't just be me!  The only exception will be in a list and then I typically only feature 2 or 3 covers of a list of 10 or so.

This week's book is one I've been wanting to read since it came out in 2014 but for whatever reason never got around to it.  It's no secret that I love a good cozy mystery and I love the idea of one taking place in a tea house that collects tea pots.  Tempest in a Teapot by Amanda Cooper looks really fun and a good break from all the heavier thrillers I've been reading lately.  So far I've been enjoying the lighter pace though I'm suddenly having lots of cravings for scones!

The Beginning:
Thelma Mae Earnshaw peeped through the lacy curtains that adorned the side window of La Belle Epoque, her quaint(ish) inn and tearoom.  She was trying to figure out what had her archenemy and business competitor, Rose Freemont, in such a fuss.

My Thoughts:
Well I'm curious too!  I also want to know why Rose is her archenemy.

The 56:
"You finally did it," Francis said lifting his face and glaring at the senior owner of Belle Epoque.  "You finally killed someone with your awful food!"

My Thoughts:
 Well this makes me want scones a little less but I do want to know what's going on.  I have a feeling that it's not just a simple case of food poisoning.

So what do you think?  Keep reading?  Do you like seeing covers in book related posts?


  1. Sometimes it's fun to curl up with a book that's not too heavy on the mystery, because I've been going really hard core with my suspense novels lately. I love checking out really unusual teapots and cups, too. Sometimes I pay more attention to covers than I should and get some iffy books. Other times, I've done that and missed out on some great stories. Either way, we still like pictures. (lol) Happy Friday!

  2. I like the name of this book and the cover is great! I love a cozy!

  3. Cover appeal is important to me. Hope your current choice was worth the wait--it sounds like a book I'd enjoy too.

  4. Haha! That Page 56 quote is hilarious! And I love the whole setting for this. My love for tea and teapots is real. :)

  5. I love the cover, which grabs me and pulls me into that room. I love inns and cozy places to enjoy tea and scones. And a mystery is always good, too. Thanks for sharing...and here's mine: “THE WIDOWER’S WIFE”

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I can see why it might put you off scones. The cover is delightful.

  8. I always like to feature a books cover too because I love covers so much!! Enjoy this one!

  9. This sounds like fun, especially since it takes place in a tearoom! I love cozy mysteries, too, and this sounds like a good one to add to my TBR collection.
    My Friday post features Still Alice.

  10. I enjoy a good cozy too. I'm not a tea drinker though. This week I am featuring One Fell Sweep by Ilona Andrews. Happy reading!

  11. Sounds like a fun cozy! Happy weekend!

  12. I love a good cozy. They always have such fun titles and covers. And quirky names for their characters.

    My Friday 56 from Grim Tidings

  13. This sounds like a good one, I need to look up this series. :) You know I like a good cozy. :)

  14. Yes, I always like to see a cover. It does affect my interest in a book. Mysteries aren't really a genre I read much, but I do hope you'll enjoy it.

  15. Covers are so important! That's what draws me to a post for sure.

  16. This is year of the cozies for me. Added this one and as I love tea...going to a tearoom tomorrow w/the dames.

  17. Yeah I like to include covers too. And looks like a good book. i like that 56 line!

  18. Keep reading! It sounds great! There are only rare occasions I don't feature a book, like a top ten list when I don't have enough time.

  19. Oh yes....I LOVE books covers and choose books based on covers. :)

    Have a great weekend.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  20. I love that cover! Here is the link to my Friday 56:

  21. Covers tend to draw me in too--although they definitely aren't the only reason I will read a book. Just maybe why I pick it up in the first place. :-)
