
Monday, April 24, 2017

Double Whammy - Cozy Mystery Review

Double Whammy (A Davis Way Mystery #1) by Gretchen Archer

Rating: Good
Source: Publicist

Description:  Davis Way thinks she’s hit the jackpot when she lands a job as the fifth wheel on an elite security team at the fabulous Bellissimo Resort and Casino in Biloxi, Mississippi. But once there, she runs straight into her ex-ex husband, a rigged slot machine, her evil twin, and a trail of dead bodies. Davis learns the truth and it does not set her free—in fact, it lands her in the pokey.
Buried under a mistaken identity, unable to seek help from her family, her hot streak runs cold until her landlord Bradley Cole steps in. Make that her landlord, lawyer, and love interest. With his help, Davis must win this high stakes game before her luck runs out.

Genre: Mystery - Cozy

Why I Picked This Book: This series has been on my TBR for ages and when I got the chance to review it I was less than an hour away from Biloxi so it kind of seemed like a sign.

My Impression:  This book was so much fun!  Think early Stephanie Plum but smarter, tougher, and less likely to have a car explode.  I loved Davis right away.  She's smart and really funny in a self deprecating way and is aware of the rather tremendous mistakes she's made in her past.

There's some setup here as Davis lands in Biloxi desperately trying to get a job in casino security and lands in something she wasn't expecting.  For awhile I wasn't quite sure just what the mystery was going to be.  Davis has a number of small undercover missions at the beginning giving the readers and Davis herself a peak at different areas of the casino and introducing her to a number of quirky, intriguing, and occasionally creepy characters.  I really enjoyed this part and learned that I never ever want to work in hotel housekeeping.  When the dead bodies start showing up the mystery really gets going and I flew through it wondering just what exactly was going on and how was Davis going to get her way out of the mess she had landed in.  An extra treat for me was that many of the areas Davis visits are familiar too me.  I've spent quite a lot of time in South Mississippi and the mention of Davis attending the University of Alabama in Birmingham made me smile.

This was a super fun mystery and a great start to a series.  I really like Davis, Bradley, and the host of side characters at the casino and in Biloxi itself and am really looking forward to seeing what trouble Davis lands in next!

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?: Absolutely!  I'm already looking forward to the 2nd book!

Would I Recommend this Book?:  Absolutely!  If you love cozy mysteries this is a fantastic read!


  1. This one sounds really good. I like the sound of the characters and the plot. I am always looking for my next cozy series! Great review!

  2. This book sounds like a lot of fun. Davis sounds like a great character.

  3. Sounds like this one had a great amount of set up before jumping in!

  4. By looking at this cover, I would totally bypassed it. But your review piques my curiosity now and now I'm adding it to my TBR! Mahalo.

  5. Looks fun. Love the sound of an evil twin, and the casino setting too.

  6. I love the sound of Davis. I recently began the Auction Block cozies and they have me in the mood to read them again.

  7. I do not read a lot of cozy mysteries, but this one sounds like fun. It seems I have been missing out.

  8. You may have sold me with the comparisons to early Stephanie Plum...but better. I will have to check my library for this one. Great review!

  9. This looks like a mystery I could get into. Thanks for sharing! :)
