
Sunday, March 26, 2017

This Week in Reading - March 26

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Murderous Mayhem at Honeychurch Hall by Hannah Dennison - I've really enjoyed the first two books of this series so when I was offered book #3 I jumped at the chance.  This one focuses on Iris's writing a little bit more and I can't wait to see what happens.  (Publisher)

A Reference to Murder by Kym Roberts - I've been wanting to try this series for awhile because it involves a bookstore but I couldn't resist this one which features a missing persons case that's connected to a much older missing persons case (NetGalley)

The Antique House Murders by Leslie Nagel - There's an abandoned old house and I can never resist abandoned old houses - especially if they're full of stuff! (NetGalley)

Buns by Alice Clayton - I've been wanting to try Clayton for ages and I took a chance and requested this one.  I'm super exited to start reading!  (NetGalley)

Miraculous Mysteries: Locked Room Mysteries and Impossible Crimes edited by Martin Edwards - I love these short story collections from Poison Pen Press and I've always been a fan of locked room mysteries.  I'm looking forward to finding some new authors.  (NetGalley)


Reading: The Lake House by Kate Morton and Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck.  I think I made a mistake reading both of these at the same time because they're both on the long side and it just feels like I'm making NO progress.  I think mixing one in with a shorter faster paced book would have been a better idea.  As well I'm reading Dying on the Vine by Marla Cooper on my Kindle.

Listening:  I just finished Diamonds are Forever by Ian Fleming and am waiting for At Home by Bill Bryson to come available.  I read it a few years ago but don't remember much about it except I kept dropping the hardback on my face.  I thought it might be a fun listen.

Watching: I gathered my courage and have been watching the 4th season of Sherlock.  I've watched the first 2 and hope to watch the last one tomorrow. It's super weird and I'm enjoying it though the 1st part of the 2nd episode was just too bizarre.  I'm about to start Victoria with Jenna Coleman which I'm looking forward to watching.  Movie-wise we've got Diamonds are Forever coming up since I just finished the book.

Off the Blog:

I think I've almost recovered from being out of town for 8 days.  I always feel like it takes just as long to recover as the time I've been away.  Thankfully I'm somewhat caught up on laundry and the Tornado is getting his sleep schedule kind of under control.  Vacation hours and daylight savings time combined has us staying up super late and sleeping late and we're all naturally night owls as it is.  That first morning the alarm went off I thought I was going to cry.
Emma and the ridiculously large dog who is quite convinced he's a lap dog

Emma and her boyfriend were able to come join us for part of the vacation which added to the fun.  My grandfather is doing really well and is back to feeling like his old self.  He isn't as mobile as he'd like but he's getting there.   We also came home with a motor home which we're figuring out how to use and looking forward to future adventures.  If anyone has any tips or resources please share!

This week is book fair week at the Tornado's school which is always lots of fun.  I'm volunteering some and J is going to come eat lunch with him and then go visit the bookfair with him.  I'm sure he'll end up with stacks and stacks of books! 

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday:  Agatha Christie Project - Poirot Part 5
Tuesday:  Top Ten Tuesday - Ten Authors I'd Like to Meet
Wednesday: A Perfect Obsession - Romantic Suspense Review
Thursday:  Dying on the Vine - Cozy Mystery Review
Friday:  Friday Linkups
Saturday:  Food Resolutions Check In

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. I couldn't resist saying yes to a copy of Murderous Mayhem at Honeychurch Hall too. :-) I just loved The Book Club Murders by Leslie Nagel. Her new book sounds good too. I hope you enjoy The Lake House. I had trouble getting into another of Morton's books and so haven't tried her again. I should give her another try.

    Love the photo of Emma and the dog. Why is it that big dogs think they can also be lap dogs? LOL So cute. I am so glad your grandfather is doing better. I hope he continues to improve.

    Mouse's school is having a book fair right now too. We went on Friday when I went to pick her up and will probably go again at the Open House this next week.

    I hope you have a great week, Katherine!

  2. You've beaten me to reading The Lake House. Yes I have been hovering but passing it so far because it looks so long! One of those mysteries beckons to you! Good to hear your grandfather has made such good progress.

  3. Murderous Mayhem sounds great and so does A Reference to Murder (because bookstores!). And really curious to see what you'll think of Diamonds Are Forever (book and movie).

    Daylight savings time always messes with me even without vacations on top of it! Ha ha I hate the time change. ;)

    Looking forward to your Christie post. Have a great weekend!

  4. It's always hard getting back into normal schedules after a vacation. But I'm glad to hear your grandfather is doing well :-)

    Haha, it's so funny when big dogs think they're lap dogs.

    The book fair sounds like it's going to be lots of fun! Have a great week :-)

  5. I used to love the school book fair! They are so much fun, and were one of my favorite parts of the school year. Have a good week, and happy reading! :)

  6. I haven't read that Alice Clayton series yet but I like her in general. Hope you like that one!! I agree it always takes me so long to recover from being away. Glad the trip went well and your grandfather is doing better. Have a great week!

  7. I love cozies and Murderous Mayhem At Honeychurch Hall sounds good to me! I hope that you enjoy your books.

  8. My dog thinks he is a lap dog, too. lol

  9. I had to add some of those books to my wishlist but had to go and request The Antique Murder House when I seen it was one I had read the first book on, thought the authors name sounded familiar. :)

    You did seem to tackle a couple big ones at the same time, but hope you are liking them. :) You could always put one down and read a short one then pick it back up. :)

    Have a great week!
    Week in Review

  10. My tip for your new motor home is to share it with your book friends who don't have one. That way it won't just sit in the driveway and take up space. (BTW, I don't have one, and it would be lovely for you to share yours.)

  11. I love Emma's big lap dog. Every now and then my daughter's Labrador retrieve jumps into my lap! I feel the same way about vacations, Katherine. It takes time to get back on track when I get back home.

    Have fun at the Tornado's book fair and have a great reading week!

  12. Emma and her big dog are adorable!

    I've been wanting to read something by Alice Clayton, too...and I love the cover on Murderous Mayhem at Honeychurch Hall. The Antique House Murders looks tempting, too.

    Enjoy! Glad your grandfather is feeling better...and that you had a good trip. Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

  13. Your new books all sound great. I really want to read Buns too. I've only seen the first episode of Sherlock Season 4. I thought I'd taped the other two, but something went wrong with my DVR and didn't get it. Sigh.


  14. I've been wanting to start the Dennison series it looks good. I tried listening to The Lake House on audio, but it wasn't working for me. Eventually I'll read it though. Hope you have a great week!

  15. Such an awesome haul. I am hoping we get Buns in next month's Xoxpert box. LOL Sherlock was weird, but I loved it! Have a lovely week :)

  16. What fun you've been having. We're going to have Book Fair next week. I had to look at my calendar to remind myself of when because tomorrow I'm making the Costco run and thought I'd miss it. You really got through some books this week too.

  17. So much happening and the time change too. You're suffering from time jet lag! It's wonderful to heat your grandfather is recovering. Now to go check out some of those books you shared!

    My Sunday Post

  18. Sounds like you've been busy and that life is still a little crazy! I enjoyed The Lake House movie, or at least thought it was interesting. I haven't read any James Bond, but we always see the movies. I love Agatha Christie's Poirot, so I hope you are/do too!! Thanks for stopping by!

    Tressa @ Wishful Endings

  19. I'm glad that you have been having awesome time. What a great vacation. I'm planning to have a little vacation visiting my parents next month. I miss them so much.
    Btw, the dog is an adorable beast. :-D
    I hope you enjoy your weekend and the book you're currently reading. Have a great week. :-D

  20. Oh how I miss the school book fairs! The elementary school is only about a mile away, so we watch their sign announcing it. This year I'd like to take the grandkiddos to it. We were always popular at the sales since we bought a megaton, so I'm sure they won't mind if we drop in. LOL

  21. I've enjoyed Victoria. Visually, it's wonderful.

  22. Seems like your a really big mystery fan! You should check out the Bakeshop series by Ellie Alexander

  23. Great new books this week! I was so tempted to request Buns on NetGalley but resisted since I still need to read the earlier books in the series. That is one big lap dog :) Have a great time at the book fair and enjoy your week!

  24. Glad you enjoyed the trip! The Man's parents came into town, and I was only around for two days of that. After they left I still wasn't recovered by Sunday night. It does take a while to get back to it. That dog is huge! Our school book fair is next week. I'm hoping to find something new that wasn't there before.

  25. Looks like you've got some great new reads. I love that cover! It definitely makes you want to grab a copy.
    Glad to hear you almost recovered from your trip. Sleeping patterns can be so difficult, especially after trips etc.
    Have a great week and happy reading!

  26. That's some lap dog! I miss going to the Scholastic book fairs so much and I am forever jealous. I hope you are having a wonderful week. :)

  27. Ooo some good looking reads. And gah yes Ive had moments where the alarm goes off and tears feel like a real possibility. lol
