
Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Home at Last - Contemporary Romance Review

Home at Last (Sanctuary Island) by Lily Everett

Rating: Very Good
Source: Publisher

Description:  Marcus Beckett left Sanctuary Island after his mother's funeral, and he hasn't been back since. Until now. Needing a change from the high-risk, high-stakes life of a bodyguard, Marcus makes a solitary life for himself running the neighborhood bar in his hometown. His only mistake? Seducing and then dumping the town's sweetheart, Quinn Harper. Marcus knows he did the right thing—a good girl like Quinn has no business with a broken man like him. But now no one will come to his bar, and he's watching his last chance at a peaceful life go up in smoke. So when Quinn proposes a fake four-week courtship, he can't refuse...even though he knows it's a bad idea.
It's a romantic charade that will buy Quinn time to distract her mother and father from their own martial problems—and will help Marcus welcome back some paying customers besides. But what begins as an engagement of convenience slowly transforms into a deeper connection, one that heals both of their hearts...and ignites the simmering passion between them. Could it be that pretending to be together is just what Quinn and Marcus needed to give their real love a second chance?

Genre: Romance - Contemporary

Why I Picked This Book: I read the first Sanctuary Island book and really liked it and then read the book right before this one (Coming Home) and loved it!  I really enjoyed the relationship between Marcus and Quinn in the last book so I was really looking forward to them getting their own story.

My Impression:  *Happy sigh* I expected to enjoy this one.  I had really enjoyed getting to know Quinn and Marcus is the previous book.  They had great chemistry and serious baggage and brought out the best in each other even though they didn't really realize it.  I wasn't expecting all the feels and alll the sweetness that this story contained.  Plus, there's a fake relationship!!  I love a fake relationship!  And with all good fake relationships the reasoning makes some sense, benefits both characters and is totally a cover for the fact that this really isn't such a fake couple after all.
I loved getting to know Marcus better.  In the previous book there were slight hints as to his past and while it took awhile to get the full story I enjoyed the peeks behind his reserve - especially his friendship with. It's Patty.
Quinn's parents play a big role in the story and and the plot is very much focused on their marriage.  I normally worry when a character gets too wrapped up in their parents' lives as it can feel a bit childlike.  However, in this case the concern made a lot of since.  As well I didn't feel like Quinn's reaction was too off the mark.  My parents got divorced when I was an adult and there is a certain feeling of being adrift - and I was a whole lot more settled than Quinn was.  I also really enjoyed that the book really shows the challenges of a long term marriage and how it can be as difficult or more difficult than a relationship that is just starting out.
This was a really wonderful contemporary romance that focuses on a number of different relationships with all the complications and wonder.  I truly enjoued this visit to Sanctuary Island and loved getting to know Quinn and Marcus.

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?: Absolutely!  I really think this might be the last Sanctuary Island boo but luckily there are still a few earlier ones I haven't read yet.  And of course I'll be eagerly awaiting the next book from Lily Everett

Would I Recommend this Book?:  Definitely!  This was an absolutely wonderful read - especially if you like contemporary romance like RaeAnne Thayne and Emily March.  While not necessary I think this book will be more enjoyable if you read Coming Home first.


  1. This looks good. I love RaeAnne Thayne's books, so I'm sure I'd like this one. I'll have to look for it.

  2. Ah man, I did not request this one. I was sure that I had.

  3. Is it bad that I just want to read this book because that heroine's name is "Quinn"? Although the fake relationship is totally appealing too. And your glowing review! I've just added this to my TBR.

  4. Glad that you enjoyed this one. I'll look at this. Thanks for sharing! I love your review. :-D

  5. Oh gosh, another series I'd love, I'm sure :) Adding it to my list!

  6. I do enjoy Lily Everett and this book has a fake relationship. I need this book! I had a widget for the book on NetGalley and didn't grab it because I am so far behind. Kind of regretting that now. Great review!

  7. You've convinced me that I need to read these last few books in this series. Just need to make room for it. Enjoyed the earlier ones. I like it when you get introduced to characters and then get there full story in the next book.

  8. Aww this sounds so sweet! I love fake relationship stories and this one sounds like a nice second chance one too (: I'll have to keep this in mind! Glad you enjoyed this so much! Lovely review, Katherine!

  9. I actually have book one on my wishlist and need to start this series before it gets too far ahead! Wonderful review Kathyrn.

  10. Yas! on those fake relationships. She's on my list to try out. So many loving on this one, too :)

  11. You've been slowly reeling me in on this author, and I think with this review, you've finally hooked me. 'Scuse me while I go see if my library has a copy!
