
Friday, March 3, 2017

Friday Linkups: Mandy

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
When you start reading a novel, do you prefer to be plunged right into the action or do you prefer a slower more descriptive introduction to the plot and characters?

My Answer:
It depends on the book itself I think.  If the plot is all action than I like leaping right in but if the book is more character driven or relies more on the atmosphere than a slower descriptive introduction works.  The main thing for me is regardless of the speed of the start I'm immediately interested in the story!

This week's book is one I'm really excited about and one I wish I had discovered when I was a kid as it would have been a book I think I would have loved.  I discovered it on Goodreads when I first joined up and was looking through the recommendations and it's one of the reasons I really wanted to up my Middle Grade fiction reading this year.  Mandy by Julie Edwards (better known by her maiden name Andrews) is a story about an orphan with her own private refuge and a book I'm absolutely loving!

The Beginning:
On the outskirts of a pretty country village called St. Martin's Green, there stands a large, white house called St. Martin's Orphanage.

My Thoughts:
In the blurb it mentions that the Matron is kind to her but I like that it opens with pleasant imagery.  So often orphanages in this kind of fiction are gloomy and miserable but this sounds pretty.

The 56: 
Sue spoke in a soft voice, "Mandy, shall we go to the old quarry tomorrow and play?  It's Sunday and it would be fun."

My Thoughts: 
The quarry does sound like a fun place to play though it does make me wonder just how much supervision these kids have as it doesn't sound very safe!

So what do you think?  Keep reading?


  1. Isn't it interesting to think that Julie Andrews wrote books? What gifts - that gorgeous voice and beautiful face and also writing talent! She really is Mary Poppins!

  2. I like the opening too. And we used to play at a quarry when we were kids. Knowing what it's like, I know it's not a safe place. Lovely cover.

  3. I love the cover and the imagery in the opening lines. I don't often read MG books...but not that long ago, I read The Secret Garden, one I hadn't read as a child...and realized how captivating these books can be. Thanks for sharing.

    Here's mine: “A SEPARATION”

  4. Something about the opening line and the description reminds me of A Little Princess. One of my all time favorites. I agree completely with you on the Book Blogger Hop answer. But as we know by now - we tend to have similar taste!

    Hope you will have a good weekend. Chat again soon.

  5. I think I've read this one but am not 100% sure. I hope you enjoy it. This week my YA choice is The Swan Riders by Erin Bow. Happy reading!

  6. This sounds lovely. Keep reading it for sure! Thanks for sharing with us! I'd love for you and your readers to check out my BB and 56 . . .

  7. I think for me it would depend also on my mood. Sometimes I want a book that jumps right into the deep end. Other times, not so much.

  8. This sounds pretty interesting. Enjoy! :-)

  9. Such a beautiful and sweet cover! The opening makes me think of "once upon a time."
    My Friday post features The Other Daughter.

  10. I do need to have a book hold my attention, so if there is slow parts there needs to be some action parts to break it up. I normally give a book 50 pages to hold my interest.

  11. Sounds like a good read! Happy weekend!

  12. I like to be right int he thick of things when starting a book. I need a quick start. Love the cover of that one - enjoy!

  13. I love a book that dives right into the action from the get go.

    Thanks for playing along on BBOF!

  14. Good points to ponder about leaping right in. Thanks for those thoughts.

    Have a good weekend.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  15. I'm the same way- it depends on the book. I do like a quick beginning though but sometimes it's nice to be eased into the atmosphere too.

  16. I like a more subtle hook in the beginning with a build to the action. Mandy sounds wonderful, I will have to check it out. :)

  17. I had no idea that Julie Andrews had written a book. I love her! I really like to jump right into the action in books. It can slow down after the start but I like it when it grabs me from the beginning.

  18. I really need to read more middle grade reads myself. I use to read them all the time, they were so charming. Hope you enjoy this one!

  19. Playing in a quarry? That sounds dangerous! I like the cover - it is a pleasing depiction of an orphanage.

  20. Exactly! I think you worded it so well, Katherine. Regardless of the type of start, I have to be interested enough to want to keep reading.

    I hope you are enjoying your weekend!

  21. You make a great point regarding novel introductory styles! I hadn't thought of this, but you're absolutely right; if a book is action-packed, it makes sense that the beginning chapter would start off with a bang. Novels that are more character-driven can afford the luxury of a slower introduction to the story.

    In my case, my current mood is what steers me toward one or the other writing style.

    Oh, what a pretty cover for the novel "Mandy"! This book does sound like a great middle-grade read! Enjoy!!

    Thanks for dropping by and commenting on my BBH post!! Have a great week!! <3 :)

  22. I'm with you on that. I like a mix of big bang early on and easy start. Just depends on the story and the author :)

    And I think I'm done comment bombing ya for today. lol
