
Friday, March 10, 2017

Friday Linkups - The Lake House

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question
How far in advance do you read the books you have scheduled for review?

My Answer:
Not nearly as far in advance as I'd like!  My goal is to be at least 2 weeks ahead but now I'm lucky if I'm a full week ahead.  I haven't even started the book I'm scheduled to review on Thursday!

Do you ever read a book by a new to you author and think "That was fantastic!  I need to read everything this author has written!" and then proceed to never read them again?  Well that's me with Kate Morton.  In the pre-blogging days I read The Forgotten Garden and absolutely fell in love with it,. I was thrilled when I saw that she had written several other books and I knew I was absolutely going to read those.  But they're pretty long and heavy on atmosphere so I didn't want to jump into the next one at once so I put off a little bit.  Well fast forward four years later and I'm not finally picking up another book by her!  When I saw the blurb for The Lake House which involves and abandoned house I knew I just wouldn't be able to resist it and I'm super excited to finally be getting back to Kate Morton's world!

The Beginning:
Cornwall, August 1933
The rain was heavy now and the hem of her dress was splattered with mud.  She'd have to hide it afterwards; no one could know that she'd been out.

My Thoughts:
This sounds like very unpleasant weather to be out in.  I'm definitely wondering where she was and what she was doing - especially since she has to hide the fact that she'd been out.

The 56:
Sadie cursed into the reciever as the phone line went dead and dug around in her pockets for more change.  She redialed but the call went straight to Donald's voice mail.

My Thoughts:
For starters who uses a pay phone anymore?  I didn't really know you could still find them.  And why did the line go dead?  Did she run out of time or did Donald hang up on her?  I'm thinking the latter since it's going to voice mail.

So what do you think?  Keep reading?  Are there any authors you've been neglecting that you really mean to read?


  1. I read this one at the end of last year for a mystery book group meeting in January. I loved it! Sadly, I didn't get to attend the meeting as I was in the midst of the flu. I heard from the group that many loved it, some didn't love it, and some were so-so. Pretty successful then. I was also told that the discussion was good. For me, Kate Morton's books are sort of 'next generation' books to the ones I read as a teenager - the Gothic suspense books. Enjoy!

  2. Just started rain here before I came to your blog. Beginning makes me wonder what she was up to. I'd love for you and your readers to check out mine...

  3. I've never read anything by this author. The bits you shared do make me interested in giving the book a try. I have a cozy this week - Purr M for Murder by T. C. LoTempio. Happy reading!

  4. I hope you are enjoying it, I haven't read this author.

  5. I loved The Lake House...and I did plan to read more from this author. Soon! Thanks for sharing, and here's mine: “EENY MEENY”

  6. I liked the beginning and 56. Enjoy your current read!

  7. I always have dozens of authors I'd like to read and don't seem to get to. Right now I'm doing a challenge that is pushing me to read genres and authors outside my usual, which helps.

    As for how far in advance I read the books I review, ideally I like to finish them at least a few days in advance so I have time to process. Like you say, itt's so hard to do sometimes. One reason I like reviewing children's picture books. You can read one in no time.

  8. I do that too! It takes a nudge about a new book by the author to remind me. I know I should keep a list, but you know how that goes. LOL This sounds wonderful.

    My Friday 56 from The Roanoke Girls

  9. I need to read Kate Morton. Everyone seems to love her books! As for the pay phone, I would probably assume the book takes place before 2000, though I know they were disappearing well before that.

    As for reading an author and then forgetting or not getting around to reading more... yes, I do this. Especially since I started blogging. I get caught up in all the ARCs I need to read, and the books that aren't ARCs sometimes fall by the wayside. Susanna Kearsley, Deborah Crombie, and several other authors are in my "started to read them, really want to read them all, just haven't gotten around to it" category.

  10. Oooooo.....I LOVED The Lake House. ENJOY!! The Forgotten Garden is one of my all-time favorites.

    I hope you get your book started. I have my reviews done way ahead of time. It's just me.

    ENJOY your weekend.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  11. I know many book bloggers loved that book. I like her writing; it's cool. If I thoroughly enjoyed a new-to-me author's book, I will put other ones by her on my TBR but only the ones that interest me. My mum will go on and read all the books the library has of an author.

  12. Ooh I like that beginning. What's she up to? Plus Cornwall and the '30's lol. Sounds like a winner. :) And I'm a mood reader so it's a good thing I don't take review copies very much or I'd be in trouble.

  13. Kate Morton is an author I haven't yet had the pleasure of reading and yet I feel I should:).

  14. I am so happy you like this book! I love Kate Morton !

  15. I've read some other Kate Morton titles, but not this one yet. Enjoy!

  16. This has been a really popular author at my library lately! Happy reading. :)

    Lauren @ Always Me

  17. I think I have The Lake House sitting on my shelve so I am eager for your review. I am never as far ahead as I would like. I do have a rule that if I have a read book that I haven't reviewed and an open day on the blog then I need to get the review done on that day. I actually only have 2 unreviewed books right now...oops.

  18. I like the opening, and I'm curious about why she has to hide that she's been out. The 56 was confusing. It couldn't have taken place in 1933 since, of course, there wasn't voice mail back then, so I'm guessing it takes place sometime much later. It can be fun when plots go from the past to the present and back again... or it can be confusing. I hope you enjoy the book.
    My Friday post features Blueprints.

  19. I am sure this one is on my GR list. :-) Looks really good! Happy weekend!
