
Friday, March 17, 2017

Friday Linkups - The Grapes of Wrath

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
Do you read a lot of diverse or own voices books?  Why or why not?

My Answer:
Not really.  I'm not purposely choosing to not read them it's just I typically read genre fiction like mysteries and romance which I'm not sure really have options that fall under the diverse or own voice tag.

This week's book is a classic I've been wanting to read for awhile.  I've really enjoyed everything I've read by Steinbeck (except The Pearl but I refuse to speak of that one) but somehow never managed to read The Grapes of Wrath which feels like the book he's best known for.  So far I'm really enjoying it.  There's something about Steinbeck's writing style that I always enjoy and I'm reading a chapter or two of this a night.  It's like a little treat at the end of the day just with lots of dust and sorrow.

The Beginning:
To the red country and part of the gray country of Oklahoma, the last rains came gently, and they did not cut the scarred earth.

My Thoughts:
I love how visual this is.  I normally don't think of Steinbeck being particularly descriptive but I can just see the rain and the earth.

The 56:
Muley observed, "Judge says he give you a light sentence 'cause it wasn't all your fault"

My Thoughts:
I love how matter of fact Steinbeck's dialogue is and this scene is a really perfect example of that.

So what do you think?  Keep reading?  Are there any classics that you've been meaning to read but just somehow haven't picked up yet?


  1. I read this one such a long time ago, but have a copy of this book sitting close by, with my other potential rereads. Thanks for sharing.

    Here's mine: “NEVER CHANGE”

  2. How are you liking that? Always wanted to try it but then not

    Friday Memes

  3. I've always wanted to read this one. Enjoy. The Undoing Project is my Friday book.

  4. I've hear such great things about this one, but it's not on my list to read any time soon. Way too many things going on right now. Hugs...

  5. It's been so long since I read this I can hardly remember it. I bet I'd appreciate it more now.

    My Friday 56 from Bone White

  6. I stick with my favorite genres of mystery, historical fiction, and women's fiction.

    ENJOY your weekend.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  7. I love this original cover. And I love, love, love Steinbeck. Here is my Friday 56:

  8. I do have a fair amount of classics I'd like to get to, but I don't always make the time! I keep saying maybe this year. :) The Grapes of Wrath is definitely one I have not read, and probably should. I'd like to get to more Mark Twain too.

  9. I also usually read a genre that I'm most comfortable with like romance and humor, but I will venture into other genres if I'm interested in another title.

    Here’s my Book Blogger Hop!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  10. Wow, that takes me back. It's ages since I last read Steinbeck

  11. I somehow made it through school without being assigned to read any of Steinbeck's work. I am not really a classic reader so I don't know if it will ever happen at this point. I will look forward to your thoughts on it.

  12. It's such a long time since I read this one - but I do know 'Of Mice and Men' far better (I used to teach it as part of the GCSE syllabus when tutoring) and his prose remains punchy, if a tad descriptive for modern tastes. But his feel for story and character is sublime. Thank you for sharing.

  13. I read this decades ago, probably in high school. I feel a bit bad because I've read little of the classics. I would prefer an audio version.

  14. I love John Steinbeck!
    Happy weekend!

  15. I was just thinking how cozies don't really go in the direction of diverse very often do they? I'll have to explore that more. I know I'm finding more and more other types of mysteries that do--although not in great number.

  16. I haven't read The Grapes of Wrath either. I agree with your statement - I am pretty solid in a few genres, and they don't lend themselves much to diversity.

  17. I've only ever seen the movie - I wonder how similar they are?
