
Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Top Ten Tuesday - Ten Romance Tropes I Love and Hate

This week's Top Ten Tuesday topic from The Broke and the Bookish is Romance Tropes I Love and Hate.  This was a fun topic because there are certain things I look for in books and certain topics that set my teeth on edge just reading the blurb.  So here are 5 tropes I love and 5 tropes I hate.

Tropes I Love

The fake engagement/courtship/boyfriend - I love this one!  The best thing about a fake relationship is that it forces a lot of one on one time that the couple wouldn't ordinarily have which means lots of banter, getting to know each other, and developing an emotional connection.  Then there's also the moment when one or both people realize that the fake relationship isn't so fake and they have to deal with it.  Love it!  Example - The Duke and I by Julia Quinn

The marriage of convenience - This pretty much only works in historicals but it's still a favorite.  I think it sort of brings a contemporary element to a historical in that the couple no longer has to deal with social restrictions in their relationship and can do as they wish. Example - The Devil in Winter by Lisa Kleypas

The forced team - Road trip?  Snowbound?  Forced to work together for a best friend's wedding or for a super important work project?  I'm completely on board! - Example - All I Want by Jill Shalvis

The best friend's little sister/brother's best friend - I love this kind of old friends meets forbidden love style relationship!  Example -Tears of the Moon by Nora Roberts

The second chance - I love when characters have a history as it makes the quick relationship that's so normal in romances actually feel normal.  They've already done the getting to know each other portion of the relationship.  Plus, I love seeing character growth and 2nd chances are always great about that. Example - Somebody Like You by Donna Alward

Tropes I Hate

The love triangle - I can't stand 99% of love triangles.  They always feel so unfair to one of the characters and I find my sympathy goes to the one not chosen or left at the altar instead of the couple that I'm supposed to be rooting for.

The misunderstanding - Seriously just communicate!  That woman you saw him with at dinner may be a sister or a cousin for all you know.  Just because she's has an inheritance of some known amount doesn't mean she's a mean rich girl like all the others who were mean to you before.  Seriously just talk to each other!

The revenge story - I hate revenge stories or any other type story where one person is misrepresenting themselves and their motives to the other.  It's just icky.

The secret baby/unexpected pregnancy - I hate this one so much and really never seen the romantic aspects of it.  I'd keep going but I've had to delete 3 rants so far so I think I'm just going to leave it at that.

Anything that even vaguely hints at cheating - Nope, nope, nope.  If one of the characters has not clearly ended things with the former significant other I'm just not okay.  Planning on ending it doesn't count.  I also don't like when one character is clearly not over their past significant other.  While that's not actually cheating it isn't a good sign for the relationship!

What romance tropes do you love?  Which ones do you hate?


  1. Can I just say yes. I agree with you on all of these!! The fake relationship made my list today. I also love the best friends sibling and forced team. I am kind of neutral on cheating though but I can totally do without it. Great list!!

  2. Oh, you really nailed it with these. Seriously. I agree with each and every one. Especially the cheating one. Absolutely, no. If a cheater, then can't be trusted is my motto. Good job! And Happy Valentine's Day!

  3. YES! To all of the same love and hates! lol. I can't stand any cheating in my romances. It's an instant "no" from me. Love triangles drive me crazy. I REALLY love the best friend's little sister/brother's best friend. I love the forbidden romance aspect. I also love friends to lover and second chances

  4. Revenge stories are the worst! Well, I don't mind if they are revenge stories if the person looking for revenge doesn't do something to hurt the heroine. But I hate it when the hero has this plan to get revenge on someone else, and decides to use the heroine (even though she isn't at all involved) to get back at the other person. That was a huge reason why I didn't like A Rogue By Any Other Name and What I Did for a Duke.

  5. Fun list, Katherine! I admit to liking the fake engagement/courtship/boyfriend trope too. Second chance ones are good too. The misunderstanding . . . I get that some misunderstanding may be necessary, but when it is drawn out beyond reason--ugh! I really do wish this one could be avoided altogether. Communication is good. Thanks for sharing!

  6. I am at the point if there is a love triangle in a book, I won't read it... I just hate it so much!

  7. Yes to communication lol! Talk it out people ha ha. I do like the road trip trope at times and second chances can be fun. Not that I'm a big romance reader but just in general romances. Not a fan of love triangles either.

  8. Such a great list! I hate love triangles/secret babies/and seriously how hard is it to just talk.

  9. Miscommunication is almost always a No for me, as are love triangles. I'm sure it can work in certain titles but most of the time? NOPE! I do like second chance romances too though.


  10. ugh i hate love triangles too!! And I actually did contemporary marriage of convenience books today - My TTT

  11. I despise love triangles and the miscommunication thing. Seriously, can't the characters just TALK to each other? These situations always seem so unrealistic to me.

  12. I'm with you on all the positive tropes. Excellent.

  13. You just nailed it. Those are the exact points which come to my mind while thinking about Things I hate or Love. Also Jill Shalvis, Julia Quinn and Lisa Kleypas made into my Fav romance books list, Check out My TTT
    Also was already following you on Bloglovin' but it got messed up and I had to create a new one so followed you again! Also added you on Twitter and IG, I am already your fried on Goodreads, covered all the social medias lol!

  14. I agree with your likes and dislikes! My favorites are friends to lovers and second chance at love.

  15. Yes - I thoroughly agree with you - WHAT is it with love triangles that makes anyone think they are anything other than a heartbreaking mess where someone gets badly hurt?? As for asking me to be sympathetic to anyone cheating on their longterm partner? Bah!

  16. Totally agree with all 5 of your choices to love, and every author you used as an example is fantastic. You already know that I, just like you, hate anything even remotely tied to cheating. I can't handle it in real life and definitely don't want to read about it. (lol) The baby and revenge thing - noooooo! (lol) Great topic! Hugs...

  17. Fun, fun! I love that you gave examples! I also hate love triangles; they annoy me no end! Also insta-love and I don't have a particular title but I'll share just one author who tends to use this trope: Sandra Brown. Well, insta-lust for sure, but then it usually becomes love. Thanks-- good choice of topic and titles.

  18. I love this entire list and I agree 1000%! And there are examples! :D

  19. Cheating of any kind is not my kind of trope. Don't like it at all. I'm pretty sure the love triangle is universally hated, but why must we continue to get books with this trope? Great list!

  20. Best friend's little brother? My nephew married his sister's best friend two years ago - totally a real thing that could happen! And the love triangle? I hate that one, too. Either someone is hurt and I feel bad for them or that third person is such a jerk that you can't imagine what had appealed about them in the first place.

  21. The marriage of convenience!! I love it, and the fake relationship and forced team!
    And yes, no more love triangle and misunderstanding!

    Great list, Katherine!

  22. My list would have been easy. None. Ha ha. XD

  23. Oh yes. I'm with you on all of the hates. I loath those.

    Marriage of convenience I lump in with fake mates and adore both! I read a contemporary marriage of convenience this past year that was fun. Jessica Lemmon's The Bachelor Billionaire.
