
Saturday, February 4, 2017

This Week in Reading - February 5th

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.  I'm also linking up with What are You Reading hosted by Kathryn over at Book Date

What I Got:

Last Chance Matinee by Mariah Stewart - I was a huge fan of Mariah Stewart's romantic suspense and while I've found her Chesapeake Diaries series a little inconsistent when they're good I've really loved them.  I'm super excited about this first book in the Hudson Sisters series about 3 sisters forced to work together to restore an old theater in order to claim their inheritance.  (Publisher)

Somebody's Baby by Donna Alward - I'm super excited about this book which is the 3rd in the Darling, VT series.  I really enjoyed the first book in the series and this one involves Rory Gallagher a veterinarian and brother to the heroes in the first two books.  (Publisher)

That's it for this week so far but I'm planning on going to the bookstore later (I'm writing this Saturday morning) so there may be a few more!


Reading: The Fifth Petal by Brunonia Barry and Still Life by Louise Penny.  I've just started both so I don't have any thoughts on them yet but I'm super excited to finally be reading Louise Penny!

Listening:  I finished a radio adaptation on The Hound of the Baskervilles and really enjoyed it.  I don't think I've really read the story since we read it in school 20+ years ago but I do know I liked it way better now than I did at the time.  I'm next in line for The Woman in Cabin 10 by Ruth Ware which I'm super excited for and until then I'm listening to podcasts.  

Watching: I've been catching up on the 3rd series of The Librarians and really enjoying it.  It's a bit cheesy but still lots of fun.  

Off the Blog:

The plague has hit our house which I suppose is only fair because we've all been really healthy for months.  J came home from work early one day took a nap  and was okay.  Then the Tornado was complaining about a headache when I picked him up from school and it turned out he had a low grade fever.  He missed a day of school but for the most part felt fine.  Then of course I woke up not feeling well and spent 3 days in bed.  I'm not sure if I'm just wimpier or if the bug was getting stronger as it went along.  I'm hoping the latter is the case.  The good thing was that I was actually able to read for some of the time.  Usually when I'm sick reading isn't going to happen but this time I managed to get a good bit read which was nice.

Our anniversary was this week (14 years) and we had talked about going out for a nice dinner this weekend but decided to put it off since I can't taste anything.  Instead we went out Saturday for lunch and some fun shopping. I woke up Saturday feeling like a human but I have a feeling I'll be dragging pretty soon!  

On the Blog:

What Happened:

Monday: The Wicked City - Blog Tour Historical Fiction Review
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday - My Top Ten Favorite Picture books
Wednesday: Somebody Like You - Blog Tour Contemporary Romance Review
Thursday: At Close Range - Romantic Suspense Review

What's Coming Up:

Monday: On Second Thought - Women's Fiction Review
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday - Ten Books I Wish Had More/Less __ in Them
Wednesday: Fifth Petal - Blog Tour Mystery Review
Thursday: Close to Home - Contemporary Romance Review
Friday: Friday Linkups with current book
Saturday: TBD

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. The woman in Cabin 10 I think you'll like- such a tense little mystery! Everyone I know is sick (including me right now) definitely no fun- hope you feel better. And happy anniversary!

  2. The Last Chance Matinee looks very tempting. I've never read the author, but I am definitely broadening my list of authors when I try a book from one of them.

    Enjoy your week, and thanks for visiting my blog.

  3. Just th same here we'd all been really healthy for months and today.. the flu! Hope everyone feels better soon! I'm the opposite, being sick gives me the much needed downtime to read :) good that you still managed to read some :) Happy 14th Anniversary!

  4. Sorry to hear everyone's been unwell and I hope you do get to celebrate the anniversary!

    Will be interested to hear what you think of The Woman in Cabin 10 as I was a bit disappointed in it. I quite disliked the lead character so struggled to engage at all!

  5. I'm sorry the family cold has affected you the most. Get well and take care of yourself.

  6. Happy Anniversary!

    Oh goodie! Woman in Cabin 10. Tell the library to hurry up. :D I watched the first 3-4 episodes of The Librarians, but haven't continued.

    Hope you feel better!

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Sorry to hear about you getting sick. I hope you get better soon!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays!

  9. Sorry about the bug spreading through your house :-/ But at least you were able to read :-) Feel better and have a great week!

  10. Sorry you got zapped - it's always grim when it runs through the family like that, though I'm pleased to see you managed to get some reading done. Hope this week you manage to fully recover and feel a lot better!

  11. Sorry you guys have been sick, but it doesn't sound like it was the flu. Healing thoughts winging their way to you. Take care of yourself. It's always nice when reading can happen when you're not feeling well.

    And yay for starting STILL LIFE. Hope you like it. Just know that the books and her writing get more complex and lovely as the series goes on. Happy anniversary! Have a good week!

  12. Sorry everyone was sick. Hope it stays away for a while now!

  13. I thought The Woman in Cabin 10 was okay, though I think everyone else liked it more than I did. I found it confusing at times since I listened to it as it jumped around. I am sure you will enjoy it. :)

    The cold monster has hit my house but only my dad. I keep using lots of Lysol

    Have a great week!
    Week in Review

  14. Oh we had a bug go through our house a couple weeks ago and it is the worst. Glad you are feeling better. Happy Anniversary!!! Have a great week!

  15. Hope you are now feeling better, and the rest of the family. Yay for buying more books! And happy anniversary, too!

    Your review this week had me searching for Alward on GR to see what titles she wrote and what the books are about; I might pick one up.

    I used to read all the Mariah Stewart suspense and really liked them, but haven't read the Chesapeake series and don't have much momentum to want to. I'm intrigued by her new series, and fingers crossed it'll be a good one!

    I've read the first two by Louise Penny. I found them quite good-- if I'm in the mood. They're "quiet stories". Even-keeled, no major ups and downs nor intensity, but sometimes that is just what we're looking for.

  16. Happ anniversary- hope you have fun celebrating it when you feel better.

  17. I think i tried a Mariah Stewart Chesapeake book but never kept at it. This series sounds really good so will watch for your review when you've read the book. Hope the bug has left the house!!

  18. Happy anniversary and I hope you feel better soon. I haven't read any of Mariah Stewart's books but The Last Chance Matinee sounds good. I hope you have a good week!

  19. The bug is at our house too. The cough is taking forever to leave. Hope you all feel better soon. Happy Anniversary!

  20. Oh no! I am sorry that you guys were sick this week. Happy Anniversay! 14 years is something to be proud of. I have a copy of The Fifth Petal so I am really looking forward to your thoughts on that one. Have a great week!

  21. The flu, strep, and the stomach bug have been going around our school. One of my students came to class one day last week and said she'd just been in the nurse's office and she had sent at least 10 kids home that day. I am Cloroxing everything and avoiding their hands like crazy. I hope the drag gets its butt on. I'm glad you still had an enjoyable anniversary!

  22. Happy anniversary! But oh no on the ick. Darn it knocking ya down for so long. Hope you were able to make it to the bookstore :)

  23. Hope you had a great time at the book store. :-)
    sherry @ fundinmental Sunday Memes

  24. I am comment vomiting on your posts in reverse order, so I am happy everyone in your house is healthy now!
