
Friday, February 17, 2017

Friday Linkups - The Woman in Cabin 10

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
Can you read and watch TV or listen to the radio at the same time?

My Answer:
Sometimes.  If it's a TV show I have no interest in and that isn't too action packed I can typically block out the noise and focus on my books.  I can also watch baseball or football games if they aren't too exciting because I'll read awhile and then check in on the score and if nothing has really changed I'll go back to my book.  For music I typically can't listen to music with lyrics but there are times when I have to have classical music on if the house is too quiet!

This week's book is one I'm super excited about - The Woman in Cabin 10 by Ruth Ware.  I absolutely loved her last book - In a Dark Dark Wood and have been anxiously awaiting the audio of this one since I first got on the wait list back in October.  I'm about 2/3 through with this one and I must say - it has me hooked!

The Beginning: 
"The first inkling that something was wrong was waking in darkness to find the cat pawing at my face."

My Thoughts:
While a cat pawing at your face in the middle of the night is never a good thing it's only going to get worse for Lo.  This was a scene I was glad I wasn't reading at bedtime!

The 56:
Everything was white.  The pale wood floor.  The white velvet sofas.  The long raw-silk curtains.  The flawless walls.  It was spectacularly impractical for a public vessel - deliberately so, I had to assume.

My Thoughts:
I just love the imagery here.  The all white luxurious room with a somewhat sinister feel lurking around the edges.

So what do you think?  Keep reading?


  1. Yes! Definitely keep reading! This sounds good and I like the imagery passages you selected to share. The library has a wait on this book but I am getting closer.
    I can put classical on, or some jazz, nothing with lots of singing, and sit contentedly and read. But TV is too distracting for me.

  2. I can watch TV and read. For some reason that doesn't bother me but I can't listen to music. Yay I am glad you have The Woman in Cabin 10!! Enjoy!

  3. I'm not big on watching or listening while reading. And during the day when I'm home alone, I have nothing on except for an audiobook at times. When my husband's home, it's another story. LOL

    Glad you are liking THE WOMAN IN CABIN 10. Will watch for your final thoughts on it. :-)

  4. I multitask all the time. Between the TV, the computer, and my book, I always have something catching my attention. Today I have Echoes in Death by J. D. Robb. I love Eve and Roarke. Happy reading!

  5. Oh, yes, not a book to read at night! I loved it, though....

    When I was in college, I often read and studied with the TV on, but it usually was my husband's show, and I had no interest in it.

    Now I read with the TV on, but muted.

    Thanks for sharing...and here's mine: “RIGHT BEHIND YOU”

  6. That's a great opening, and I would definitely keep reading! I've got this one on my TBR list already. Hope you love it.

    My BB this week is from The Sleepwalker by Chris Bohjalian

  7. Sounds like what I do too. I pay attention, but pay more attention to my book.

    ENJOY your weekend and your reading.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  8. Definitely keep reading! But then I'm biased since I read it. Glad you're enjoying it so far though. Happy Friday!

  9. Oh, hey, my co-blogger just read this book. It seems like an interesting story.

  10. I am glad you are enjoying it, I wasn't blown away with it but it was okay. Some books don't do as well in audio form and I think this was one because I kept getting confused with the mainland bits. :)

  11. Definitely keep reading. You won't be able to put it down anyway :)

  12. Sounds like your current read is an interesting one!

  13. I used to be able to read in any environment but for the past few years it has gotten harder. I can read with sports on but I have a hard time blocking out shows. Enjoy your book! I plan to read that one soonish.

  14. Yep, I believe the cats know what they're doing. LOL I can't imagine all white furnishings on a cruise ship. especially as many people get seasick. This book is almost to the top of my stack.

  15. I loved The Woman in Cabin 10 so I hope you continue to enjoy it. I can usually have noise around me while reading. I tend to tune things out well. :)


  16. Just read a review of this one! sounds interesting.

  17. Looking forward to your review of TWICT!

  18. This one sounds like a perfect read for a rainy night. I hope you weekend is going well!

  19. So many recommendations for this book, it must be good. Hope you enjoy it.

  20. I really want to read The Woman in Cabin 10. I think I will enjoy it. :-)

    I can easily block out noise around me if I am enjoying a good book, television or music or what have you. I kind of have to if I want to get in much reading time at home. LOL I hope you have a great week!

  21. Sounds like a typical cat... maybe in a non-typical situation though... lol. Have a great week ahead!
