
Friday, February 10, 2017

Friday Linkups: Still Life

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
What is your favorite Valentine's Day read?

My Answer: 
Oh tough one!  I have two - the first is The Viscount Who Loved Me by Julia Quinn which is a straight up historical romance and an amazing one and the second is The Secret Adversary by Agatha Christie which has a strong romantic element but also a whole lot of adventure and fun hi-jinks!

This week's book is one that I've known since I started blogging that I absolutely needed to read.  I've always been a mystery reader and when I started reading blogs from other mystery readers I was shocked by how many fantastic series that I hadn't even heard of!  The Armand Gamache series by Louise Penny is one of those.  So back in December when I was thinking of books I really wanted to make sure I got to in 2017 Still Life by Louise Penny was high up on the list.  While I'm not as far along in it as I'd like (I had to take a break to read a mystery for review and I don't like reading two of a similar genre at the same time) I'm really enjoying it!

The Beginning: 
Miss Jane Neal met her maker in the early morning mist of Thanksgiving Sunday.  It was pretty much a surprise all around.

My Thoughts:
I love the matter of factness and the almost humor of the beginning.  It bodes well for the rest of the book.

The 56:
"Oh, Andy died."
Gamache raised an eyebrow.

My Thoughts:
So this really isn't as dramatic as is sounds because they're digging into the victim's back story but I do love how calmly Penny throws around death announcements.

So what do you think?  Keep reading?  Any books that you want to make sure you read in 2017?


  1. Louise Penny is on my list of authors to try, haven't gotten around to her yet. I keep seeing good reviews about her series but I didn't want to start another series until I am done with DCI Banks. Almost there on that goal, 3 books left and I am caught up.

  2. I like how the announcement is just thrown out there like an after thought. Never heard of this series before.

    MY Friday 56 from The Ashes

  3. I don't have a favorite Valentine's read. I love the cover of your book. I'd love for you and your readers to check out my blog...

  4. I like the euphemisms we use to talk about death: met his maker, passed, went to a better place, etc. I'd keep reading to find out what happened to cause Jane Neal's demise.
    My Friday post features An Innocent Client.

  5. The cover looks like a painting. Very nice
    sherry @ fundinmental Friday Memes

  6. I have read two books in this series, including this one, and I loved them both! I plan to read more...when I get the chance. But thanks for sharing and reminding me of why I love these books.

    Here's mine: “BEHIND HER EYES”

  7. BBOF got off to a late start this week, but it it up and running now. Sorry for the delay!

  8. This is a book I haven't heard of before, but it sounds great.

  9. I love Bridgertons series by Julia Quinn too!but my favourite one is Penelope's book. And continue for a bit and see if you like it? Hopefully you do!
    New bloglovin' follower here! Also added you on goodreads!
    My Friday 56

  10. I can't think of any Valentine books but I love to read fluffy romance around that time. I have had Louise Penny on my TBR for way too long. I need to start her series at some point. Happy reading!

  11. I like Agatha Christie, but haven't read a romance by her. :)

    STILL LIFE was good. I have read all of Louise Penny's books...ENJOY!!

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  12. This is a series I have been wanting to start as well, so I hope you are enjoying it!

  13. Well, you know that Louise Penny's series is probably my very favorite ever. So...I'm delighted that you have begun it. And it keeps getting better and better. Just remember that. And best read in order - long, long story arcs. Jane Neal - what I could tell you - Ha!!

  14. It's nice to get to a book you've been wanting to get to for a while! And it is nice to have a little romance mixed in with murder and mayhem for Valentine's Day!

  15. Sad!!!!! I hope it's a good story though.
    LOVE that cover!
    Happy weekend!

  16. I don't have a particular Valentine's read. Thanks for sharing yours.

  17. I'm still trying to think how I'll answer this week's BBHOP question . . . I like your choices though! I need to read Still Life still. I've heard such good things about it.

  18. I don't think I have ever though about a Valentine's read. Any romance maybe? I bought Still Life years ago and really need to try to get to it soon. I am looking forward to your review.

  19. I love the Armand Gamache series. It's one of my all-time favorites! I just finished the 1oth book in the series and have the next two on hold at the library. I hope to get all caught up in the series this year. Glad you're giving it a go!

  20. Oh sounds like it'll be an interesting read. I'll keep an eye out for your review :)

  21. When I go to the library I always try to include a book by an author I have never read before as one of the books I borrow. This time around it was Louise Penny and now I am hooked. I have a whole new series of books to read and enjoy.
