
Friday, February 3, 2017

Friday Linkups: Sad Cypress

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
Read or Clean?  Read or Bake?  Read or Make Dinner?  What Would be your choice?

 My Answer:
I really love to bake so I do sometimes pick baking over reading and while I don't enjoy it I can't concentrate if the house isn't tidied up so that has to come first too.  However, there are definitely days where I would much rather read than make dinner!

Today I'm back to Agatha Christie with one of her Poirot mysteries - Sad Cypress.  I'm struggling a little with getting into it but I think that's because I've had to put it down twice in just a couple of chapters to read 2 different review books.  I'm hoping once I'm able to concentrate on it I'll get pulled into the story.

The Beginning:
"Elinor Katharine Carlisle.  You stand charged upon this indictment with the murder of Mary Gerrard upon the 27th of July last.  Are you guilty or not guilty?"

My Thoughts:
This is actually a flash forward with Christie seldom does but it definitely catches my attention in this case!

The 56:
Nurse O'Brien said with dignity:
"I'm not one to gossip!  And I wouldn't be blackening any one's name that's dead."

My Thoughts:
Somehow I have a feeling it wouldn't be all that difficult to get Nurse O'Brien to really start talking.  I believe she's protesting just a bit too much!

So what do you think?  Keep reading?


  1. I pretty much would always rather be reading. I am not a baker so reading definitely wins. I do listen to audio book when I cook and clean though. It is funny that first line because Eleanor Catherine is one of the few girl names we agree on if we had another one so it was funny to see (even if spelled different) Hope you enjoy your book!

  2. Oh for me, reading over all. I used to like to cook more, but these days, it just seems tiresome. And I don't really bake anymore either except at holiday times. We just don't need the sweets. As to cleaning, well, I 'require' a tidy house, but it pretty much stays that way and cleaning is done in bits and pieces as well. I seem to remember that SAD CYPRESS was not one of my favorite Christie books, but I have read it. And it's Christie, so that's always a plus.

  3. Those questions at the top made me smile. Who would rather do any of those things instead of reading?

    I might stop reading for a bit to watch a movie...or Netflix. But just as a break.

    I must start reading Agatha Christie books!

    Here's mine: “RAINY DAY WOMEN”

  4. I've always enjoyed Agatha Christie. Hope it livens up for you.
    sherry @ fundinmental Friday Memes

  5. Read or do chores? No contest! Reading always wins.
    I enjoyed today's excerpt from Sad Cypress.
    My Friday post features The Storied Life of A. J. Fikry.

  6. This looks like a good one. Enjoy the book. :-)

  7. I agree about the tidy house...that bothers me so I tidy up first. I do read while baking and/or cooking when I can.

    Have a good weekend.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  8. I think you're right about the nurse! And reading all the way :)

  9. I listen to audiobooks while doing those things so that way I can still read while doing things I am not so fond of. :)

  10. I often combine these activities. I put my headphones on to clean or work on laundry and often while I cook. I do sometimes cook dinner with the kindle in my hand as well. Of course you should keep reading, it is Agatha Christie!

  11. I'll happily tidy before reading (I'm a bit OCD about neatness), but I hate the dusting and hoovering part of cleaning.

  12. I choose reading over baking. However, I've now started listening to audibles and I can bake while doing that. LOL I used to read her books but got away from. I'm sure there are plenty I haven't read yet.

    My Friday 56 from Every Last Word

  13. I also prefer to read over cooking any day and the Agatha Christie book looks really interesting!

    Here’s my Book Blogger Hop and my Friday 56!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  14. Love Christie books! Happy weekend!

  15. I'd choose reading over just about anything :) Unfortunately, there are things I have to do every day that get in the way of that -- darn you, laundry, dishes, dust bunnies, etc!

  16. I hope Sad Cypress gets better for you soon, Katherine. I admit I will almost always pick reading over doing the chores. The advantage to cleaning house though is being able to listen to my audio book if my family isn't around. :-)

  17. I don't think of heard of this Christie novel actually...

    Lauren @ Always Me

  18. LOL read over clean for me... definitely. I love to spend time in the kitchen so those do battle some days. lol
