
Saturday, January 28, 2017

This Week in Reading - January 29

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Red Clover Inn by Carla Neggers - I have an uneven history with Carla Neggers.  I've enjoyed some of her books, disliked one or two and was kind of meh about the others.  So I tell myself that I'm not going to request anymore and then a new one comes up and I request it.  This one has an inn!  How can I resist that??  (NetGalley)

Bad Housekeeping by Maia Chance - The theme this week is Inn because this one has an Inn too!  And this one's condemned and they're restoring it!  Seriously you could restore a garden shed and I'd be all about it but restoring in an inn is kind of my kryptonite. Plus, I've really enjoyed Chance's other cozy mysteries that I've read.  She always has fun quirky characters and just the right touch of humor.  (NetGalley)


Reading:  Back to Sad Cypress by Agatha Christie after taking a break to read A Wicked City by Beatriz Williams and At Close Range by Laura Griffin

Listening: I'm about to start a radio adaptation of Hounds of the Baskervilles while I wait for The Woman in Cabin 10 by Ruth Ware which I'm next in line for!  Until then I'm still listening to podcasts and enjoying them.  My current favorites are my standby Read It and Weep as well as Smart Podcast Trashy Books and The Simple Show

Watching: Not a huge amount.  J and I are watching Top Chef and Remington Steel (featuring a very very young Pierce Brosnan) together.  On my own I've been watching my usual crime shows - Bull, NCIS, NCIS: LA, NCIS:NO, Criminal Minds - and am still enjoying them but there doesn't feel like there's anything new and fresh right now..  

Off the Blog:

For his birthday we got the Tornado a couple of sets of audio books from the Boxcar Children series and he's absolutely loving them!  He even stopped playing a video game early to go play Legos and listen to the Boxcar Children.  It make me so happy to see!  He's doing fine at reading at school but it's not really something he's really loving despite having an awesome teacher who really seems to value fostering a love of reading versus getting points.  Give him anything involving math and he's happy as can be but reading was getting more of a meh reaction until these.  I don't want him to lose him love of numbers but I do like that he's found a book series that he enjoys and I may have bought a few more of those audio books!

I've changed up my routine at the gym and apparently I was neglecting some muscle groups and they are NOT happy with me.  I'm limping badly and at the moment and I'm hoping I don't have to run away from anything quickly because it's not happening!  It's all sore muscles and nothing injured but it's amazing how much I'm feeling it!

My reading grove is going well and I've had all good reads so far this year!  I know that won't happen all year but it's nice while it lasts!

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday: A Wicked City - Blog Tour Historical Fiction Review
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday - My Ten Favorite Pictures Books
Wednesday: Somebody Like You - Contemporary Romance Review
Thursday: TBD
Friday: Linkups with Current Book
Saturday: TBD

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Remington Steel! Wow. That's be fun to go back and see Pierce Brosnan so young! Hope you like The Woman in Cabin 10 when you get it. It's a pretty suspenseful read. :)

    I've been lucky to like most of the books I've read so far too. Hope it continues!

  2. I am happy to hear that the Boxcar Children books are still around. I remember checking on them in the library a few years ago, and found them. I loved those books as a kid.

    I also enjoy books about restorations of inns, cottages, mansions...whatever. Red Clover Inn and Bad Housekeeping look tempting.

    I like watching Bull. Have you seen This Is Us yet?

    Enjoy your week, and thanks for visiting my blog.

  3. Lots and lots of good reads this week. Many of these are on my wish list!

    My Sunday Post

  4. I am glad your little one is enjoying the audio books it's great he has found something he likes. Have a great week.

    Megan @reading away the days

  5. LOL!! I’ve been going to the gym regurlary and I change my routine a lot because I get bored easily.. but I still feel every damn time like I have new muscle groups or something. Whaha. Atleast we’re trying right?! I’ll keep my fingers crossed you don’t have to run away quickly! ;)
    How awesome that the Tornado is loving his audiobooks. I can imagine that makes you happy.
    Have a great week and happy reading!

  6. I love crime shows too but you are right-now they all seem a bit...meh. Like they aren't holding my attention or something.
    Thats so great that tornado is loving the audiobooks!

  7. So happy that your kiddo is liking the audiobooks you got for him. I think some kids just like to be read to - mine certainly did. And then we discovered that she is more of an auditory learner - makes sense. I agree about the crime shows. Somehow this year has been OK, but not great. I'm wondering if some of them are getting a little 'old' and if some of the 'big' stars are preparing to exit - like Mark Harmon. Maybe not. I'll miss Bones and Grimm, which will both end their runs this year.

  8. This is a lesson as to why I don't go for the gym...the pain! Hope you recover soon 😀

  9. Good for you, you g to the gym! Take it easy should start slowly. I say this because I pushed myself with yoga. Yes, yoga, and that gave me an injury that pops up now and again. Can't believe it.

    What a wonderful gift for your son, I had not thoug about audio books for children except when we rose long distances. My granddaughter will be 3 next month, do you think that's too young for an audio book as a gift?

  10. OMG, I love Remington Steele, where I first started crushing on Pierce I love watching those shows you listed but I don't seem to watch NCIS:LA much, I do enjoy Lethal Weapon, wasn't sure if I would but it's not to bad and a lot of fun.

    That is great that T likes the audiobooks, it's amazing that he quit playing a video game to

    Wish I could say all the books I have read this year so far have been great but they haven't. :( I am really bummed.

    Have a great week!
    Week in Review

  11. I wish my son would read too. I am going to try some audios with him, I am thinking it might help him relax. I think the background noise is best for staying focused.

    I don't know if I ever watched Remington Steele, I do remember it.

    Have a great week, Katherine! Happy Reading! ox

  12. Hope you like The Woman n Cabin 10 when you get to it. I am enjoying Top Chef too. Glad tornado is enjoying audiobooks. I finally just started working out again. It does make me sore so I can relate. Have a great week!!

  13. That is so awesome he is choosing audios and legos instead of video games! The Woman in Cabin 10 was a good one...enjoy! Have a lovely week Katherine.

  14. So happy to hear your son is loving audiobooks! My girls all enjoyed the Boxcar Children in print. Guess you've just discovered the reason 'experts' keep telling us to change up our exercise routines. The first time I got on my bike down here, I was pretty sore... I usually just walk. Hope your muscles recover soon!

  15. Yay!!! Glad your son is starting to love reading! It's something worth seeing your child love reading!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays!

  16. I love how Tornado stopped playing a video game to listen to the Boxcar Children audiobook! That is awesome. Pls make sure you stretch well before and after a workout. Yes, sometimes a workout can make us feel muscles we didn't know existed, LOL.

  17. Yay for parents and teachers who endeavour to foster a love of reading in children. I have a nephew who is a whizz at Maths but loved reading too, they can go hand and hand. Looking forward to your Wicked City review. Mine is written and goes up later in the week.

  18. It's great you're so dedicated at the gym. I've done a couple of walks lately but still struggling with routines.

    And I love that you've gotten The Tornado into audio books. That's so great!

  19. I watch the same crime shows you do and, no, it doesn't feel like anything is fresh anymore. I've been enjoying the show Timeless, though. That's different. Not a crime show, though.

    Hope you have a great week!

  20. Happy Birthday to the Tornado! Awesome gift idea of audiobooks.

  21. It's great that he is loving the audiobooks! I wish we had those in our library growing up (the read-a-longs). I hope this keeps his attention and is a stepping stone for him in the reading realm. Good luck with those muscles - take a few nice soaks this week!

  22. My son really enjoys audiobooks too. It's so nice when you find a series that your kid loves, and you know you will be set for a while!

    I hope you enjoy your books this week!

  23. Crime shows are so good for winding down. Yay on the audiobook success!

  24. I have had a great reading streak this year as well. I hope it lasts a while longer for both of us. I think it is great that your son is excited about the audiobooks. Hopefully, it might encourage him to look for other similar books. Have a great week!

  25. Glad audiobooks are treating you well!

  26. Red Clover Inn looks good.

    I hope your week has been good.

    Silver's Reviews
    My It's Monday, What Are You Reading

  27. I used audiobooks with Baz a lot a bedtime if he wanted "one more book". He usually fell asleep, but the next night I would ask him what was the last thing he remembered, and I would find the starting place. Usually if I stayed in his room too long reading, I would fall asleep, too. Ha ha.
