
Friday, January 6, 2017

Friday Linkups: The Kitchen Counter Cooking School

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
Where's your favorite place to read?

My Answer:
There's a chair in the living room that I love the idea of using as a reading chair but it very seldom happens.  The place where I read best is probably in bed before I fall asleep so I would say that's my favorite place.  I'm also pretty fond of the combination of a hot bath and a good book!

This week's book is actually one I have featured on here before but it's been years so I'm calling do over!  The Kitchen Counter Cooking School by Kathleen Flinn has been on my TBR since pre-blogging days and everyone I've come across who has read it LOVED it.  Not to mention that I've read 2 other books from Flinn and loved them both.  I've tried to start this book several times but for whatever reason it never quite took.  This time around I'm 100 pages in and going strong and I'm absolutely LOVING it!  It's definitely living up to the hype.

The Beginning:
Standing on the stage delivering the graduation speech at Le Cordon Bleu in Paris is not the optimal time for an existential crisis.

My Thoughts:
No that sounds like a particularly terrible time to have an existential crisis.  Though really I'm not particularly fond of existential crisis in any case.

The 56:
As she place the hard disks (these are mini frozen pizzas) on a cookie sheet, Andra said that she believed people can eat well inexpensively but she hadn't yet figured out how.

My Thoughts:
This is hard to do.  I've been cooking for years and there are still times when I know I could be eating better and for less money but I haven't quite figured it all out yet.

So what do you think?  Keep reading?  Where do you do most of your reading?


  1. Yay! Got that book so many years ago, 5-6? Loved that book but it didn't work much on me as I am totally a beginner then. Can't follow thru the ingredients!

    No favorite place... happy weekend!

  2. My favorite place to read is definitely my bed. I do love the idea of having a little nook to read, but honestly, I'm most comfortable in bed, under all my covers with my puppies snuggled up close.

  3. Thanks goodness Mr Wonderful does the cooking in our house, otherwise we might starve. LOL
    sherry @ fundinmental Friday Memes

  4. I do love good food, and wish I could cook like these experts. Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

  5. I like reading on my couch near the end table so I can have a drink and I recline it to be comfy. Enjoy your book!!

  6. I love reading anywhere - mostly in bed though. I stopped reading in the bath after I'd dropped a library book in the water - embarrassing taking it back!! Enjoy your book.

  7. I'll look up all her books and see which one appeals the most to me. iw occasionally read foodie titles.

    My favorite place to read is curled up on the end of the couch, with my footrest in front, a cup of tea on the side table, and a cat or dog sleeping calmly beside me.

  8. Glad you are enjoying the book this go around! :)


  9. I have a favorite chair to read in but now that I have an e- reader I don't use it nearly as much. That 56! So true- do we ever figure it out??

    Happy Friday!

  10. You left me wanting more. Happy weekend!

  11. I haven't figured it out either. Groceries are getting more and more expensive. I might like this book.

    My Friday 56 from 77 Shadow Street

  12. I have my favorite chair next to my bed and it works nicely, although this time of year you'll find me on sofa in front of the fire!

  13. I want a reading chair! I have my spot on the couch but there is usually so much going on that it can be hard to concentrate on my book. The book that you are really sounds like something that I can relate to. Balancing cost and nutriution can be quite the chore. Great post!

  14. A lot of folks read in bed. I just can't do that for some reason.

    Love the tub....wish I could read there too.

    I LOVE The Kitchen Counter Cooking School Book.

    Happy Weekend, and Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  15. I love a hot bath and a good book too!

  16. I have a feeling that this book would be really popular at my library. :)

    Lauren @ Always Me

  17. My foodie side would enjoy this book. I just looked and my library does have it.

    I have two favorite reading spots. One is a futon couch in my office with a gazillion pillows around me and the other is in bed.

    Thanks for sharing.

  18. What a cool book! I should probably read. My favorite reading place ended when I moved in November. I'm trying to find a new one.

  19. Hope you're enjoying this one. Who doesn't love books and food? Have a great week!
