
Friday, January 27, 2017

Friday Linkups: Ghost Shadow

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
How many books have you started but just couldn't finish?

My Answer:
I typically don't count DNFs so I don't really have an exact number.  I do have a hard time making myself not finish books that I've started but I'm trying to make myself get better about it. There are too many great books out there to waste time on a book I'm not enjoying.

This week is pure book indulgence!  Heather Graham's books aren't always the best written and the plot frequently has some pretty large holes but there's just the right amount of ghostliness and suspense that they're always fun to read.  Ghost Shadow is the first in a trilogy set in Key West. I love the setting and the spooky atmosphere and have been enjoying this read!

The Beginning:
The blue light made the hallway dark and eerie, though just beyond the doors of the museum, the magic sunlight of the island glowed upon tourists and the few locals who considered early morning to be a time before noon.

My Thoughts:
Well that's certainly a creepy beginning!  And I'm definitely in agreement with the people who think early morning is before noon - especially on vacation!

The 56: 
Unconsciously, he'd waited to hear about another bizarre murder - or that someone had finally solved what happened to Tanya.

My Thoughts;
I love a cold case!  I'm excited to see how this all unravels.  There may not have been another bizarre murder before now but I'm betting there will be another one soon!

So what do you think?  Keep reading?


  1. I am pretty good about abandoning books that don't work for me, though I rarely talk about them to others or on the blog. Sometimes. I guess I feel kind of bad for the author. But, not every book is for every reader. Hope you enjoy the Graham book. I think I've read a couple of her books and always mean to read more. This one sounds fun.

  2. I've never not finished a book. I do have some next to my bed that I keep meaning to get back to. They haunt me. LOL
    You can't go wrong with Heather's books. Her Krewe series is my favorite.

    My Friday 56 from Chasing Fireflies

  3. I love a good ghost story, so I'm intrigued. My Mom is big fan of hers. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Okay, I am embarrassed to admit it, but the only book I haven't been able to finish lately was by Leonard Elmore. I know people love his work, but I just couldn't relate to the characters.

  5. I've never read Heather Graham, but I'm curious. I keep seeing her books....thanks for sharing.

    As for DNF books...I have discovered that I mostly abandon the books that I wasn't sure about from the start. Freebies, or review books from authors that I didn't really want to accept.

    I'm learning now to follow my instincts and only select or accept books I am pretty sure to enjoy. Risk-taking is not fun when you end up tossing books.

    Enjoy! Here's mine: “THE FUTURES”

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Heather Graham, nuff I need to read this trilogy so I am glad you are liking it. :)

    I list my DNF's because I still have an opinion on the part that I did read, so I normally do what I call a DNF report, short reviews of books I didn't finish and why. :)

    Life it to short to read a dull book! :)

  8. I'd read this book just because it's set in Key West! However, your mention of plot holes and not-so-good writing in other books makes me hesitate. I hope the author does a better job with this one.
    I've learned to quit reading books that aren't engaging me... usually. Sometimes I keep thinking they'll get better. I know how hard the author worked to create the book.
    My Friday post features The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel.

  9. I don't think I've read anything by Heather Graham before, but I have heard of her. Ghost Shadow looks pretty interesting.

  10. I love this author so I'm in!! :-D Happy weekend!

  11. I've been told so many times that I need to try this author so many time!
    Happy reading!

    Lauren @ Always Me

  12. I think I had about 10 DNFs last year. There are just too many good books out there!! I really ant to try Heather Graham someday. Enjoy!

  13. That cover is so eerily pretty. I love the purple glow. I'm with Breana & Laurel-Rain - I've never heard of her before. Maybe I should have? Either way... Enjoy the book!

  14. Hi Katherine,

    I don't ever give up on a book, or give it away, until I have exhausted evey avenue. I do have a couple of authors right now, whose books I can give or take, but that is definitely not going to stop me finishing them at some point in the future.

    With that in mind, I doubt very much that I shall bother with the Heather Graham books, as I don't want to become embroiled in a relatively lightweight series out of choice.

    I'm afraid that I am very much a morning person, whether I am on holiday or not. I am always up by 5.30am and the first hour is my quiet time, when I can have an uninterrupted breakfast time and a bit of a read, before facing the day and rousing the house!

    Thanks for sharing and I hope that you enjoy your weekend :)


  15. I totally agree about not reading books that are of no interest. Too many good books out there to enjoy!!

    I have put a few aside last January, but it got better as the year wen on.

    Have a great weekend.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  16. I will dnf a book but I don't do it often. Probably 5 or fewer books per year. I haven't read many Heather Graham books (maybe 1?) but I have lots of them sitting on my kindle. I hope you enjoy this book!

  17. I want to read this Heather Graham book. It sounds like exactly something I'd enjoy.

  18. I need to get better at abandoning a book I'm not enjoying. The past few years it's maybe 2 or 3.

  19. I don't really count DNFs either. There are only a few I can recall. I am really bad about trying to make myself finish books. Ghost Shadow sounds good - I'd keep reading.

  20. I felt the same way about abandoning books, and I'm in the reading place now where I don't waste what little recreational reading time I have. Happy reading!

    eli @ the (book) supplier
    My Blogger Hop Answer

  21. Oooh, I really like the beginning of this one too! Hope you enjoy this thriller, enjoy the weekend :)

  22. I agree, there are so many good books out there why waste your time on a book you are not enjoying.

  23. I have got to try out Graham. I don't track my DNFs either. They're there for me (I let myself DNF when the need arises) but they happen and then are forgotten.

  24. I am the same way as well. Thank you for stopping by my blog hop.
