
Friday, January 20, 2017

Friday Linkups: A Certain Age

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
What was the one time you thought the movie was better than the book?

My Answer:
This is tough!  The only book/movie I can think of where I really liked the movie more than the book was Anne of Green Gables in the Disney movie version.  I had tried the book a few times and just never could get into it but when I saw the movie I immediately fell in love.  Of course then I went on to love the book and read everything else that L.M. Montgomery wrote but the movie was my gateway.

I've been wanting to read Beatriz Williams for several years now so when a chance came up to be part of the blog tour for A Certain Age I jumped at it.  I love the 1920s setting and that cover just slays me.  I'm not nearly as far along as I need to be on this one (There needs to be some pretty serious reading this weekend!) but I'm really enjoying it.

The Beginning:
At last! It's the day we've all been waiting for, dear readers: the opening of the latest and greatest Trial of the Century, and I don't mind telling you it's as hot as blazes inside this undersized Connecticut courtroom.

My Thoughts: 
This is from a gossip column and isn't the way the book is written thankfully but it does have me wanting to know more about the Trial of the Century!

The 56:
"Something's fishy.  Why would a man that rich live in a rinky dink townhouse so far south and east?"

My Thoughts:
I think how funny how confused Teresa (the speaker) is about why this family is living in an unfashionable area of town but she does have a point!  Why are they living so far out of the way?

So what do you think?  Keep reading?  Any movies that you like better (or even as much as) the book?


  1. Movies... that's a tough one! I remember The Black stallion as being a very good movie...

  2. I answered this on Elizabeth's blog too. For me, the movies of PRACTICAL MAGIC and HOW TO MAKE AN AMERICAN QUILT were better than the books. I haven't read any of Beatriz Williams books either. I keep meaning to pick one up and probably own one or two. One day.

  3. I haven't seen the Disney version of Anne of Green Gables but I do have a soft spot for anything Disney so might have to track it down and have a watch of it.

  4. I liked the movie Stardust more than the book. While I can see why so many love the book, it just wasn't for me. But the movie had what I loved about the book, and then so much more that was my kind of thing.

  5. I've been noticing this book around, and making a note to self to read it. Love the time period. Thanks for sharing...and here's mine: “THE DRY”

    As for movies I enjoyed more than the book...Still Alice comes to mind. Julianne Moore's performance reeled me in.

  6. Hmmm...sounds like there is a mystery to be solved. Why do they live there?
    sherry @ fundinmental Friday Memes

  7. Good choice for the book and movie question.

    I hope you are enjoying A CERTAIN AGE. It was good, but different.

    Have a great weekend, and Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  8. Ah, this books sounds like it's got great voice and character! (Also love the use of 'rinky dink'.)
    As for movies, I like Holes probably as much as the book, but love the most recent version of The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, the original short story of which I don't actually like very much.
    My Friday 56

  9. I have this on my library wait list. It looks so good. Here is the link to my Friday 56:

  10. Off hand I just can't think of a movie I liked better than a book. I am usually astounded by how much the writers change things for a movie. And then get mad.
    Thanks for your comment about the DCI Banks series and if you start them, I sure hope you love them as much as I do. I get very invested with characters!

  11. I haven't heard of this author before, but this book sounds interesting.

  12. I love the 20's, the flappers, the mobsters and's one of my favorite era's to read. :) Hope you enjoy this one.

  13. How interesting that the movie version of "Anne of Green Gables" was your gateway to the book, as well as to other works by Montgomery. I have neither read the book, nor seen the movie, but I do have the book on my TBR.

    The book you've chosen for the other Friday memes looks GREAT!! I like the 1920s myself, and the first thing that came to mind was Scott & Zelda Fitzgerald. This is also a gentle reminder for me to read "The Great Gatsby", which I also have on my TBR. Lol.

    Today I'm answering this question at my other blog, MindSpirit Book Journeys. Here's the link:

    Thanks for sharing! Have a WONDERFUL weekend!! :) :) :)

  14. I'd read this just for the era. Love the roaring 20's! Happy weekend!

  15. Your choice certainly takes me back to my youth!

  16. I don't remember seeing the Disney version of Anne of Green Gables, but I have always loved the book. I think you're right that sometimes a good movie adaptation can spark interest in a book that hadn't been enjoyable the first time round.

  17. I have no idea what movies might have been better than the book. That's a really hard question! I love the cover of this book and it sounds great. I am looking forward to your review!

  18. I fell in love with Anne of Green Gables as a child but have loved the Canadian TV series of it and saw a movie - not sure if it was the Disney one, it had Martin Sheen playing Matthew and I thought it was pretty true to the book.

  19. I love the Anne of Green Gable books. As for movies, I have enjoyed them but usually prefer the book. So yeah, this would be a really hard one. What I hate is when I see the movie first and then discover it is a book. Grr.

  20. I really need to read more books that take place during the 20s. It's really a fascinating era. Happy Sunday!
