
Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday - Ten Books I Wouldn't Mind Santa Leaving Under the Tree

This week's Top Ten Tuesday topic from The Broke and the Bookish is Ten Books I Wouldn't Mind Santa Leaving Under the Tree.  I love this topic!  I tend to lock up in bookstores because I have so many books to read and there are so many books that I want and my brain just kind of shuts down and I don't end up getting anything.  With this topic I did some pretend shopping in my TBR and some of my favorite bloggers' TBRs and this is what I came up with.  This pile of books would make me a pretty happy reader!

1.  Island of Glass by Nora Roberts - I loved the first book in this trilogy and am just about to start the second.  This book features my favorite couple and I'm so excited to find out what happens!

2.  The Life and Times of Miss Jane Marple by Anne Hart - This sounds like a biography of Agatha Christie's Jane Marple which was put together from clues in the Miss Marple books.  It's a look at the real Jane both as a person and with how Agatha created the character.  I feel like this is a must read for me!

3.  The Girls of Murder City: Fame, Lust and the Beautiful Killers Who Inspired Chicago by Douglas Perry - I'm not a big musical fan but I love Chicago and this just sounds fascinating!

4.  The Invisible Library by Genevieve Cogman - This sounds a little bit like the show The Librarians with a touch of Doctor Who which just sounds like pretty great reading!  I meant to get this soon after it came out but now somehow the 3rd book has been released and I still haven't read this one!

5.  Dinner with Edward: A Story of an Unexpected Friendship by Isabel Vincent - I forgot where I first came across this one but it sounds fascinating.  I love the idea of an unexpected friendship growing between two people based on food and common interests regardless of differences in age.

6.  All the Presidents' Gardens: From Madison's Cabbages to Kennedy's Roses - How the White House Grounds Have Changed With America by Marta McDowell - I'm fascinated by the White House and the Presidents in general which is a little strange since I avoid politics.  I love the history of the institution and this sounds absolutely fascinating!

7.  The Regional Office is Under Attack! by Manuel Gonzales - How can I resist a title with an exclamation point?  Plus this book just sounds like an assassin-y good time.

8.  The Elegance of the Hedgehog by Muriel Barbery - I'm not sure what it is about this book but I'm fascinated by the title and it sounds like a delightful read!

9.  Love, Loss and What We Ate by Padma Lakshmi - I love Padma on Top Chef and what I've read about her life is fascinating and definitely has me wanting more.

10. Year of Yes: How to Dance it Out, Stand in the Sun and Be Your Own Person by Shonda Rhimes - I love Shonda Rhimes.  While her shows aren't my favorite (I get antsy with story lines that span over several episodes because I despise cliffhangers and have a short attention span) I've been enthralled by every interview of her and how she manages to become more and more successful while staying true to her brand.  I also love the concept of this book and am really excited to read it.

What books would you like to find under the tree?


  1. Lots of nonfiction on your list. I like that. I hope Santa brings all of these and more!

  2. Year of Yes is great as an audio. Listening to her narrate was wonderful. I really want that Nora Roberts trilogy - I have heard good things. The Padma book is probably really good too. Hope you get all of these!!

  3. I did The Regional Office is Under Attack! on audio a bit earlier this year and definitely recommend it!

  4. Ohh I love the sound of The Life and Times of Miss Jane Marple by Anne Hart, I think I'll have to get a copy of this too! Good choices!

  5. #6 I definitely want to see. My Mom has Guardians trilogy on her Christmas list! I read Dinner With Edward this year--I look forward to your review.

  6. I often feel the same way in a bookstore. I love this list, Katherine. I do hope you get to read The Invisible Library. I hope to listen to the audio of Rhimes book next year. I hope you find some, if not all, of these under your Christmas tree this year, Katherine!

  7. Several of these books are ones I've been meaning to get to as well. Maybe in 2017 we'll both read them. Hope we love them when we do.

    Merry Christmas!

  8. I really want to read The Invisible Library and I remember seeing The Elegance of the Hedgehog and wanting to check it out, so I'll have to try that soon!

    I have read Year of Yes, and I think it's a good read for anyone - not just fans of her TV shows, as I've only ever seen Grey's Anatomy and I don't watch it now.


  9. Dinner with Edward is very good, I'm not done with it yet but if you like foodie memoirs, you will love this book.

    I wish Santa could make Diana Gabaldon and Santa Monefiore publish the next books in the series! I can't wait to find out what happens with the Daughters of Deverill and the last book (I think) in the Outlander series,

  10. These all look like really interesting books. The Miss Marple mysteries are the only Agatha Christie books I've ever read but I always really liked them. They sort of reminded me of Murder She Wrote.

    I think Shonda Rhimes is pretty interesting, but I also can't watch her shows. Too stressful for me.

  11. I've read 1 and 10 and liked them both, Shonda Rhimes was great and recommend that one on audio. Her own voice is perfect. All the others.... really unfamiliar. Hope Santa is good.

  12. I hope you receive all the items on your list this year. Happy holidays!!

    Here's my TTT post for this week:

  13. I just saw The Regional Office today on another blog and I love that title! I must find out more! I think you'll like The Invisible Library- very imaginative- and the Anne Hart book sounds great too.

  14. Great list! I think you picked well :)

  15. I hope Santa brings you some books from your list!

  16. Books under the tree would be lovely! I got a Christmas gift from my grandmom today of books she'd like me to read. SO not my genre but I'm going to give them a go so we can talk about them.

  17. I haven't heard of any of these, but I hope you find every one of them under your tree this year. Happy holidays!

  18. Awesome set of books you have! The Island of Glass sounds really interesting!

    Here’s my TTT!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  19. Dinner With Edward does sound wonderful. I think I will add it to Goodreads. I loved All the Presidents' Gardens, and I would certainly appreciate it in hardcover. I have ebooks of The Elegance Of the Hedgehog, and The Invisible Library. I woukd love to find time to read them. Ha ha. :)

  20. Yes! The Regional Office is Under Attack is awesome!!!

    Check out my TTT and my current giveaways.

  21. i definitely want to read The Invisible Library series! My TTT

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. I told myself I would stop read NR trilogies as the last one was disappointing in the third installment, but these covers for this newest one is so eye-catching. I think I will have to request it for winter break.

  24. Oh, I hope you find at least some of these under your tree! I preordered Island of Glass, so I've already read it (and enjoyed it -- but I won't spoil it for you.) And the Miss Marple "biography" sounds delightful!

  25. I really need to try Nora Roberts at some point! The Regional Office is Under Attack! definitely does sound awesome!
    Hope you get a few of these under the tree! Happy holidays, Katherine!

  26. How is it possible that my brother recommended me The Regional Office is Under Attack! and here I see it on your list. i feel like my brother picks the most obscure books to read so I find it fascinating you picked it. It does sound good though.

    My mom loves Nora Roberts. I really should try her books at least once.

  27. #3 and #7 are both on my wish list, too. I read and loved The Elegance of the Hedgehog. It was slow going for half the book for me but then everything just clicked.
