
Monday, December 26, 2016

This Week in Reading - December 26

Today I'm linking up with Kimberly at Caffeinated Book Reviewer for the Sunday Post and Kathryn over at Book Date for What Are You Reading?


The Devil in Winter by Lisa Kleypas - One of my Christmas gifts to me this year has been rereads and I've been loving it!  This is an old favorite and it's every bit as good as I remember!

The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins - I know I've been reading this one forever but I'm really enjoying it.  I'm close to done and I'm dying to see how it all gets wrapped up.

I'm loving my podcasts right now!  My favorites are Read It and Weep, Pack Your Mics (about Top Chef), and Stuff You Missed in History Class but of course that's always subject to change!

We've been watching some Hallmark Christmas movies lately and are going to watch Christmas Story tonight.  After that we're going to do some Star Trek movie watching.

What I Read:

The Duke and I by Julia Quinn - This was my first reread and it's one of the books I forgot how much I enjoyed it.  There is one scene that makes me a little squeamish but the rest of it is just so good!  I'm looking forward to reading The Viscount Who Loved Me soon.

That's been pretty much it.  It's not been the best reading week.

What's Coming Up:

I'm still trying to decide what my first book of the year will be!  I've got a few possibilities but haven't narrowed it down yet.

I'm planning on starting Bay of Sighs by Nora Roberts as soon as I finish Devil in Winter.  For some reason romances have been calling my name more than any other genre and I've been enjoying reveling in it! 

Blog-wise I have a Top Ten list coming up tomorrow about my best reads of 2016 and after that who knows!  We've still got a couple of Christmas celebrations coming up as well as the Tornado's birthday and New Year's Eve so it's going to be a busy week!

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. You have a Christmas baby too, huh? Our son will celebrate tomorrow!
    My first book of th year is definitely going to be Stir by Jessica Fechtor. It is the featured book at Cook the Books and also works for my reading challenge at Girlxoxo.

    Glad to hear you had a good holiday.

  2. Sounds like you had some good reads. I watched a few of the Hallmark movies too. There are some good ones. Happy Holidays!

  3. Glad the rereads were as good as you remembered ☺
    Hope your Christmas was a good one for you and family, Katherine. Best wishes for your grandpa.

  4. Read It and Weep sounds like a fun podcast. I love a good re- read and should do more re- reading in 2017. And enjoy your week- I'm mostly done with the holiday parties but have one more to go. :)

    Hope you had a great Christmas!!!

  5. I am trying to catch up on podcasts, I must look up Read it and Weep. I listen when I go to bed, only trouble is... I fall asleep. I wake up some time later to turn them off! I did try another one something about fun and not boring book show, but do you know I hate it when women just giggle so much. So that will go off my list again. Smart Bitches show lost me too because of that.I so loved the Bridgertons and I fully understand the reread. The latest one is about Billie their aunty, the father's sister.

  6. I was going to do the First Book of the Year again, but I don't think the timing is going to work out. It looks like I'd have to go a couple of days without a "main" book to read...and we can't have that, can we?

  7. Oooh! I love Devil in Winter! It's one of my most favorite Lisa Kleypas historical romance series!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays!

  8. I really liked The Devil in Winter. My 2016 Favorite Books list will post tomorrow as well :)

  9. Enjoy your reads, I am not sure what my first book of 2017 will be but I am thinking it might be Dead and Breakfast. :) I get in romance moods now and then, enjoy! :)


  10. I didn't realize until this year how important it is to pick your first book of the year! I think I have mine picked out. Romance is a good read this time of year. ;)

  11. My mother's was born just before Christmas, and my youngest grandson's birthday is January 5...he was supposed to arrive by Christmas.

    Enjoy the celebration!

    I've been curious about The Woman in White....and I love the cover of Devil in Winter.

    Have a great week!

  12. I haven't narrowed down my first book of the year either.
    The Woman In White has been on my list for some time, but I think this will be the year now that I have The Classics Club to keep me focused. I look forward to your final thoughts.
    Lisa Kleypas and Julian Quinn are both authors that I have read in the past, but aren't the sort of books that I have been reading lately. I am starting to feel the pull to pick up a paperback romance though, and believe me, I have no intention of fighting the urge once I feel like I really can go for one. It's great to switch up genres to keep our favorites fresh.

  13. It's always a relief to enjoy a reread as much as you recollect the first readthrough:). Yes... we have a slew of birthdays all around Christmas and the New Year, too! Hope you had a great Christmas and a very Happy New Year.

  14. I am not sure yet what my first book of the year will be. It's a hard choice to make! I really enjoyed The Woman in White, as you know, and am glad to hear you are enjoying it too. It is slow going, admittedly. One you really want to take your time with. I hope you have a a great week, Katherine!
