
Saturday, December 10, 2016

This Week in Reading - December 11

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

This is really 3 weeks worth of books so it's not as bad as it looks! These are all from NetGalley:

Manderley Forever: A Biography of Daphne du Maurier by Tatiana de Rosnay

Pekoe Most Poison by Laura Childs

Rather Be Dead by Ian Rankin

Elementary, She Read by Vicki Delany

Murder Go Round by Carol J. Perry

Fudge and Jury by Ellie Alexander

The Fifth Petal by Brunonia Barry

At Close Range by Laura Griffin


Reading:  Appointment with Death by Agatha Christie, Woman in White by Wilkie Collins, and Little Women by Louisa May Alcott

Listening:  I was listening to 1984 and just wasn't in the mood for it.  So I put it aside for a little while and am listening to podcasts until I get more into a audio book mood.

Watching:  J and I are watching Top Chef and I've started watching Gilmore Girls.I haven't watched it before but so far I'm enjoying it.  I'm also catching up on some shows that I missed - especially NCIS, Bull, and Criminal Minds and enjoying them as well.

Off the Blog:

I've been home for a week and we're slowly getting caught up.  J and I got a lot of Christmas shopping done yesterday and are hoping to get the tree up and some other decorations today and tomorrow.  I did some school volunteering this past week at the Tornado's school.  This coming week is the Christmas party and I'm hoping to get back to they gym.  I've missed a few weeks and I'm definitely missing it!

For some reason I've landed in the middle of a reading slump.  I'm not much of a mood reader and rarely have problems reading what I need to read based off a list but lately I've been picking up review books and just not clicking with them.  I'm taking at least the rest of the month off and am just going to read what appeals to me at the moment.  So far what's been appealing to me has been Middle Grade and Children's Classics as well as some Agatha Christies!  I'm hoping that will knock me out of the slump though I am glad that I still want to read as I know some people struggle with that when they hit a slump.

Thanks for all the comments and kind words while I was away.  It really made my day and it was nice to check in with everyone that way.  My Grandfather is doing much better though there is still quite a bit of recovery ahead of him.  

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday: James Bond Project: Moonraker - Book vs Movie
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday - Ten Books I'm Looking Forward to in 2017
Wednesday: Christmas Book List
Thursday: TBD
Friday: Friday Linkups
Saturday: TBD maybe belated November 52 Pins in 52 Weeks

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. I bet the du Maurier book is interesting. Glad to hear your grandfather is doing well, best wishes for a cntinued recovery. And hopefully the slump passes soon! It's a crazy time of year though and my reading is down too.

    Looking forward to Moonraker- that should be fun!

  2. Manderley Forever looks tempting...I love Daphne Du Maurier, so a biography might be just the thing for me.

    I have been in and out of reading slumps lately, but this past week was a good one. I read the books I wanted to read...and that worked for me.

    Enjoy your week, and I'm sure it's good to be home.

  3. Mannerley Forever sounds great. Definitely one for my list. I think reading what catches your eye is definitely the best way to get out of a slump...good luck with it!

  4. Okay, I try to avoid Netgalley but I did just request the Daphne du Maurier biography!

  5. Oh, I HAVE to get that book Manderley Forever, I love Du Maurier. What did you think about the Ian Rankin novel? I was going to add the Insoector Rebus books to my list of series to try.
    I'm so happy to hear your grandfather is doing better!

  6. LOVE Top Chef. Just started watching the new season. Hope you enjoy Gilmore Girls - I love that show. Enjoy your new books and have a great week!

  7. Glad to have you back and hope your grandfather continues well with his recovery. I am sure it's a mad scramble trying to get caught up. You got a lot of great books and I must admit I had to go request some from netgalley. :) So you got me!

    Some times you just have to read for fun and not for review to take some time off and then the slump is over.

    Happy reading!
    Week in Review

  8. We need to read what our first guy reaction tells us we're in the mood for it the book, while a good one, won't appeal. Perhaps the combination of the hectic holiday prep and grandfather's injury come into play here. Sorry I've been lurking this past week: shopping for food, shopping for Christmas, physical therapy, a doctor appointment and driving my cranky old dog back to my old town to her groomer (she tried to bite them so when you find someone who'll do it you stick with them) let's just say this week was nuts!

    I have the new Laura Griffin too,but also the one before it from the library,so I'm happy 😊

    1. Ugh sorry,typing on my tablet... and my fingers plus autocorrect are a horrible combo. First sentence- gut reaction tells us we're in the mood for or the book, while a good one, won't appeal.

  9. Little Women was my go-to winter novel growing up and was my introduction to classic literature. I hope you overcome your reading slump and have a nice week.

  10. Sounds like you had an amazing week. Great haul! I've heard of the authors but I haven't read any of their books yet. I'm impressed you can read more than one book at a time. I did love Little women years ago. I've been binging Gilmore girls this week. I've been in my own reading slump maybe it's the weather. I hope you find your way out of it. Have a great week! My Sunday Post  

  11. So glad to hear your grandfather is on the road to recovery - small wonder you're in something of a reading slump... At least these days we have a variety of other media if we don't feel like books. Hope you have a good reading week - at least you are getting organised for Christmas:). This is my Sunday Post

  12. Manderly Forever sounds wonderful. I have not yet read anything by Daphne du Maurier, but Rebecca has been on my TBR forever. I imagine that I could appreciate a biography with her as subject whether or not I have sampled her work though.

  13. Sometimes a stressful time gets followed by a reading slump and just has to be allowed. I am on an audio listening binge at the moment and my podcasts to listen to are piling up.

  14. Glad you're back home and getting caught up... the reading will sort itself out soon, I hope.

  15. I'm glad your grandfather is doing better. You've reminded me I need to get going on blocking socks and putting together the other Christmas presents that need to be bought.

  16. I am so glad to hear that your grandfather is doing better. I bet that you are glad to be home even though you were happy to be able to help out. I just received The Fifth Petal and am looking forward to it although I think my daughter took it into her room so I will have to regain possession before I can read it. Have a great week!

  17. Slumps are always a bummer. I think I might be in a mini slump right now. I've also set aside audiobooks. I hope you pick up something you enjoy soon. So good to hear your grandfather is doing better.

  18. It's wonderful to hear your Grandfather is doing better. Perhaps now your reading mojo will return and you can enjoy all of those ARCs.

    My Sunday Post

  19. I am glad to hear you are home and making some Christmas progress. I am voting yes for the 52 in 52 post, of course! I miss school parties. I am hoping it is going to be a good while before I have grandchildren, so I guess I need to move close to an elementary school so I can be a class grandmother. Have a wonderful week. :)

  20. Some great new books in; I'm intrigued by Manderley Forever. Loving all the titles you currently have on the go - I've been meaning to read Woman in White for longest time, and Little Women is perfect reading material for this time of year.

    Sorry to hear you're having a bit of a reading slump, but it sounds like you're trying to pull yourself out of it with some great methods. Good luck with that, and happy reading!

  21. Oh I need to get on the Gilmore Girls still. Reading slumps are definitely annoying, hope you find something that'll get you out of your slump soon! Have an awesome week (:

  22. I was in a terrible reading slump in November, and now, I'm reading like a mad-woman! It's strange how that happens sometimes. I hope Middle Grade and Agatha Christie will get you out of your slump, Katherine :)
    Have a wonderful week and happy reading.
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  23. You've got some good books to look forward to - when you're in the mood for them again!
