
Friday, December 9, 2016

Friday Linkups: Rest Ye Murdered Gentlemen

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
What is your best guess that you won't be changing the genres you currently read?

My Answer:
I definitely don't think I will stop reading any of the genres that I currently read but I am wanting to expand what I read.  I'm learning more and more what appeals to me in a book and am hoping to take that and find more sci-fi or fantasy books I enjoy.

This week's book is a a Christmas murder mystery.  Most of the holiday books seem to be romances and while I love a good Christmas romance it's also lots of fun to read something with a decidedly festive feeling that's just a little bit different.  I've read other books by Vicki Delany in another series and enjoyed them all and I've been really excited to start this first book in her Year Round Christmas series.  So far I've really enjoyed Rest Ye, Murdered Gentleman and I love that the title is a pun on my favorite Christmas carol!

The Beginning:
The tips of the tall turquoise and green hats bobbed in the lightly falling snow as the elves weaved through crowds of painted dolls, toy soldiers, shepherds with their sheep, reindeer, poultry, clowns, sugarplums, gingerbread people, and candy canes.

My Thoughts:
I'm not exactly sure what she's describing but I find that I now want gingerbread!

The 56:
It was late, but I had a call I knew I had to make.
"If this isn't Ryan Gosling calling for a date, you're a dead man," said a sleepy voice.
"It's not Ryan, but you need to hear this," I said.

My Thoughts: 
I'm not sure even Ryan Gosling would make me forgive someone for calling in the middle of the night but I am curious to hear what's going on!

So what do you think?  Keep reading?  What genres are you drawn to around the holidays?


  1. LOL Yeah, Ryan might be acceptable for a late night wake up call. This sounds fun and I do love my cozies:)

    My Friday 56 from Grudging

  2. I am soo into the romance genre at the moment. And luckily that genre is HUGE!!! Guess what I'm rereading right now? Charmed by Nora Roberts. You liked that series, didn't you?

  3. I love a good cozy mystery for the holidays. Thanks for sharing...and here's mine: “WHEN ALL THE GIRLS HAVE GONE”

  4. Keep reading! It looks like a fun cozy mystery. Here is a link to my Friday 56:

  5. Hope you're enjoying this one! I think it sounds like a perfect cozy holiday read.

  6. Sounds like a great book! Here is my 56 and BB:

  7. This sounds like the perfect book to read in December. Thanks for mentioning it. Enjoy your current read! :-)

  8. Sounds like a fun read for the holidays. I like the description in the opening. Very Christmas-y.
    My Friday post features BEYOND THE ASHES.

  9. I've seen this one at the bookstore while looking for mysteries and it does look fun. And since I've had trouble finding Christmas mysteries this year I may have to get it. :)

  10. Not a fan of Ryan Gosling so that wouldn't have mattered to me, calling me in the middle of the night might get anyone in trouble unless it's a dire emergency! :) I have been wanting to try this series! :)

  11. I also will find myself still sticking the with the same genres I have been reading for years, but I will try to expand my horizons depending if I find good reads from the genres.

    Here’s my Book Blogger Hop!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  12. Cute Christmas book...ENJOY!!

    I won't be changing my genres. Been reading them for YEARS and won't be changing. :) No sci-fi or paranormal for me.

    ENJOY your weekend.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  13. I'm so glad to see that you're considering reading more fantasy and SF, Katherine! I need to get back to reading more SF myself, as this is definitely one of my favorite genres.

    Thanks to you, I will definitely be looking at reading "Murder On The Orient Express" in January! You've got my curiosity piqued with Agatha Christie's books. Although my favorite detective is Sherlock Holmes, I think I need to make the acquaintance of Monsieur Hercule Poirot. I want to see how he compares to Holmes, haha!

    As for other genres, I really don't see myself reading any others. I do like classics and literary fiction, but those are featured on my other blog. As you know, I'm too much of a big chicken to read horror, lol. Ditto for true crime.

    Thanks for sharing! Thanks as well for visiting and commenting on my own BBH post!! Happy Saturday!! :)

  14. P.S. And Ryan Gosling can wake me up at ANY hour of the night!! Lol.

  15. I have been trying to expand my reading by exploring different genres and even some literary fiction. More authors are crossing genres, too, which makes it easier to try something new while sticking to the familiar. Love the title of this one.

  16. LOL @ the 56. Every one needs a little Ryan Gosling in their lives...
    Happy weekend!

  17. I'd pick this up just for the cover. :)

    Lauren @ Always Me

  18. I need to search out more holiday themed mysteries. Maybe next year.

    It's fun to discover new authors and books I might not have otherwise tried were it not for other people. You helped me find my way back to romance, which I am grateful for. :-)

  19. The title is definitely catchy and I like how it's Christmas themed. I wonder if the holiday has a strong presence throughout the book?
