
Friday, December 16, 2016

Friday Linkups: Little Women

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
What is your favorite holiday beverage to drink while you're reading?

My Answer:
My favorite thing to drink while reading is tea - either green or herbal but if we're just thinking holiday drinks than I have to say my favorite is boiled custard.  I love that stuff!  Sipping it slowly while reading a great book is my favorite way to spend a December evening.

This week I'm still in the throes of a reading slump and have been struggling to find something that actually sounds good.  While flipping through the books I have on my Kindle I stumbled on Little Women by Louisa May Alcott.  To be honest I"m not entirely sure I read this as a child.  I devoured Little Men and read and reread Jo's Boys more times than I can count and Eight Cousins was one of my absolute favorite books so I know I read quite a bit of Alcott.  However, the only thing I really remember about Little Women is thinking it was kind of boring.  I didn't connect with Jo like everyone else seemed to and the way things with Amy ended up always irritated me even though it worked out in the end.  I know the story which makes me think I might have finished it but I could have also just picked it up from the movie and the other books.  So far I'm enjoying it but is it just me or is Amy really just awful?  I've yet to find anything redeeming about her at all.

The Beginning:
"Christmas won't be Christmas without any presents," grumbled Jo, lying on the rug.

My Thoughts:
I love this first line!  I can just visualize the scene and feel the frustration.

The 56:
"She caught up her knitting, which had dropped out of her hands, gave me a sharp look through her specs, and said, in her short way, 'Finish the chapter, and don't be impertinent, miss'."

My Thoughts:
Another line from Jo and this story made me laugh as she's recounting reading an entertaining novel to her aunt instead of the classic that the aunt had been wanting her to read.

So what do you think?  Keep reading?  Any childhood favorites that it seems like everyone has read that you missed?


  1. My beverage of choice when drinking is coffee. I read Little Women so long ago I think it was I would love to go back and visit again. Enjoy!

  2. I loved this book growing up! I agree that Amy is a bit of a brat and always annoyed me. She is like a cat who always lands on her feet. I hope you continue to enjoy Little Women and have a nice weekend.

  3. I didn't love Little Women as much as I thought I would. Amy is really sort of awful lol

  4. I read this for school many years ago. I think it's great that it was required reading, otherwise I never would have read it and missed a great book.
    sherry @ fundinmental Friday Memes

  5. I read the book several times in childhood. Obviously I loved it...the characters, anyway, especially Jo. I thought Amy was hilarious, but also hopelessly narcissistic (although I didn't have that term at my fingertips back then, lol), so I was none too pleased at her HEA.

    I reread the book right after I started blogging...for a challenge. And found that my adult perspective on the book and characters was different. While I loved that I had actually memorized bits of the dialogue, the overarching moralistic tone stunned me. As a child, I didn't see that aspect.

    Still a great book to remind us of family, holidays, and connections.

    Thanks for sharing...and here's mine: “WHITE TRASH”

  6. I've never had boiled custard, I am intrigued! I just blew through two short romances and am now ready to get into a non-fiction for next years challenge! I also look through my Kindle and occasionally find a book I had been meaning to read, or one I forgot about. Haven;t read Little Women in ages!

  7. It does sound fun, and I like that first line with Jo's grumbling. :) I've never had boiled custard, but I'm a late convert to tea and it is very relaxing to sip tea while reading or watching something good.

  8. This could be fun. I don't think I'd care for the boiled custard but I do love my tea.

    My Friday 56 from In The Blue Hour

  9. I agree that Little Men, Jo's Boys, Eight Cousins, and Rose in Bloom were my favorites. I read all of Alcott in Grad School for a paper I was writing but was glad to move on after Little Women. I have a mystery this week - Ill Met by Murder by Elizabeth J. Duncan. Happy reading!

  10. I remember how much I loved this as a young girl but don't recall why. I need to revisit it.

    My Friday 56 from In The Blue Hour

  11. LOVE this book and the movie version with Susan Sarandon, Winona Ryder, Claire Danes, and Kirsten Dunst.

  12. I don't even know what boiled custard is! lol I need to revisit Little Women.

  13. What is boiled custard? I love this book, and several of the movies based on it. Yes, I find Amy more than a bit annoying in the early part of the book; she has a lot of growing up to do. Luckily, she does so! There are several things that help her mature and become less selfish along the way.

  14. Yes - I recall reading this one with great affection and really enjoyed the fact that the sisters often quarrelled. As for boiled custard - in order to make the real thing, surely you need to bring custard to the boil anyway? If you don't, if won't thicken... Maybe they're talking about cold, set custard? We used to eat it as a pudding the following day, if there was some left - I used to love it particularly when the skin had formed on it:).

  15. Oh yes, keep reading Little Women! I missed The Boxcar Children! A girl on MyLeaky mentioned them a few times, and then I saw you mention them, of course, and a couple of children's blogs have mentioned them. I was totally clueless. I am going to read a few at some point. Maybe the girls I babysit would like me to read them aloud.

  16. This book sounds interesting! Here is my 56:

  17. Boiled Custard sounds like a tasty drink! I'll have to try it out sometime!

    Here’s my Book Blogger Hop!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  18. Oh I loved this book when I was a girl - so much so that we named our youngest daughter Meg. I didn't read the Boxcar Children series - was more a Bobsey Twins and Nancy Drew reader.

  19. I have never heard of boiled custard. Can you tell us what it is?

    I normally do not drink when I am reading, but I chose iced tea or ginger ale since those are my favorite drinks.

    ENJOY your weekend.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  20. You have a very original, unique choice of holiday beverage! I've never heard of anything like that before. I'll have to try it!

    I remember reading an abridged version of "Little Women" when I was a kid. So, later on, I was surprised to find out that there was a sad event missing from the version that I read. I'm glad I never read that as a child! The character I connected with most was Jo. I really admired her! I hope you're able to enjoy this classic!

    Thanks for sharing! Happy reading weekend!! :)

  21. Obviously I'm not from the South, because I had to google boiled custard. Sounds a tiny bit like egg nog, but thicker and not spiced?

    Great tie-in of Little Women and Christmas.

  22. I loved this one when I was younger. I should read it again. Happy weekend!

  23. I don't think I have ever heard of boiled custard. I may have to give it a try sometime. I hope you enjoy Little Women. I have yet to read it. I hope you are enjoying your weekend, Katherine!

  24. Little Women is one of my all-time favorites! Enjoy!

  25. Well, I did not know that boiled custard is a drink. I'm going to have to go check it out. Little Women was one of the first books I remember falling in love with and it launched me into the others you mentioned. I recently started reading Little Men again.
