
Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday - What I've Learned from Movies

This week's Top Ten Tuesday topic from The Broke and the Bookish is a movie freebie.  Confession time - I'm not really a movie person.  I don't hate them but I tend to not pick watching a movie or going to a movie when there are other options so coming up with a topic was a bit of a struggle!  However, while I'm not necessarily the biggest movie fan there are a few things that I've picked up along the way during my movie watching.

1.  If a deal is to good to be true it is - especially if it's a house - especially if it's in the middle of nowhere and people tend to not stay long.  (Amityville Horror, The Conjuring, pretty much every other horror movie involving a house and a family)

2.  If you wake up somewhere with no memory of who you are or how you got there you're a deadly secret agent that no one will claim. (The Bourne movies)

3.  Dolls are bad (Annabel, Chucky, and who knows how many others)

4.  You can drive a car indoors, down stairs, the wrong way on a one street, through quickly closing tiny spaces and all at about 100 mph but you will crash rather terribly in the end.  (James Bond, The Italian Job, etc)

5.  Handguns are either shockingly accurate or impossibly inaccurate.  There is no in between.  (Pretty much any action movie).

6.  Do NOT split up!  At best hijinks and mayhem will occur at worst everyone is going to die.  (All movies and most TV shows)

7.  If you lie things are going to go terribly wrong.  Like kidnapped by a group of mercenaries in South America wrong.  (The Correspondents which is a Netflix movie with Ricky Gervaise)

8.  Waking up in a good mood and then having things go really well at the beginning of the day does not mean it's the beginning of a trend.  This is called foreshadowing  (Basically all moviews)

9.  People do not take their shower curtains on vacation (Jack Reacher)

10. Don't surprise anyone - ever.  You'll get fired, humiliated, find out your significant other is cheating on you, or who knows what else.  Seriously it's a terrible idea.  (Basically every romantic comedy)

What have movies taught you?


  1. Ha this is great!! Dolls are scary!! I also love the last one. It is true for every romcom. Great list!

    1. Thanks! Yes dolls are freaky! Anytime there's one in a movie I know bad things are going to happen.

  2. Love this! I am not much of a movie watcher either but I have learned some of the things that you mention. :)

    1. Lol! There are a few things you can't help but learn!

  3. Love this! You made me laugh :)I agree with every point especially about houses and dolls! Thanks for stopping by :)


    1. Dolls always mess with me! I don't trust them in real life either!

  4. Haha. I love the handgun one. It's hilarious how terrible all the bad guys are at shooting, but the main character is AMAZING!

    1. Firefights in movies are hilarious! The bad guys can't hit their target at point blank range but good guys can basically do sniper grade shots with a handgun!

  5. Haha! I love your take on this topic this week, and I love your list! Have a great week!

    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

  6. Very creative idea for this weeks theme! I had to think about mine for quite a while because I'm not a big movie person either. I usually don't have a lot of patience to sit down and spend that much time watching something. This list also made me smile and nod a lot, thanks for sharing!

    1. I'm the same way! I have commitment issues when it comes to time.

  7. Hilarious! The Boy Scouts actually have a name for #6: the Buddy System.

    1. Yes exactly! The buddy system just makes sense. It's why the Boy Scouts have been doing that so long.

  8. I love this twist on the movie theme!! I'm definitely one of those people who sits at home in front of the screen and shouts at the characters not to go into the scary room or split up... ;-)

    1. Me too! Have the time I have to peek through my fingers because they're just making such dumb decisions!

  9. This is such a great way to do the movie list! Dolls really shouldn't be trusted lol :)

  10. Very creative, love your approach. I don't have your analytical mind so I just go for entertainment!! Although I did learn it took a long time for the Titanic to sink and I couldn't stand it so walked out!

    1. Yes! I'm pretty sure the actual Titanic took longer to be built than it did in the movie! Not my favorite!

  11. Too funny! Thanks for the laugh today...I needed it!

    1. Thank you and you are welcome! I had a good time with this topic!

  12. This is so awesome! Number 3 is the best one here, honestly. I learned this when I was really young and watched a terrifying movie called Teacher Ate My Homework. You DON'T mess around with dolls! XD

    Here are my Top Ten!

    1. No dolls are basically evil. I saw one of those "true" ghost hunting shows that was saying that dolls can trap souls. It didn't make me feel any better about them.

  13. I love your approach to this! I absolutely agree dolls are extremely creepy. I don't let my niece leave her doll at my house because you never know lol.

    Tina @ As Told By Tina

    1. It's really best to keep all dolls off the property. Luckily neither of my girls were particularly fond of them either so I didn't have to hide them!

  14. This is awesome! Yes to no memory ha ha- if you can't reember who you are, you must be a uber-super-agent lol. And driving the wrong way- amazing how they never get hit. I notice a lot they go right left right- how convenient. :) Splitting up too- laziest writing ever, that's SO cliche by now. But they always do it. :)

    I laughed at 10 too. So true... never go home early unless you are prepared to find infidelity ha ha or worse. Surprising people is always bad!

    1. I haven't noticed the driving pattern but I'll be looking for it now! Too funny! And yeah seriously - never go home early. No good can come from that.

  15. I laughed at all these statements, Katherine! You write some very humorous TTT posts!

    I'll add #11-- if the phone rings when you're alone in a house at night, under unusual circumstances, don't answer it!! (The Ring, the original Halloween movie with Jamie Lee Curtis, When a Stranger Calls, Scary Movie, etc) Thanks for the chuckle today!

    1. Thanks so much! I love your #11! So true and those are the creepiest! I think it took me about a month before I didn't jump when the phone rang after watching The Ring. Terrifying!

  16. This is so much more planned and thought out than my post. lol I agree with a lot of these, though!

    1. Don't let that fool you! I'm not not nearly as organized as you think I am.

  17. Ha ha, you crack me up but its basically all true. Great post. :)

  18. Oh my god, yes! All of those things! Also, if you are trying to escape from someone, for the love of good to not go up the stairwell!

    1. OMG yes! Why do they always go up the stairs??!!!

  19. Ha, I love when you do your lists like this! Dolls are plain evil, I don't know if I'd let me future kids play with any at all. Great list!

  20. Haha! This is a funny list, and so true! I would like to add that the good guy always wins and gets the girl. Lol!

  21. LOL! I love these kind of posts from you - they never fail to make me smile :) My TTT

  22. This is a hilarious take on the prompt! Funny because they're true!

  23. Too funny. Dolls are scary! I love the way you do TTTs :D

  24. Don't run in the woods to get away from a maniacal serial killer. You're gonna fall on a rock that's not there and get killed. Hugs...

  25. LOL pretty much. I'm not a huge movie person either. I'd rather read. :D

  26. This list is so great. Especially when the day starts out great, you know that character is in trouble lol. I'm not a movie person either- three hours is a lot of time to dedicate to a single activity, besides reading of course ; )
