
Saturday, November 19, 2016

This Week in Reading - November 20

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

The Roanoke Girls by Amy Engel - Family secrets and crumbling estates are definitely a few of my weaknesses!  This is a new author to me but I loved the sound of this book!  (NetGalley)

In Farleigh Field by Rhys Bowen - I'm so excited about this one!  I love Rhys Bowen's books and this one features Bletchley Park.  I might have squealed more than a little with the invite showed up for this one!  (Publisher)

I was hoping this week would be another empty mailbox week but I'm so excited about these new books it doesn't even matter.  Plus, they're both 2017 releases so that doesn't count right?  And don't even try to tell me that 2017 is just over a month away because I won't believe you.


Reading: When All the Girls Have Gone by Jayne Ann Kretnz, Gilda Joyce: Pyschic Investigator by Jennifer Allison, and The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins which I'm enjoying but am not sure I'll ever finish!

Listening:  I finished Carry On Jeeves by P.G. Wodehouse this week which was a delight but decided not to download another book until next weekend.  With Thanksgiving coming up I don't see having much time listen until all the craziness is over!

Watching:  I'm caught up on Blindspot so now need another show to stream when I'm cooking.  J and I started watching Remington Steele on Hulu and are enjoying it Pierce Brosnan is such a baby when it was made and he plays the charming grifter to perfection!  It's a bit dated (first season came out in the early 80s) but lots of fun!  I've also really been enjoying Bull which has NCIS's (which is another favorite) Michael Weatherley and The Big Bang Theory.

Off the Blog:

We had a fantastic visit with my Grandparents last weekend and I'm so glad I acted on the impulse to go.  The Tornado and I spent most of the days playing outside with the dogs and exploring.  We found a (very dead) baby copperhead which led to a rather interesting science lesson on how to tell a poisonous snake from a non-poisonous one and what the ribs of a snake look like.  He was fascinated.  We were both a little sad when it was time to go home.

Thanksgiving madness has begun this week.  The Tornado had a "feast" at school on Friday and all parents attended.  It's always fun to see him with his classmates though it was basically a roomful of headache!  This coming week will be lots of planning and even more cooking.  We do 2 Thanksgivings - 1 at my mother's house and the other with J's family that we host.  It's always a lot of fun but I'm exhausted by the end of it all.  Now that the 3 older kids are out we've been reorganizing and slowly working or redoing their rooms and Thanksgiving kind of snuck up on us!  Two of them have their own places but Emma will be staying here overnight which means we have to do some rearranging to get a place for her to sleep!  

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday: Ramblings from the Stacks: It's Not You, It's Me
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday - Ten Books I'm Thankful For
Wednesday: The Danger of Desire - Historical Romance Review
Thursday: Thanksgiving
Friday: Friday Linkups with current book
Saturday: 52 Pins in 52 Weeks - November Edition (Hopefully - it's been a crazy month!)

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. I went on a little book buying splurge this past week. I told myself it was okay since they are first (and a second) in series I have later books in and with these, I really must begin at the beginning. I have to rationalize it somehow, right? Your two new books both sound good! I hope you enjoy them. I really want to read When All the Girls Have Gone. I hope you are enjoying it.

    I am glad your visit to with the grandparents went well. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Katherine. Enjoy your celebrations and family!

  2. Yes what is up with 2017 being so close? Wow. I don't think I'm going to believe it either! I can't believe I'm already thinking about Christmas- have I somehow skipped right over thanksgiving mentally? Maybe it's all those Black Friday ads I'm hearing already.

    I never did get to Blindspot. I'll have to binge it now if it hits Netflix or something.

    Nice that you had a good visit. And a dead copperhead- wow. Hope you have a great Thanksgiving! I'm looking forward to a long weekend and lots of food too ha ha. Hope yours is fun and not too exhausting!

  3. I can't wait to get When All the Girls Have Gone. I also love the look of The Roanoke Girls.

    Enjoy the new week and the holiday. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  4. Oh I forgot you're heading into Thanksgiving! Eek!

    I love the look of The Roanoke Girls - I'm not so fond of the crumbling estates, but family secrets I can do!!!

    And I enjoy Blindspot as well.

    I didn't know MIchael Weatherly was back on TV? I haven't watched NCIS since season 1 but always enjoyed his performance.

  5. YIKES! Thank goodness that snake was dead, right? Great way to teach about the difference between poisonous and non-poisonous snakes. I don't even know the difference, and am just scared of all of them. (lol) Thank goodness, I'm not going anywhere for family Thanksgiving. Too much going on. Will just have enough for two people this year when I cook, along with a good movie on The Hallmark Channel. Hugs...

  6. Remington Steele and I go way back, and I love Bull!

  7. I had completely forgotten about Remington Steele. I loved it first time round. Good luck on Thanksgiving prep. We thankfully don't have to do much as it isn't a holiday here, though we do celebrate because of my husband being from the states. Though it does signal the end of November and, unfortunately, does mean 2017 is round the corner!

  8. Wow! 2 Thanksgivings! I bet you had a lot to eat during both times!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays!

  9. Pierce Brosnan used to be my "movie boyfriend" years back but he still has appeal! I had also forgotten about that show.
    What a great time you had at your grandparent and created good memories for your son. That's wonderful. Yeah, 2017 sounds far off but yikes, it's only a month so. Need to plan so. Good reading goals.

  10. I know I keep telling myself that those I am getting for 2017 won't have to be read for a while but I think I am deluding I love Remington Steele!!!! That was one of my favorites growing up and where I fell in love with Pierce He is still one of my favorites! I still miss Michael Weatherly on NCIS, but at least I still get his snarkiness on Bull though it's just not the same. :( :)

    I thought I would get away with no review books either but I ended up with some! :)

    Have a great day,
    Week in Review

  11. I can't believe Thanksgiving is almost here, I am not complaining really because I just want 2016 over already but It really did happen so fast. I will be enjoying Turkey Day with my family and I am really looking forward to it.

    Sounds like you all had fun with the Grandparents!

    I hope you have a great week, Katherine! Happy Reading!

  12. The cover for The Roanoke Girls looks so similar to another book for which the title is on the tip of my tongue.
    I miss those days of having curious children around who are interested in exploring their world. I love to hear about mom's who appreciate it, and take advantage of those teaching opportunities.

  13. Both of your new books look great! Family secrets and crumbling estates get me every time, too. We have a marathon week of food and family ahead, too... lots of work, but so much fun. Hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  14. Sounds like a wonderful trip to the grandparents. I want to read When All the Girls Have Gone so will be interested to see what you think when you have finished. Your Thanksgiving sounds somewhat exhausting!

  15. 2017 totally doesn't count yet ;) glad you guys had a great visit. I am gearing up for Thanksgiving too. i host but everyone really pitches in so it isn't too bad. Have a great week and Thanksgiving!!

  16. Glad you had a great time visiting the Grandparents! Have a great week!

  17. I'm excited about the Rhys Bowen book too. Saving it for after Christmas I think. Not much reading will happen this week - we're hosting Thanksgiving. It'll be a fun time with family though. Have a nice holiday!

  18. I'm so glad you and Tornado had a lovely time at your grandparents's. How interesting to learn what snake's poisonous and which one isn't. I had to Google that. So how did you determine whose room to keep for which child? I told E I wanted my own craft room and told Cupcake Mama's going to move her sister her room and make Jellybean's room my craft room. She was indignant at that. I told her I could have a little futon or something, LOL, for when she comes home during the summer. Ha!

  19. Oh, I missed your review and Q & A with Robyn Carr earlier this week-- must've been when I was fighting with my computer! I just went back and read it-- well done! I have the print book, which I won in a giveaway, and need to crack this one open very soon.

    Glad you had fun at the grandparents. That's a wonderful gift that you're giving to your son to keep in close touch with all his relatives :)

    And The Roanoke Girls sounds good to me. I hadn't heard of it before, so off to check it out! Happy Thanksgiving (x2) to your family!

  20. It is so great to go exploring with kids. It's like seeing things with a fresh perspective. I have downloaded a couple Jeeves ebooks, so I am happy to hear you liked the one you listened to. Of course you know I am excited for another 52 Pins post! Have a wonderful holiday with both of your families. :)

  21. I got Farleigh Field this week as well and I'm pretty excited about it! Roanoke Girls sounds like such a good read. I can't wait to see what you think of both books :)
    -Kimberly @ Turning the Pages

  22. I've seen so few snakes in my life, I kind of just go with the idea that they are all poisonous. I need you to teach me that lesson!
