
Friday, November 4, 2016

Friday Linkups - Everything Everything

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
When you settle in for the night with a good book, do you read until you can't stay awake or simply have a nightly page goal?

My Answer:
It depends on the book.  If I'm really enjoying it I tend to just read until I'm tired but if it's a book I'm struggling to get into I try to read at least 50 pages a day to give the story a chance to pull me in.

This week's book is Everything Everything by Nicole Yoon.  It's really far from my typical read - a YA heavy on the romance, a book with illness - but I heard a lot of good reviews and I was so curious about it.  I'm going the audio route and I have mixed feelings about the book and the audio version.  However, I can see why it got really good reviews as there is so much that is fantastic about this one!

The Beginning:
I've read many more books than you.  It doesn't matter how many you've read.  I've read more.  Believe me.  I've had the time.

My Thoughts:
I love this beginning!  How can you not love a character who is a reader?  I find myself kind of envying her time to read.

The 56:
In two years of tutoring I've only met Mr. Waterman in person twice.  Usually all of my tutoring, including architecture, take place via Skype.

My Thoughts:
Okay, I'm envying her way less now.  I can't imagine being that isolated and not being able to do anything about it.

What do you think?  Keep reading (or listening in my case)?  How much do you read before bed?


  1. If I read at night it's usually more of a nodding off, okay time to put the book down kind of thing lol. Although occasionally I can stay awake and then if I read too long I regret it the next day. :) This sounds like a good YA, I've heard good things. It's got an interesting cover too.

  2. Sounds like an interesting story. I'm reading Undertow by Michael Buckley. Happy reading!

  3. I'm like Greg. I either fall asleep or stay up way too late, which I did last night. LOL The opening caught my attention. Who doesn't identify with a fellow reader. The excerpt made me feel sad for the character.

    My Friday 56 from Deadly Silence

  4. I just read particular time or goal.
    sherry @ fundinmental Friday Memes

  5. I love the sound of this book...and feel sad that the character is so isolated.

    As for reading...I try to stop reading before I'm too tired, or I might forget important details...or even drop my Kindle.

    Thanks for sharing...and here's mine: “STEALING JASON WILDE”

  6. Everything Everything is SO so good--while the "plot twist" was a bit easy to figure out, I really loved the characters and the story itself! I say definitely keep reading/listening!

    How much I read before bed depends on the day. If I'm SUPER exhausted, I tend to zone out with netflix...but sometimes I'll pick up a book and only put it down when I turn the lights out!

    Thanks so much for sharing! Here's my Friday 56, if you're interested! No worries if you're not, though! Either way, happy book-ing to you in the future, and happy Friday!

  7. I've seen this book all over the blogosphere and have been curious about it. Hope you enjoy it.

  8. This is the second time I've seen this book today. It seems interesting.

  9. Love that beginning! Thanks for sharing, I'll look out for this one. My Friday read is After You by Jojo Moyes.

  10. This book keeps popping up everywhere and that opening is really intriguing.

  11. Yup, you got me with that beginning too! :-) Happy weekend!

  12. I am that way with my books, if I am struggling I might just read so much and then put it up. Then again I might read a bit of it and then turn to a book I like more to read some

  13. My bedtime is 8:30 p.m. because I need a 10 hour span as I usually wake up a few times. On the weekends, I could stay up with a good book.

  14. I love that beginning too. Great 56, also.

  15. Good Blog Hop answer.

    I "try" to set a page goal, but usually get too sleepy to even read too much. :)

    Have a fun weekend, and Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  16. I read until I fall asleep, although there are those books that do keep you up until the book falls.
    Reviews by Deb
    My blog Hop answer

  17. I read as a way of falling asleep a lot of nights. I enjoyed your blog and started following. If you have a chance drop my blog and see my full answer.

    Here's my full answer

  18. I tend to read at odd times and can usually be during the day. At night I am usually catching up on TV. If I do read at night, I do until I get too tired to finish. Great topic!😀

  19. You've made an EXCELLENT point in your BBH answer! If a book is REALLY good, then we can stay awake to keep reading. But if it's a dud, then we won't even need to count sheep in order to fall asleep! Lol. SO true!! I've had that happen to me, as well. Then there are times you're SO tired, not even the most wonderful book in the world can keep you awake. It all depends on the book and the circumstances.

    You've got a very interesting book selection today! I, too, have seen a lot of positive reviews for "Everything, Everything", and have it on my Goodreads TBR shelves. I LOVE the cover! However, now that you've mentioned illness, you've reminded me that this is part of the plot. I might still read it, though, because I'm a HUGE sucker for romance!! :D

    Thanks for dropping by and commenting on my own BBH post! Hope you have a GREAT reading weekend!! :)

  20. This one was super cute. I'm really looking forward to seeing the movie adaptation. Hope you enjoy your weekend!

  21. I say keep reading! I love Everything Everything. But I haven't listened to the audio.

  22. I liked the author's writing style and the end!
    Check out my Friday Linkups.

  23. I just got a Nicola Yoon book in the mail. :-) Not Everything, Everything though. I have heard great things about Everything, Everything and do want to read it at some point. I hope you enjoy it!

  24. Eh. I don't know if I would keep reading. My tolerance for YA Contemporary Romance with a sick character is extremely low. Heh heh. XD
