
Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday - Ten Characters I'd Name a Pet or Child After

This week's Top Ten Tuesday topic from The Broke and the Bookish is 10 Characters I'd name a book or a child after.  This topic ended up being way harder than I expected!  A lot of my favorite characters either have really generic names or names I can't get my head around actually calling a cat or dog!  The timing is actually pretty good because we are most likely getting a kitten in the pretty near future and I need some serious name help!

1.  Penelope from The Shell Seekers by Rosamunde Pilcher- I've actually had a cat named this after this book.  She died a number of years ago and I must say she didn't resemble the dignified but slightly bohemian Penelope at all!

2.  Anne from Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery - Anne (or Anna) was actually on the short list for if the Tornado had been a girl because of this book. While Anne isn't my favorite character I just couldn't name an infant Marilla!

3.  Bilbo from the The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien - This is actually J's idea and I think it would be a fantastic name for a dog!

4.  and 5.  Daisy and Gatsby from The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald - Though I hope they'd both be happier pets or children than their namesakes!

6.  Agatha because of Agatha Christie - I think this would be fantastic for an adult cat!  But only one that is dignified with just a dash of mischief!

7.  Tuppence from The Secret Adversary by Agatha Christie - The only problem I have with this one is that I can't come up with a way to shorten it and Tuppence could be a bit of a mouthfull.

8.  Cinder from Cinder by Marissa Meyers - This one just seems like it should be done!

9.  Wimsey from Dorothy Sayers' Lord Peter Wimsey books - This one just sounds kind of fun and definitely unexpected.  I think only diehard mystery readers would figure out where the name is from!

10.  Miranda from The Four Story Mistake by Elizabeth Enright - Though Miranda goes by Randy in the book.  I guess either could work?

Those are my ideas.  What are yours?  Have you named a pet (or a child) after a literary character?


  1. I so love Penelope!! I also love Agatha and Aggie as a nickname. I don't have a child or pet names after a literary character but maybe one day!!

  2. Those are some good choices. So funny you mentioned The Shell Seekers as I just answered a Goodreads question on Twitter, asking what book is like to read again for the first time. Love that book.
    I like Bilbo too & Agatha certainly works for an older cat.

  3. Yay for a kitten! We got two last year and they've been a terror! Fun though... I kinda like the name Miranda, and Bilb and Wimsey both work. And Agatha is another great pet name!

  4. I had a cat named Tolkien once, that was as literary as I have ever been. Currently, my cats come from a children't television show and Mackie is after a company that makes speakers, etc. :)

  5. I love the name Penelope, but from the book Romancing Mister Bridgerton. Marilla would be a tough name to have, but I think it could have worked. :) But I love Anna as a name too. It's so friendly.

  6. Bilbo is fantastic, it just rolls off the tongue. Great top ten.

  7. I've taught a Rilla. My middle name is Anne, with an e obvs.

  8. My kitty Cleo's sister was named Penelope. lol She was a cute sleek black kitten. Totally adorable.

  9. Gatsby made my list this week, too. Wimsey would be a good name for a rabbit. :)

    Lauren @ Always Me

  10. Great list! I haven't even thought about naming a pet or child after someone in a book but there are some great names to choose from. I am actually known to name my animals after food although I did stop that trend recently.

  11. I love your choices! Especially Wimsey - I love that series and it would be such a cute pet name!

  12. Love these! I'm having fun looking at everyone's lists-- I was out yesterday so posted mine today, better late than never. I do agree on my list with Gatsby (for a regal cat) and I chose Frodo for a scruffy terrier, instead of Bilbo, but still.... Thanks!

  13. I've had great fun reading these articles and am struck by the variation:) Gatsby and Bilbo are cool - but I LOVE Tuppence and Cinder:)

  14. We had a foster kitten named Whimsy (very close to Wimsey) the girl who adopted her kept the name, but Whimsy's brother, Rembrandt, wasn't so lucky. The family who took him renamed him Rocky. Ha ha. Yay for getting a kitten!

  15. I like Agatha, Wimsey and Tuppence. Great list!

  16. These are great choices, Katherine. I love the idea of Penelope. :-)

  17. What a fun topic and great choices! A couple of years ago, we watched Life of Pi and then I read the book. We all agreed that our 20 lb, ridiculously long male cat should have been named Richard Parker after that Tiger in that book!
