
Sunday, October 9, 2016

This Week in Reading - October 9

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Ghostland: An American History in Haunted Places by Colin Dickey - I heard about this one on the podcast All the Books from Book Riot and knew I couldn't resist it.  Between Liberty's raves about the book and the author and my own fascination I just couldn't pass it up.  I can't wait to read it!

A Gala Event by Sheila Connolly - This is a favorite cozy series that I am of course way behind in.  I couldn't resist a pre-order and hope to start catching up very soon.  Especially since we've been visiting apple orchards lately.  It has me wanting to get caught up in this cozy mystery series that takes place in an orchard!

Lovers and Newcomers by Rosie Thomas - Thomas' Iris and Ruby is still one of my favorite reads from this year so I jumped at the chance to review this newest one from her!  (Publisher)


Reading:  A Charming Voodoo by Tonya Kappes (just started - no opinion yet) and All the Little Liars by Charlaine Harris (so excited about this one!)

Listening: I'm still listening to A Red Herring Without Mustard by Alan Bradley.  I'm really enjoying it but just haven't had much listening time this week.

Watching: We are finishing up The Blacklist (hopefully this week).  It's gotten better but season 3 is definitely my least favorite.  I'm good with never hearing the word "Cabal" again.

Off the Blog:

We are back from vacation and had a fantastic time!  While we've visited family pretty regularly this was the first time in awhile we've actually had a stay in a hotel do touristy stuff kind of vacation.  We hiked some and went to an aquarium and did bunches of other stuff.  We walked miles everyday and my feet are still exhausted but it was such fun!  We got back Tuesday night but J decided to take the whole week off work and we've kind of turned this week into a mini-staycation.  We've been getting some catch up done (so much laundry!) but doing at least one fun thing everyday.  So far we've gone to a movie (Storks - it was okay), to a local pumpkin patch with hayrides and all that, and to a living history museum.  Not sure what we're doing today (Sunday) but we've got a couple of ideas.  It's going to be a difficult to go back to reality tomorrow!

One of my favorite pics from the trip.  They are deep in conversation about something!
I've decided it's time I actually tackle making photo albums of all my digital pictures so they don't stay on my phone/PC forever.  I thought since I have a decent number of pictures from the trip but not an overwhelming amount that I'd start there.  Anyone use any particular site to make albums?  Any preference?  

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday: Before the Fall - Fiction Review
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday - Books I've Read Based on Recommendations
Wednesday: Snow Fall on Haven Point - Contemporary Romance Review
Thursday: TBD
Friday: Linkups with Teasers from Current Book
Saturday: Charming Voodoo - Blog Tour Review

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. I started a series by Sheila Connolly called The County Cork series. I have read the first book, and have the second one on my Kindle. Must do better!

    A Gala Event sounds tempting.

    I love that photo from your trip...what a lovely walk!

    It's nice to have more time off after you get catch up on everything.

    Enjoy your week!

  2. Staycations can be great. And looks like you guys had a good time, yay for that. I love to get out in the woods and hike. Pumpkin patches and orchards are the best this time of year too!

    I'm still on S1 of Blacklist, I got distracted by some of the shiny new shows on Netflix plus I also started How To Get Away With Murder last week, so now when I get on there I'm like what do I watch??? Such problems to have I guess!

  3. The idea of the post-holiday staycation sounds great Katherine as often you return from holidays and rush straight back into the usual things... but programming in some fun stuff (as well as the post-holiday chores) is a great idea. That pic from the hike is a great one!

  4. I am adding Ghostland to my wishlist, and want to see if it is on audio. I really wish we had an extra day each week solely for reading. I enjoyed Blacklist, but think I have only watched the first two seasons. So glad the vacation was wonderful, I like the idea of doing one fun thing everyday :) Have an awesome week Katherine!

  5. Your vacation sounds like it was so much fun! But all that walking definitely sounds exhausting. A staycation is the perfect solution :-) Have a great week!

  6. Ghostland looks good and perfect for my read-a-thon so I may need to get a copy. your vacation sounds lovely - I am having holiday envy!

  7. We take tons of pics. I love shooting them, but hate organizing them, so I leave that up to my Mr Wonderful. He makes photo albums and even does some photo books through Shutterfly. He also does a lot of collages, which I love to share. I'm not sure what program he uses, but I hope you have fun doing it.
    sherry @ fundinmental My Sunday Memes

  8. It sounds like your week went how mine will go this week :) We are heading on a vacation at the end of the week, our first too! And my husband is also off all week so we're having a mini-staycation at the beginning of the week. Glad y'all had a good time!
    Looking forward to reading All the Little Liars. Love Charlaine Harris!! How are you enjoying it so far? Hope you have a great week. Happy Reading!
    My Sunday Post

  9. I used to make photo albums for my family for christmas of the kids. I used iPhoto for the albums since all my pictures are on it. They aren't that bad on price however I heard Shutterfly is pretty good also. I have a bunch of picture frames in my house that need updating you are making me think I might start doing that too. :)
    Glad you had a great vacation and mini staycations are amazing. Sometimes just staying home is as much fun as going some place.

    I hope you have a great week, Katherine! Happy Reading! ox

  10. I heard that Ghostland was good on audio, so it is one of my potential up-coming audio choices!

  11. Your walk looks lovely - I'm a huge fan of Staycations, you're in a comfortable place designed specifically around your needs and you know all the great places to visit and there's a strong likelihood you haven't yet got around to checking them out... We tend to stay at home as we live in a lovely part of the world, anyway:). As for photos - I have two expensive, rather gorgeous albums and each year, I pick out the best 300-400 pics and print them off and put them in the album for the year, then store them in a photobox when they are replaced by the next year's selection. I also make a collage by cutting out and glueing some of the best prints to be displayed in a large photoframe in the hall of each year. Otherwise, we never get the chance to enjoy and HANDLE prints the way we used to... Have a great week!

  12. That is a great pic! Glad you enjoyed your vacation! You got some good books! I have heard about that Orchard mystery series and it sounds great! I want that haunted places book!!! :)

    Have a great week!
    Week in Review

  13. Sounds like a great vacation + staycation. That's the way to do it, since returning from vacations always feel like you need some recovery time. Love the picture! Good luck with albums. I keep saying I'll do something like that and then... Yeah. Lol!

    Have a great week!

  14. Ooooh! Ghostland looks so interesting! I'm always looking for scary books to read! Your vacation sounds awesome! I'm glad you had a good time! Have a great week :D

    Here's my Weekly Recap!

  15. I have used Shutterfly a couple of times to make albums. Each time, the album came out just as I planned. Sometimes you will see a great price for a first album.

    Have a good week!

  16. It all sounds so fun. Glad to hear you had a great time and have more fun to come. I;m going to have to check out Ghostland. How can I resist that title and cover!

    My Sunday Post

  17. How lovely to have all of that ohana time!

  18. I have been wanting to start the Sheila Connolly series for a long time. It looks good. I love The Blacklist. Have a great week!

  19. I am the worst about pictures now-a-days. I have thought about making albums for my kids, but then I get overwhelmed. I wish you the best of luck.
    I think that picture of your boys is really nice. How sweet! Have a great week!

  20. Ghostland sounds perfect for October reading! I love going to aquariums. Which one did you go to? I have just started putting photos into albums on Facebook. I also want to load all of my albums on my laptop onto flash drives. Have a wonderful new week. :)

  21. Your vacation sounds like it was a lot of fun. I've used Shutterfly and the albums have turned out really nice. They always seem to have a sale which is also good. I hope you have a great week!

  22. Glad you had a great vacation!!! A stay cation sounds good too. I so need to make albums with all my pictures and usually just use shutterfly. Have a great week and enjoy your new books!!

  23. Glad you enjoyed your vacation! Looks like it was fun. Staycations are good, too. I feel like I need one every month to get caught up on household to-do's.

  24. Looks like some great October reads there. I'm glad your vacation was fun and you are getting lots done during your 'staycation' too!

    Di @ Book Reviews by Di

  25. I love the pic - so sweet. Have a great week!

  26. What a wonderful vacation! I love staying home and doing tourists stuff sometimes. Our vacation is coming up and for the second year we have been canceled. We like this place at Cedar Key but the hurricane Hermine destroyed it. Mud in the rooms, all furniture a loss - so they refunded our money and we'll do a staycation too.

    I finally received my copy of the Girl in the Castle, so excited! I liked your review and I look forward to reading it soon,

  27. Glad you had a lovely vacation, and extended it to be a bit of a staycation! Fun times!

    I've seen Ghostland a couple of times lately and it sounds like a good creepy Halloween read. I hope you have a great week - happy reading!

  28. Staycations can be so great! Especially if you really manage to do at least one fun thing every day :)
    Ghost land look deliciously creepy, and I hope you'll enjoy it.
    Have a wonderful week and happy reading. I hope the return to reality was OK.
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  29. Ghostland sounds like a perfect October read!

  30. The cover of Ghostland is gorgeous. I hope you like that one, Katherine. It sounds like it could be fascinating. I am glad you had a great time on your vacation. The photo you shared is beautiful.

    I need to spend time on making photo albums too. I did it for Mouse's first year, but haven't since. It's so hard to find time. :-( I need to make some though.

    I hope you are having a great week, Katherine!

  31. I'm so glad you had a good vacation -- and staycation! I agree with Berls; that's a great way to do it, since you can unwind from your vacation. I hope getting back to reality hasn't been too bad. I don't have any advice on the albums; I'm rubbish at that. But if you find a good site to use, please pass it along!
