
Sunday, October 30, 2016

This Week in Reading - October 30

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Old Bones by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles - Bones found in the garden of a house a girl disappeared from 20 years earlier. I love old secrets, old bones, and missing persons cases so I'm really excited about this one! (NetGalley)

First Degree Mudder by Kate Dyer-Seeley - This is the 4th book in a cozy mystery series about a not very outdoorsy outdoors reporter in Oregon.  I've really enjoyed getting to know Meg and I'm looking forward to this mystery which involves a murder at a 5K.  Unlike a lot of other outdoors events I think this one is very relatable as it seems like every 3rd person is training for a 5K or wants to train for a 5K.  (NetGalley)

I actually went to a bookstore tonight and left without any books!  I saw several I want to check out later but I was pretty proud of my self control.


Reading: Without a Doubt by Nancy Cole Silverman and Send in the Clowns by Julie Mulhern.  I'm up to my ears in mystery goodness!

Listening:  Podcasts right now but I'm downloading Moonraker by Ian Fleming which is the 3rd James Bond to start Monday.  J is not super enthusiastic about having the movie Moonraker in his future.  Apparently he saw it in the theaters when it first came out and was not a fan.

Watching:  Football (War Eagle!) has been taking up quite a bit of TV time.  I've also been watching Heir Hunters on Netflix and am still enjoying it.  I've become the expert on inheritance laws in the UK which does me absolutely no good but is a lot of fun.  Of the new fall shows we watched American Housewife and were pretty meh about it.  I love the commercials but the actual show just wasn't as funny.  We watched the first Designated Survivor and enjoyed it but haven't watched anymore.  I'm liking the way Criminal Minds, NCIS, and NCIS: New Orleans are going so I've really enjoyed those.

Off the Blog:

Halloween is tomorrow and the Tornado is bouncing off the walls.  He's going to be a Ninja and is beyond excited about his costume.  We've been invited to go trick or treating with some friends and also a local museum where my mother works is having a big to do and she's trying to convince us to go to that.  J and I are leaning to just going on our own as this is probably the last year where not going with friends will be okay and it'd be nice having it be simple.

I have an appointment at an allergist Wednesday and am finishing off day 2 of no Benadryl.  It's rough! It's kind of scary how dependent I am on it.  I actually had an appointment at the end of September but there was so much out there that I was allergic too that I just couldn't do 5 days without any medicine.  I'm curious to see what my options are for treatment and my goal is to make an informed decision even if it's just to keep doing what I'm doing.

Bookfair at the Tornado's school is this week and I think we're all looking forward to it!  I'm volunteering at it on Monday and then J is going to lunch with him and to it later on in the week when they have a big parent lunch and shop.  I have a feeling we will not be hurting for books!

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday: A Red Herring Without Mustard + Ghostland - Mystery and DNF Review
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday - Ten Books to Read if Your Book Club Likes Children's Literature
Wednesday: Send in the Clowns - Cozy Mystery Blog Tour Review + Giveaway
Thursday: Without a Doubt - Cozy Mystery Review
Friday: Friday Linkups featuring Current Book
Saturday: TBD

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Oh, I can't wait to get a copy of Send In the Clowns! Loved the first three books in the series.

    The book fair sounds like fun. Have a good time.

    Enjoy your books, and thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

    1. I really enjoyed Send in the Clowns! It maybe wasn't my favorite in the series but I still really enjoyed it.

  2. Old Bones sounds great! And Send in the Clowns is on my list to hopefully get to soon- I hope it's good as the first three. I hope you like Moonraker- I kinda share J's view as I saw it too and it wasn't a favorite. But maybe the book is better- I've heard there's differences. I haven't seen Designated Survivor yet.

    Hard to believe trick or treating is tomorrow! Wow October kinda went fast.

    Good luck with the allergies!

    1. If the 2nd James Bond was anything to go by I'm thinking the movie won't be anywhere close to the book at all! I'm looking forward to the book though not quite as much to the movie.

  3. It sounds like you will have a great Halloween! Old Bones looks like something I might enjoy. Have to check it out.

    My Sunday Post

    1. I'm really looking forward to Old Bones! It looks great!

  4. Am glad the Tornado is excited about Halloween - just a fun time for kids. It's not big here in Australia but I have some lollies (candy) in case of trick or treaters. (And a decoration so kids know it's okay to stop in here!)

    I love Criminal Minds as well and it'll be interesting to see how it goes with the new cast. I think we're a little behind you guys. But I've just got Netflix as well and am very excited about that.

    1. I'm liking the new cast on Criminal Minds! I thought Ayesha Tyler was a good addition and I'm thinking the new guy will be good too. Halloween is all consuming here but lots of fun!

  5. Old Bones sounds really good, I'm going to have to go check that one out! Hope your doctors appointment goes okay!

    Have a great week & happy reading!

    1. I'm really excited about that book! Thanks! I'm a little nervous!

  6. Oooh! I remembered reading Bunnicula when I was little! I need to read that book again!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Catch you over @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays!

    1. I just discovered it and am so glad I did. So fun!

  7. You've sold me on Old Bones, as I can't resist books about old secrets! Have fun trick or treating, whatever way you decide to do it, I'm sure you and your Ninja will have a great time. And allergies suck!

    1. I'm really looking forward to Old Bones! It sounds like my kind of book! I'm so done with allergies!

  8. So much fun, kids who are at the age to get excited. My children are all grown, but I have a granddaughter who is one, so I am sure we will enjoy some of her enthusiasm as she gets a little older.
    I love those school book fairs! I wasn't aware that they even still did them. It's nice to know that they do.
    Here's to a lovely weekend with you and your little ninja.

    1. I'm so excited about the book fair! It's been to long since I've been to one! I think trick or treating is going to be fun and for once the weather is gorgeous!

  9. I am always proud of myself when I can walk out of a bookstore with nothing, too! Hope your allergist appointment goes well!

    1. I'm a bit nervous about the appointment but it'll be great to have it over and done with it!

  10. My gawd I miss the Scholastic book fairs! Do you know they even had them when I was in school in the Dark Ages, ha ha. I will be looking forward to your TTT Children's lit post. I wish The Tornado a successful night of ninja style trick-or-treating. Have a wonderful week and a happy Halloween.

    1. I love book fairs too! To be honest I've actually enjoyed the ones I've gone to as a parent because my budget is WAY bigger than when I was a kid.

  11. The Tornado...A Ninja on the loose. Hope he has a super time and gets lots of treats...and for you, have a good week. :-)
    sherry @ fundinmental My Sunday Memes

    1. Thanks! I think it is going to be a great night and for once the weather is gorgeous!

  12. We have done most of our Halloweening now. It was fun but am glad it's over. There is a party after school Monday but no more trick or treating for us. Enjoy tonight with your little ninja.

    1. Our town doesn't do trick or treating until the night of which I kind of like! I'm looking forward to tonight!

  13. You're probably right about this being the last Halloween before you HAVE to go with friends... that'll be huge by next year, I'm sure! Hope you enjoy the day. Good luck with the allergist.

    1. I'm thinking that with him being basically an only child going with friends is going to be mandatory. Not sure how I feel about it!

  14. I remember those book fairs too. Didn't know they were still around. Sorry about those dang allergies. Hope you feel better soon. A Ninja sounds cool!😀Not a fan of Moonraker either. Give me Sean Connery or Daniel Craigslist any day. Hugs..

    1. Yep around and flourishing! I'm volunteering today and so excited!

  15. I love that you're reading so many mysteries, because you tend to pick titles new to me, and down they go on my list! I like the sound of Old Bones :) I'm weird that way...

    I also love Criminal Minds, or love/dislike maybe. I love the actors, I love the teamwork companionship, but most of the plots creep me out. Is it me, or are they pushing the envelope as the seasons go by? I remember a few years ago binge watching this on Netflix, and now I sometimes watch half a show and then turn it off, lol. I'm such a wimp! Hubs and I watched a new show, only 8 episodes produced so far-- Goliath-- on Netflix. A legal drama- so good-- and Billy Bob Thornton, who I never cared for before shines in this, plus William Hurt is so creepy good-- but big warning: lots & lots of foul language and some violence & sensual scenes, so don't watch if Tornado is around the tv.
    Have a good week ahead, and hope Tornado has fun on Halloween!

    1. I've been wondering about Goliath! It looked intriguing but like you I'm not fond of Billy Bob Thornton so good to know its good! Criminal Minds definitely pushes the boundaries a bit. It had lost me a bit but I like the new direction this season is going and am curious about how they're going to handle the Thomas Gibson issue.

  16. I can't believe it is Halloween tomorrow. A simple night sounds good, especially since it is a school night. My kids are older but they enjoy passing out the candy with me. I hope your allergist can help you. We've gone through the testing with my daughter and it is a long process to figure out what works best. Have a great week!

  17. Ooh, have fun at Book Fair. I love seeing fresh, new books out. I hope the allergist will be able to help you. It's no fun suffering. Cucpake got invited to trick-or-treat with her friends but we're already going out and about with our neighbors in our niche. I figure also since the neighbors make the effort to pass out candy, we should support them.

  18. eee! Good luck at the allergist! Old Bones looks interesting. Creepy cover but I do love old cases and missing person cases as well so sounds good!

  19. Old Bones and First Degree Mudder both look good, I will have to check out those series and get book one for them both.

    Have you tried watching Bull with Michael Weatherly? I so miss him on NCIS but at least I can still get his snarky/sarcastic fun with Bull. :) I like it.

  20. We are all torn up here with allergies. I hope you are able to get relief. When my husband finally broke down and visited the allergist, he was told he was not allergic to anything. what's with the itchy red eyes and sneezing and congestion? No explanation.

  21. All the best with the allergic exploration for medication, hope whatever it might be it helps. Can't be pleasant. Enjoy Halloween!

  22. I like Designated Survivor but I haven't seen this week's episode yet. I, too, like Criminal Minds, NCIS and NCIS New Orleans. I'm behind on my TV though.

    I want to read Send in the Clowns. I enjoy that series.

    Have a great week!

  23. I wish trick or treat time was the night of Halloween in my area but it was this afternoon. Kids were cute though. Hope the Tornado has a fun time!

  24. I hope you have a fun Halloween! I miss school book fairs. They were pretty much the only thing I liked about school.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  25. Oh no. Sorry that you have to suffer in order to see the allergist. I hope they can figure something out long term. Hope your ninja enjoys Halloween!

    Have a fantastic week.

  26. Hope the medication to the allergies is sorted out - they can be utterly miserable:(. And here's hoping the weather stays fine for Trick or Treating. I've also got a review copy of Old Bones, which I'm very excited about. Cynthia Harrod Eagles is one of my mother's favourite authors and she has been nagging me to read her books for ages. Hope this coming week is a good one for you:)

  27. I'm pretty glad my kids have long outgrown trick or treating. With all of the extra places you can go these days, it seems like parents are getting kids costumed up and begging for treats a ridiculous number of times the last week in October. I hope you stuck with making your lives easy!

  28. I live in the worst part of the US to have allergies - Austin, TX. Seeing an allergist was eye-opening. I never have pain with my sinuses, but my ears. It is unbearable sometimes, so to go that many days without is rough. I was told I need the shots, but it is insane what it costs for me. I opted not to do it. I hope you get a good response and better options! Allergies are not fun.
