
Sunday, October 2, 2016

This Week in Reading - October 2

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

The Christmas Town by Donna VanLiere - Another Christmas book but this one isn't a typical romance which is intriguing.  So many of the holiday books are romance themed that it's nice to have something that isn't.  (Publisher)

The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins - I've been meaning to read this book FOREVER and it's going to happen before Halloween!  I'm really looking forward to it and hoping it lives up to my expectations.  (Library)

And that's it!  Only two books and one is from the library so it isn't adding to my review book count.  I'm not sure I want to go on a full on book buying freeze but I'm starting to feel really overwhelmed and I need to at least cut back.  Does anyone else ever feel this way?


Reading: Crepe Factor by Laura Childs and Terrie Farley Moran for a blog tour stop later this week and The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman

Listening:  A Red Herring Without Mustard by Alan Bradley.  I absolutely love Jayne Entwistle's narration for this series!

Watching:  We're still watching season 3 of Blacklist.  I'm not completely in love with it but I've heard it gets better.  I'm also almost done with watching Catfish on Hulu and am going to go back to Blindspot.

Off the Blog:

Well we ended up buying a car last weekend.  We traded in our beloved but rather elderly Toyota Sequoia and ended up getting a newer (but not new) Toyota Rav4.  After some rather stressful time wandering around dealerships and dealing with salesman we ended up at a national used car dealership and the experience was SOOO much better.  For starters all the prices were on the car and that's what you pay.  I know some people really enjoy the haggling game but I am not one of them.  I also really liked that all the cars were unlocked so you could explore at your leisure.  We never would have gotten what we ended up with if that hadn't been the case because it wasn't something either of us had thought about but we love it!  I'm still figuring out how to use all the new features.  A lot of it is the same because a Toyota is a Toyota but a lot has changed in the 11 years since I bought my last one!

In other news we're on vacation!!  The weather looks gorgeous so hopefully it stays that way and we're so excited.  This is the first vacation we've taken in awhile that didn't involve staying with family and we've been counting down the days.  I won't be around for a few days but I'm looking forward to catching up when I get back!

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday:  The Girl in the Castle - Historical Fiction Blog Tour Review
Tuesday:  Top Ten Tuesday:  My Favorite Non-bookish Villains
Wednesday:  Masking for Trouble - Blog Tour Cozy Mystery Review
Thursday:  Crepe Factor - Blog Tour Cozy Mystery Review
Friday:  Friday Linkups with Current Book
Saturday:  TBD

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Yay to reading The Woman in White this month! I hope you enjoy it, Katherine. I still haven't read The Graveyard Book, which I need to do. I love Gaiman's books. At least the small few I've read.

    I hope you are enjoying your vacation and your new car! Have a great week, Katherine!

  2. I would love to read more Christmas themed books that aren't just romances- the few Christmas themed mysteries I've read have been nice. I do feel inundated with books occasionally if it feels like things are piling up, although not doing ARC's helps... I probably have it easier than most for that reason. Blacklist I haven't made much progress on, although I like it (only on S1), and I still need to get going on Blindspot.

    Congrats on the new car! And have a great vacation!!

  3. Ooo... I'm intrigued by the Christmas title. I don't read romance too much, and that's what puts me off a lot of Christmas titles. I look forward to your review later on down the line.

    I hope you have a great vacation!

  4. I really should listen to the Alan Bradley series on audio. But, now there are so many of them and I am so bad with series. lol

  5. Congrats on the new (to you) vehicle. I definitely think buying pre-owned is the way to go! Enjoy vacation!

  6. Oh, I'm glad you got a car you'll enjoy. I always love Toyota, and my last one was not one I thought of getting, but it's been wonderful (Matrix).

    Enjoy your vacation, and any reading you can get done.

    I'm curious about The Woman in White, too.


  7. I hate haggling too. It usually doubles my buyer's remorse because it makes me think if I only tried a little harder I coukd have gotten a better deal. Ha! Yay for vacation. Have a great time. :)

  8. Congrats on the new car! Or truck, as my hubby prefers to calls our SUV! I'm with you on the haggling, especially when it comes to vehicles. I'm always certain that we're not getting the best deal no matter how much time and effort my husband spends on research. Enjoy your vacation!

  9. I feel like I'm never going to catch up on review books though I have made an effort to cut back on the number of books I request. Good luck!

    I am looking forward to reading some Christmas themed books. Mostly they do tend to be romantic in nature. A lot of the ones being published this fall are either historical or contemporary romances.

    I hope you have a wonderful time on your vacation and congratulations on the new car.

  10. Congrats on the new car! I know what you mean about dealerships, we avoid them as well. Used car lots are way better and I hate haggling. My husband is quite good at it, but the last car we bought was from a used car lot and he was happy with the asking price so no haggle necessary!

    Enjoy your vacation! I can't remember the last vacation I took for the purpose of just relaxing. I went to BEA but that's still a conference. Sometimes you just need to chill!!

  11. Enjoy you vacation, Katherine! We haven't watched any new shows so I'm looking forward to new shows and some old ones, too. I love the cover of The Christmas Town and that it's not not a romance. So many Christmas books are and I'm not feeling like romance right now!

    Anyway have a great vacation!

  12. I accepted The Christmas Town too so we shall see. Sounds good. I am with you on feeling overwhelmed with review books plus all ones I want to read. Practising my No word, otherwise I just get to feel very blah about reading and it is my pleasure usually. Great for the car, I don't like haggling either.

  13. I have always wanted to read The Woman in White and I think I have it on audio somewhere...hmmm...I need to look and find it.

    I am trying to catch up on some of my shows I have dvred since the next season is out on most of them...gaah why did I let myself get so Also enjoying some new series (Lethal Weapon, Bull, Exorcist, McGyver)

    Happy reading,

  14. My husband's good at that whole negotiating thing, but it makes me nervous. I just want to buy a freakin' car without all the drama! Glad you found something you love!

  15. Congrats on the new car. Can't go wrong with a Toyota. Have a fab vacation!!

  16. Congrats on the new car. I hate dealing with car salesmen so I make my husband do it and call me when it is ready to sign the papers lol. I hope you are having a great vacation!

  17. Have a lovely holiday! And congrats on the new ride.

  18. Glad you found a new(er) vehicle at a price you can live with. I am definitely going to take a little more time with my next car purchase, and if a salesman starts treating me like the last one, we're going to have a problem. I hope you are enjoying your vacation!

  19. I hate the haggling as well Katherine. I feel you HAVE to do it and feel like I've been cheated and guilty when I don't do it. I suspect that sort of thing is why we sometimes prefer buying stuff online. No nebulousness!

  20. I love Jayne Entwistles narration for the Flavia books too! I still have to read the two most recent ones!
