
Sunday, October 16, 2016

This Week in Reading - October 16

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Pressed to Death by Kirsten Weiss - I really enjoyed the first book in this cozy series about a haunted museum and am really looking forward to this 2nd book.  I love that so far each book has really focused on one haunted item at a time.  (NetGalley)

Pretty Little World by Elizabeth LaBan and Melissa DePino - I'm really curious about this one.  Originally I thought it didn't look like something I wanted to read but the more I mulled it over the more interested in the concept I became.  Basically, it's 3 close families that decide to knock down the walls between their houses and live in more of a commune type situation.  This is so opposite of anything that I would ever want to do that I'm curious to see what kind of conflicts arise in this story.  (Publisher)

On Second Thought by Kristan Higgins - I've read a few of Higgins' straight romance books and enjoyed her writing style.  This one looks a little more emotional and less of a straight up romance.  I'm curious to see how she tackles a more serious book and I love books about sisters!  (Publisher)


Reading:  All the Little Liars by Charlaine Harris and Honor Bound by B.J. Daniels 

Listening:  I finished with the 3rd Flavia de Luce book (not my favorite but still good) and am waiting for my turn for the next audio book.  Until than I've been listening to podcasts.  My current favorite is Most Notorious which focuses on historic crimes and is fascinating.  The host interviews authors of true crime books and they really explore different crimes.  I just listened to The 1876 Northfield Bank Raid by James-Younger Gang and couldn't stop listening.  And of course now I'm an expect on Jesse James and the Younger Brothers!  

Watching:  We're finishing up season 3 of Blacklist and I'm liking the 2nd half of the season a little better than the 1st but the first 2 seasons are WAY better.  I haven't really started on any of the new shows but I'm looking forward to the American Housewife sitcom.  It looks hilarious.

Off the Blog:

This week was tons of appointments.  It always seems like the week after vacation ends up being that way.  Not sure why it works out like that but I'm looking forward to being back on regular schedule next week.  On the plus side the Tornado has no cavities and I got my hair cut!

This weekend we're going camping and we're all looking forward to it.  The weather here has been in the mid-70s and just gorgeous this week and I'm excited about the campground where we'll be staying.  Also on the list this weekend is getting the Tornado's Halloween costume.  He has announced that he wants to be either a Ninja or a ghost which don't seem to hard to find.  This is the first year he hasn't been a Star Wars character so that's taking some time to get used too!

Eleanor and her boyfriend were over for dinner earlier this week and it was nice to catch up with them.  Eleanor just got a part time job at Starbucks and so far is really enjoying it.  She's got about another year or so of school left and they sound pretty organized and willing to work with her schedule which is a big plus.

That's about it here.  Nothing too exciting which is usually the best way. This coming week I'm looking forward to getting in some scary or spooky movies to get in the Halloween spirit so I'm working on picking a few that look good. 

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday:  Ramblings from the Stacks - What I'm Looking for in a Book
Tuesday:  Top Ten Tuesday - Ten Characters I'd Name a Child or Pet After
Wednesday:  All the Liars - Mystery Review
Thursday: Honor Bound - Contemporary Romance Blog Tour Review
Friday:  Friday Linkups with teasers from current book
Saturday:  TBD

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Pretty Little World should be interesting, I can't imagine doing that. I'm not really catching any of the new shows yet, new episode hit Netflix so I seem to go there when I have free TV time and haven't been watching the new stuff. I need to get on the ball with the spooky reads too as it's mid- October and I really haven't read anything spooky yet!

    Have fun camping!

  2. I have On Second Thought too. Hope we both enjoy it. Yay for getting your hair cut. I love going to get my hair done. Hope you have a great time camping!!! Our kids Halloween costumes just came in and it is the first time they aren't characters of some sort which is weird. Have a great week!

  3. Sounds like the perfect weather for camping and it's always a treat catching up with 'the kids'! One of these days I need to get started on the Flavia de Luce books. Have a good week, Katherine :)

  4. I started watching Blacklist a couple weeks ago and stalled. I am so bad with TV!

  5. I agree with the Blacklist, season 3. Just watched two of the episodes and not sure if I'd continue. I really loved season 1 though.
    Good books, above-- museums are my thing-- and I see some fun posts you have lined up for this week. You're so disciplined; I'm still a pantser blogger. Have a good week with your family.

  6. Oh camping in this weather sounds absolutely fabulous! Have a great time. Ghost or Ninja, hm? Well those are both classics, so shouldn't be too hard! Have a great week :)

  7. Sounds like lots to keep yall busy! Pressed to Death looks fun :D Hope you guys had a good weekend. We're having gorgeous cool weather here as well. It's wonderful :)

  8. I love the Aurora Teagarden series on Hallmark, so I must read the books! I didn't realize that Charlaine Harris had written them.

    I watched the first episode of the American Housewife sitcom...and won't be watching more. Something about the MC was so irritating (to me). I so wanted to enjoy this show, and the previews did look hilarious.

    Enjoy your week, and thanks for visiting my blog.

  9. Hi, Katherine! I hope you're enjoying your camping trip! It's been nice to have the cooler temperatures; I'm not looking forward to going back up into the 80s this coming week. Luckily, it's only for three days.

    Pressed to Death looks like fun. I haven't read the first in the series yet, but I remember you enjoyed it. And Pretty Little World sounds interesting... it's a situation that could go well but has the potential to be disastrous. I wasn't sure I was up for it if things went badly, so I decided to hold off... but I will look forward to your review.

  10. See now I wouldn't mind camping in the fall, since not that many bugs. I can't do the summer. It's probably nice with all the trees changing and hiking. I really need to think about that a little more.

    I have heard good things about working at Starbucks. They do love college kids and work great with them.

    I hope you have a more quiet week and things go back to regular schedule. :)
    Have a great week, Katherine! Happy Reading! ox

  11. Fall camping sounds fun!

  12. Hope camping was a blast and ugh I hate appointments and for some reason they all seem to cluster together in the same week. I really want to try Kirsten Weiss series. Have an amazing week!

  13. Ohhh, Pressed to Death must go request that one as I read the first one and liked it. :) Hope you have fun camping! :)

    Have a great week!
    Week in Review

  14. Camping - I loathe it! Love the relaxation but hate the lack of mod cons. I look forward to the new K Higgins book although will be little while before I get to it. Seems to be so many books about sisters around at the moment.

  15. Really looking forward to reading On Second Thought. Debating on making it my first read of 2017. LOVE her books. Have a good week!

  16. There are a few new shows this fall that make me sorry I got rid of our cable tv, and American Housewife is one of them. I need to sit down and see what Netflix offers vs. Hulu and get whichever one has more of the programs I want to watch. I really can't justify subscribing to both. The whole trick-or-treating thing is so much fun. I need some grandchildren. Ha ha. The two little girls I babysit stop by in costume, but it isn't the same. I am looking forward to everyone's TTT name posts. Have a stellar week. :)

  17. I want Pressed To Death. I've enjoyed her other books and it sounds fun too. I'm all caught up on The Blacklist. I absolutely love that show! Now I'm watching I Zombie and preparing for the return of The Walking Dead.

    My Sunday Post

  18. It's always fun to get into the Halloween spirit! I'm planning on watching AHS and reading some spooky books. Have a good week! :)

  19. Hurray for hair cuts and no cavities! Lol. That does sound like wonderful weather for camping! Though I have to admit, camping is not on my list of things I consider fun, haha. Actually, I suppose it was fun when I used to go with Girl Scouts as a kid, but I'm really not an outdoors person.

    Halloween costume shopping, how fun! Have a great week, and enjoy your scary movie watching :-)

  20. Haircuts are great - and so are no cavities! I hadn't been to the dentist since I was four (and not like you can really count that as a visit anyway) and went this past spring. They were shocked my teeth were in such good condition! I had one fairly large and one tiny cavity on the same side. Could be worse! I have never been camping. We camped out in my aunt's yard one time, but that doesn't really count. I hope you guys enjoy your camping! It's good that the Tornado is embracing new characters - with easy costumes! :D

  21. Sounds like the weather has been just right for camping - not too chilly, but not furnace oven temperatures, either... I hope you had a great time. Glad no cavities were found and the hair is duly trimmed. Have a great week, Katherine:)

  22. I'm glad to read Starbucks thinks about their employees. Today we are hunting for Halloween costumes after school. The girls will decide by what they see.

  23. I love the cover of Pressed to Death. I'm with you about the first two seasons of Blacklist being better than the third. Hopefully this fourth one will be better than the third too. I can't say it's leaning that way yet though.

    You've reminded me that I need to find time for a hair cut. My daughter needs one too. It won't be this weekend though. It's going to be a busy one. I hope you had a fun camping trip!

    Have a great weekend!
