
Thursday, October 27, 2016

The Obsession - Review

The Obsession by Nora Roberts

Rating: Very Good
Source: Library

Description:  Naomi Bowes lost her innocence the night she followed her father into the woods.  In freeing the girl trapped in the root cellar, Naomi revealed the horrible extent of her father's crimes and made him infamous.  Now a successful photographer living under the name Naomi Carson, she has found a place that calls to her, thousands of miles away from everything she's ever known, Naomi wants to embrace the solitude, but the residents of Sunrise Cove keep forcing her to open up - especially the determined Xander Keaton.  Naomi can feel her defenses failing, and knows that the connection her new life offers is something she's always secretly craved.  But as she's learned time and again, her past is never more than a nightmare away.  (from Goodreads)

Genre: Romantic Suspense

Why I Picked This Book:  It's Nora Roberts.  Her books are basically auto-buys.  Especially her romantic suspense titles.

My Impression:  Nora Roberts has this ability to just draw me into the world of her stories and make me not want to leave until the end.  It made it super disappointing when her books over the last few years just haven't done that.  I was pleased when last year's stand alone title, The Liar, had that ability but worried that that was a fluke.  If anything The Obsession was even better - like an episode of Criminal Minds but with a love story and really likable side characters.  Roberts' takes us inside the serial killer's lair and in the 2nd half of the book inside his mind.  While it isn't super gorey there are some details that the more squeamish readers might want to avoid.

Naomi is smart and talented and a little skittish with people.  She's always been on the go without dependents and is surprised when she suddenly finds herself with a house, a dog and even more surprising - friends.  I loved the uncles and appreciated the struggle Naomi's mother went through.  You can see that's she's trying but is just so lost.

There are two basic plots in this book.  One centers around Naomi and her trying to adjust to the idea that she's really making a home here in Sunrise Cove.  The second centers around a serial killer who lurks in the shadows.  Both were fascinating and kept me turning pages and they went together well.  I liked the spaces where Naomi is thinking about her house or her family or her dog.  It lightened the book up a bit from the grimmer scarier stuff that was going on in the past and present day.

I'd absolutely love to see a book with Naomi's brother Mason as the main character.  He's absolutely fascinating and I found his and Naomi different methods for dealing with their past interesting and could see both sides. Jenny and Kevin were also great side characters and I found it impossible not to like them and would really love to see some of Jenny's work!  This is definitely a town I'd like to spend time in - minus the serial killer of course.

If you're a fan of romantic suspense this is a good one that has a good mix of both elements.  If you're familiar with Roberts' books I'd say this is similar to The Witness in terms of intensity and level of bad guys.  Overall, this is everything romantic suspense should be - entertaining, page turning, with a lot of suspense but also a lot of heart.  I thoroughly enjoyed this one!

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?: Absolutely!  I can't wait to pick up Bay of Sighs - the latest in her newest trilogy - and I'm really looking forward to her next romantic suspense title.

Would I Recommend this Book?: If you love romantic suspense this is a must read!


  1. True fact: I have not read a Nora Roberts novel. Yep. I really have to. Where should I start?

    1. Oh good question! It depends on what you're looking for. If you like a little suspense I'd recommend this one or my personal favorite - Three Fates. If you'd rather more of a straight romance Jewels of the Sun and the rest of the Gallagher series is really wonderful.

  2. I think I read a Nora Robert's novel before but it's been ages. Romantic suspense isn't a genre I'd heard of but I'm intrigued. If there is a mystery, I will probably like it.

    1. I think Romantic Suspense is kind of my ultimate comfort genre because I love a mystery but I like the all wound up happy ending of a romance too.

  3. I've never read Nora Roberts, but had heard of several fans who were disappointed with recent novels. Sounds like things may be turning around? I hope so :)

    1. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I've really liked the most recent 3 so I'm hoping that the lackluster books were just a phase.

  4. I'm so glad you liked this. I haven't really kept up with Nora Roberts' romantic suspense novels. I love Hidden Riches! Have you ever read that one? It's an oldie. But so good. I was thinking of doing a post on where to start with Nora Roberts because she has SUCH a back list.

    1. I know I've read Hidden Riches and I know I loved it but I'm vague I which one it was. Was it the one where she owned an antique store of some kind? Definitely need to do a reread!

  5. Serial killers are always freaky but I like the sound of her having to start a new life. Sounds like a good read- glad it was a step up from the recent more disappointing ones.

    1. It was an interesting focus. So often a serial killer book focuses on the catching of the killer but this one really looked at the aftermath for the family.

  6. I really liked it! Kind of reminded me of a Criminal Minds plot :) And Mason--- he creeped me out, I don't really know why. This was a very good read for me, and Nora Roberts can be hit or miss for me, from just okay to very good. Haven't read the JD Robb series except the first book, so I can't judge her on that.

    1. Huh! I wonder what it was about Mason that creeped you out? That's interesting because I loved him. It'd be interesting to see why our takes are so different. I haven't read her JD Robb books either but I know so many people who love them that I really want to try them at some point.

  7. This book kicked butt. I LOVED it. I really liked how a good chunk of the story was developing Naomi's new life. I was surprised as usually you're immersed in murders, etc.

    1. Yes! So good! And I'm with you on enjoying the focus on Naomi's rebuilding and not just the murders. I really enjoyed that.

  8. I thoroughly enjoyed this one. I've only read a couple of her books before, but preferred this one to the others. Thank you for a really good review:)

    1. I really like her suspense titles but I really liked this one more than I've liked a lot of her other recent titles. Have you read The Liar? I enjoyed that one as well though I think this one was better.

  9. I liked this one as well and would definitely read Mason's story!

    1. I would really love Mason's story! I liked how differently they handled the situation.

  10. I loved this one too! I am a fan of NR's romantic suspense, especially. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Her suspense books are normally solid and this was one of my favorites. Glad you enjoyed this one too!

  11. Great review Katherine, you reminded my of how much I liked Mason and wanted more of his story too. Fingers crossed!! I thought parts were gory, but still really enjoyed it too.

    1. Wouldn't it be fun to see his story! I liked how she showed the different ways that he and Naomi handled their past.

  12. I really like Nora Roberts as well! I do like romantic suspense. This book looks really good. Great review!

    1. Thanks! This is one of her better suspense titles I thought. Definitely an enjoyable read.

  13. I just started collecting Nora Roberts books, she is one of my faves. This looks good, thanks!!

    1. I really enjoy her books and then one really hooked me.

  14. I'm a Nora Roberts fan, and used to read her work all of the time. In fact, I think there was a time I binged. (lol) I check out her work every now and then and previously enjoyed The Liar. Sounds like this one will be good, too! Hugs...

    1. She definitely has her ups and downs but the last few books I've really enjoyed. If you liked The Liar I think you'd really like this one as well.
