
Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Snowfall on Haven Point - Contemporary Romance Review

Snowfall on Haven Point by RaeAnne Thayne

Rating: Very Good
Source: Publisher

Description:  It's been two rough years since Andrea Montgomery lost her husband, and all she wants is for her children to enjoy their first Christmas in Haven Point. But then Andie's friend asks a favor—to keep an eye on her brother, Sheriff Marshall Bailey, who's recovering from a hit and run. Andie will do anything for Wyn, even park her own misgivings to check on her grouchy, wounded bear of a brother.
Marshall hates feeling defenseless and resents the protective impulses that Andie brings out in him. But when a blizzard forces them together for the holidays, something in Marshall begins to thaw. Andie's gentle nature is a salve, and her kids' excitement for the holidays makes him forget why he never wanted a family. If only he and Andie can admit what they really want—each other—their Christmas wishes might come true after all.

Genre: Romance - Contemporary

Why I Picked This Book: RaeAnne Thayne is one of my favorite contemporary romance authors and I especially love her Christmas books.  I met both Marshall and Andie in the previous book and am really looking forward to seeing more of them.

My Impression: When we first met Andi and Marshall in the previous Haven Point novel I was very intrigued by both of them.  They both came off on the reserved side and people who aren't particularly comfortable with discussing feelings or letting people in so I was curious to see how a book that focused on the two of them worked.

I really liked getting to know Andie.  I knew from the last book that she had a lot of tragedy in her past but I didn't realize how hard her life had been prior to her arrival in Haven Point.  I enjoyed watching her really begin to make a home for herself and begin to relax around the townspeople.  Her children, Chloe and Will, are really cute though never too precocious and they added some sweetness and a little humor to the book.  She has a lot on her plate and her reluctance to get involved with Marshall felt pretty true to life.  I also found the peeks we get into her first marriage interesting as while she loved her husband she doesn't portray him as a saint and while she doesn't feel like she really is interested in a relationship she isn't completely ruling it out forever.

I also really liked Marshall.  He can definitely be more than a bit grumpy but he also realizes it and apologizes when it is called for.  He really hates being helpless and being dependent is not bringing out the best in him.  He is also worried about who is behind the accident that has him on medical leave and stuck on the couch and is trying to investigate it from afar.  As well he has some personal trouble he's trying to come to grips with and I felt for him as he struggled to do what he felt was the right thing.

The romance is definitely slow developing as the two get too know each other and become friends.  I love how Thayne really focuses on emotional connections and I enjoyed watching the relationship grow between Andie and Marshall.  I also was intrigued by the mystery element.  I really wanted to know what was going and who was behind it!

Once again Thayne delivers a wonderful holiday read with memorable and likable characters.  Plus, I'm beginning to look as forward to the annual boat parade as the people of Haven Point!

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?: Absolutely!  I have another Christmas book by her that comes out next month and I'm already excited to read it!

Would I Recommend this Book?: Definitely!  If you're in the mood for a sweet Christmas romance that doesn't drift over to sappy than this would be a great choice


  1. I am very much looking forward to reading this one. I just love Thayne's books! I am glad you enjoyed this one, Katherine.

  2. She's one of your favorite romance authors? Then I definitely need to try out her books. She's been on my radar for a few years now.

  3. I read one of her books - the first one in Hope's Crossing - Blackberry Summer and found it very so-so. Perhaps I should give her another go as I respect that Very Good rating at the top, and the book also sounds good.

  4. I read and enjoyed the first book in the series, Snow Angel Cove. Now I am eager to continue with the characters and the town. Thanks for sharing.

  5. I love her books! This sounds so good. I have to catch up with her series.

  6. I have had Snow Angel Cove (Haven Point #1) on my kindle since last November and didn't get to it. I don't prefer to read holiday books out of season so I was waiting until a bit later this month to get to it. I'm so glad to hear that this books is also a winner (you recommended Snow Angel Cove to me last year).

  7. I am pretty sure that I read and enjoyed one of her books years ago. It sounds like I need to check out some more. This sounds like the perfect Christmas read. Great read!

  8. I can get behind a slow moving romance like this one. I really do need to try out her books. The Christmas ones are so dang tempting.
