
Thursday, October 20, 2016

Honor Bound - Blog Tour Contemporary Romance Review + Giveaway

Honor Bound (Montana Hamiltons #6) by B.J. Daniels

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Description:  Ainsley Hamilton has always been the responsible one of the family. As the oldest daughter of presidential candidate Buckmaster Hamilton, she's also a potential target. For months she's sensed someone following her. When an expedition to scout locations for a commercial takes a terrifying turn, she's rescued by a natural-born cowboy who tempts the good girl to finally let loose.

Sawyer Nash knows just how reckless it is to fall for someone he's gone undercover to protect. Yet masquerading as an extra on set, he starts to see beneath Ainsley's controlled facade. And with the election—and a killer—drawing closer, Sawyer stands to lose not just his job and his life but the woman for whom he'd gladly risk both.

Genre: Romance - Contemporary

Why I Picked This Book:  I've been warming up to the Western Romances and Daniels is a name I've seen a number of times and have really been wanting to try her books!

My Impression:  Whew!  I think I need a nap after this one.  There is a LOT going on and tons of action.  I love a good romantic suspense and most of the Western romances I've read seem to be lacking the suspense element so I was pleased that this one seemed to have a good dash of danger.  And it really did!  This isn't overblown manufactured danger to throw the main characters together. The danger is very serious and coming from just about everywhere.

Ainsley Hamilton has been feeling like someone has been watching from the shadows for months but always chalked it up to her father's political position.  Normally when a character refuses help or seems to ignore danger but in this case it made sense.  She doesn't have any real proof - only a feeling and an occasional glimpse of a man disappearing into a crowd.  I think most people would think they were imagining things in that situation which is exactly what Ainsley thinks.  She's basically spent her life staying below the radar and not causing trouble and plans on continuing that pattern.  While Ainsley doesn't have the biggest personality I liked her.  She struck me as a real person and a nice one.  Sawyer is similar.  He's good at his job, loves a puzzle, and specializes in rescuing damsels in distress.  While I wasn't exactly sure of the relationship between him and Sheriff Curry the decision on Curry's part to call him in made a lot of sense.  I also really loved that Sawyer felt obligated to make sure Ainsley knew the whole truth before any relationship developed between them.  Honesty in a romance completely makes my day.

So we have the Sawyer/Ainsley relationship plus a stalker but this is the 6th book in the series and a LOT has happened in the previous books.  We have jewel thieves, politics, a crazy dysfunctional family, escaped killers, and a terrorist group as well as amnesia and a presidential election.   While Daniels did a good job of making me understand what was going on and who everyone was I think I would have benefited greatly from reading the previous books in the series.   While I liked the main characters and understood what was going on there were a few subplots I really wasn't invested in.

Because of all that was going on I kind of went back and forth on how I felt about the book itself.  I always found it incredibly readable but there were some moments in the middle where the book seemed to drag and I felt a bit overwhelmed with all that was happening.  Overall, this was an enjoyable read if you like romantic suspense but I do recommend starting at the beginning of the series.  After finishing this one I'm really looking forward to going back to the beginning!  Rating: Good

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?: I would.  While I enjoyed this one I think I would have enjoyed it more if I had read the series from the beginning.

Would I Recommend this Book?:  I would recommend this series if you like romantic suspense but I think you'd enjoy it more if you started from the beginning.


  1. That's a nice giveaway. You sound like you like this author but this wasn't the top book in their series. Still, I see a cowboy on horseback so that's a certain appeal right there. Lol

  2. I've never been big on western romances my self. But this one is kind of calling to me. Honesty in romance makes my day too. :)

  3. Thanks for the giveaway chance. I'll mark the first in the series to read too.

  4. Good to hear you enjoyed this one. I bought the first in the series last month as I've heard quite a bit about her books, so phew, that's where I'll start with the first one! Partial to western and a little suspense.

  5. I don't think I have ever read a Western romance and not sure I am super interested. I am glad you enjoyed this though. Great review!

  6. Suspense! That's what I really liked about my recent Cowboy romance too. :-) I will definitely have to give this one a try. Thanks for your great review, Katherine.

  7. I hope you enjoy the rest of the series as well! Thanks for being a part of the tour.

  8. I've read a number of hers and enjoyed them. Good to know on reading in order for this series.
