
Friday, October 14, 2016

Friday Linkups: All the Little Liars

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
You come across an old library that has one book you've been searching for for years, but the library happens to be haunted by ghosts.  Would you go into the library to find the book?

My Answer:
I'm going to need more information on these ghosts!  If they're the weeping ladies in white I can definitely handle that - especially for a book that I've been searching for for ages.  However, if it's the type of ghosts who can actually harm me than I might have to give the old Amazon search engine another try and pay the ridiculous price someone has it listed at!  I can handle a good scare but I don't want to risk being driven mad and jumping off a balcony by some scary specter.

I'm so excited I can barely stand it about this week's book!  Pre-blogging days I stumbled upon Charlaine Harris and loved her Harper Connelly mystery series.  After I finished reading those I started looking for more books by her and struggled because at the time I wasn't really interested in anything paranormal other than the occasional ghost.  When I found her Aurora Teagarden series I was so thrilled and promptly got them all and thoroughly enjoyed them.  It was definitely a series I was sad to see come to an end.  Except it didn't!  Last week the 9th Aurora Teagarden book - All the Little Liars by Charlaine Harris - was released and I'm so excited to be reading it!

The Beginning:
"They only made one mistake," I said, reaching over to the butter dish.  I applied butter liberally to my scone.  Yum.

My Thoughts:
Well now I want scones.  And lots of butter.

The 56:
"Yes, this is he," he said next.  "What happened?"
Then something terrible passed over Robin's face, and all the sleep left me as if I'd never closed my eyes.

My Thoughts:
I'm not here yet so I don't know what's going on but I have a sinking feeling just reading this.

So what do you think?  Keep reading?


  1. I have this one on my must read list. Still finsihing up a few of her other books first.

    My Friday 56 from Bulletproof Badge

  2. I would totally go to that library. I might go there with my camera eve and try to capture something!
    I would totally keep reading. This book sounds really good. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Yeah, it would definitely depend on the type of ghost. Because ones that could hurt me - I would totally pass.

  4. Such an interesting question, it really makes me wonder about the lengths we go to for the books we really want...

  5. I must start reading this series! I am hooked on the TV series based on these books...but didn't even know that Charlaine Harris was the author. This one sounds good....tempting.

    Thanks for sharing...and here's mine: “COMMONWEALTH”

  6. Great author, and the perfect time of year to read this one! I'd love for you and your readers to check out my BB and Friday 56

  7. Right?! I would need way more information on these ghosts but I may be willing to pay someone else to go in and get the book if I were to scared!

  8. Mmmm buttery scones. My favourite too. Enjoy the book.

    Today I'm featuring The Underachieving Ovary by JT Lawrence.

  9. Sounds so good! I need to read something by her... soon! Happy weekend!

  10. I haven't tried that particular series by Harris, but I do enjoy her books. :-) I'm excited for you that you are reading All the Little Liars.

    Love your answer for the Book Blogger Hop question this week. I would have to agree!

    Have a great weekend, Katherine.

  11. I haven't read anything by this author. I have heard of the Aurora Teagarden books, but only because I've seen the movies on Hallmark.

  12. Love your checking out the ghosts first. I would just go for it.

  13. There is no way I would go into that library!!! I have only read Charlaine's Sookie books but maybe I should check out this series!

  14. After watching the show on Hallmark I really want to try this series! :)

    Friday Memes

  15. I really liked the Harper Connelly series as well. I read several of this series but I still need to read several of them. I would have to go into that haunted the daytime of course.

  16. I also don't want to be harmed by any ghosts!

    Here’s my Book Blogger Hop!

    Catch you over at Rabbit Ears Book Blog!

  17. I haven't got all that far into this series, but have enjoyed it so far - good to know that it hasn't just died...

  18. I would go in ghosts or must have book!

  19. This is on my wishlist. It looks so good.

  20. Wonderful blog hop answer. :)

    I don't know who weeping ladies are, though.

    I hope you are having a good weekend.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  21. I really like the question asked - and your answer too! It did make me chuckle a little!

  22. I've never read Harris, but I've heard she's good. I'd go in the library.

  23. I've watched too many horror movies and too much Supernatural to not go into that library fully prepared! :D

    Lauren @ Always Me
