
Saturday, September 3, 2016

Pancakes in Paris - Review

Pancakes in Paris: Living the American Dream in France

Rating: Just Okay
Source: NetGalley

Description:  Craig Carlson was the last person anyone would expect to open an American diner in Paris.  He came from humble beginnings in a working-class town in Connecticut, had never worked in a restaurant, and didn't know anything about starting a brand new business.  But from his first visit to Paris, Craig knew he had found the city of his dreams, although one thing was still missing - the gold ol' American breakfast he loved so much.  Pancakes in Paris is the story of Craig tackling the impossible - from raising the money to fund his dream to tracking down international suppliers for "exotic" American ingredients...and even finding love along the way.  His diner, Breakfast in America, is now a renowned tourist destination, and the story of how it came to be is just as delicious and satisfying as the classic breakfast that tops its menu. (from Goodreads)

Genre: Nonfiction

Why I Picked This Book: Food, Paris, realizing a dream - how could I resist that?

My Impression:   I have a list of things that I'm quite certain I never want to do - jump out of a perfectly good airplane, hike the entirety of the Appalachian Trail, fight a tiger in hand to hand combat and now after reading this book I can safely add open a restaurant in France to that list!  At the very best of times opening a restaurant sounds impossibly hard and such a high risk gamble it makes my stomach hurt but in France it sounds even harder.

But before we go with Craig to Paris and serve up some pancakes and American coffee we go on a whole other - and not so much food related - journey.  We go through a, at best chaotic, childhood where other than with his grandmothers food is all about quantity with little interest in the quality.  Even when he first winds up in France food is merely a way not to be hungry and it is quite some time before someone takes the time to show him how to really eat.

In reality the food takes awhile to really show up.  He spends most of his time trying to break into Hollywood as a screenwriter and figuring out how to keep his head above water.  That is of course until his flash of inspiration of what he really wants to do.  The only real book I've ever read about opening a restaurant was by celebrity chef Cat Cora and while that was quite a journey she had Food Network and years of culinary experience, connections, and education behind her.  Craig's pretty much just winging it.  He is everyman realizing his dream of opening a restaurant with the added craziness of opening it in another country.

At times it was fascinating and it was always readable and incredibly informative.  And while there was more about electricians, France's labor laws, and political implications it did leaving me craving pancakes and an order of homefries!  I feel like brunch is in my future very shortly!

But, you know how sometimes you just don't click with a voice?  That's kind of where I was with this one.  It was like when my 6 year old randomly decided he didn't like pizza despite it being his favorite treat for YEARS.  There's no reason and I couldn't explain what didn't work for me if you made me.  It was just an incompatibility of author and reader.

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?: Probably not.  Since I didn't really click with the author's voice I doubt I'll be picking up more books.

Would I Recommend this Book?:  I would.  While it didn't work for me I did find the pacing good and the story itself interesting.  If you've ever wondered what it takes to open a business in France this would give you a good idea!

I'm linking up with Weekend Cooking hosted by Beth Fish Reads


  1. That stinks this one wasn't better and you didn't click with it. I totally would have picked it up for the same reasons you did. "It was like when my 6 year old randomly decided he didn't like pizza despite it being his favorite treat for YEARS. There's no reason " <--- This made me laugh so hard though. Great review!

  2. I have this on my list -- I picked up a copy at BEA. I'll likely give it a try just because I have it, but I'll keep my expectations Looooooooow.

  3. Thank you! Now I know that I'll never buy or read this book. Though I would have been suspicious on a few counts anyway. Over the years, a variety of American diners have made it in Paris, and I guess that's a mystery in itself.

    best... mae at

  4. The restaurant business is notoriously iffy anyway, and he had such a list of obstacles to start with, it seems impossible. I'd probably read it just to see how he overcame them all.

  5. I was excited when I saw the cover but now based on your review I will probably skip it. I so get what you mean when you say the author voice didn't click with you.

  6. Hopefully his voice will click with me, because this really does sound like an interesting story!

  7. I can only admire you for making your way through it! Pancakes would draw me in, yum, and France, but I think if you were somewhat incompatible with it, I'd be too!!

  8. The only time we went to Paris there were crepes on every street corner. I can't imagine why anyone would choose a pancake over that wonderful treat!

  9. I have that same list of things I wouldn't do...LOL. Definitely not wanting to do any of them. The book does sound interesting, and I love pancakes. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Shame because books set in Paris are usually winners. Have a great week. Cheers from Carole's Chatter

  11. Yeah...I'm not jumping out of any airplanes either. Too bad the author's voice didn't work for you. It sounds like it had some interesting elements but it didn't come together. Great review!

  12. I have this, but it doesn't sound like my cup of tea either. We shall see. Thanks for sharing your review. :)

  13. I'm not sure it's something I'd like, but I do love pancakes :)

  14. I really enjoyed your very fairminded review. There are some perfectly books out there that I just don't warm to - nothing particularly wrong with them, except that something about the author's voice irritated me... And this sounds like one of them. Thank you for sharing:)

  15. I picked this up at BEA but I wasn't sure about it. I will probably give this a try. I sounds pretty interesting but a book I need to be in the mood for. Grea review!

  16. I think I would have picked this book too based on the cover and the name Paris. And pancakes, I love love love pancakes! I may still add it to my library list ☺️

  17. I'm reading one right now where the author's voice is annoying me more than anything else about the book. Made me realize just how important tone can be. I just received a copy of one called Generation Chef that is about opening a restaurant in NY. Maybe that one will be a bit better.

  18. I am not sure I will pick this one up.

  19. Hmm... I feel you on not clicking with the voice. I have this one on my pile, but I've been slow to pick it up - maybe partially because I don't necessarily want to read another book about an American in Paris, especially if it takes a while to get to the food parts!
