
Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Mr. Penumbra's 24 Hour Bookstore - Review

Mr. Penumbra' 24-Hour Bookstore: A Novel by Robin Sloan (Amazon)

Rating: Very Good
Source:  Library (Audio)

Description:  The Great Recession has shuffled Clay Jannon away from life as a San Francisco web-design drone and into the aisles of Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore. But after a few days on the job, Clay discovers that the store is more curious than either its name or its gnomic owner might suggest. The bookstore’s secrets extend far beyond its walls.

Genre: Fiction

Why I Picked This Book:  How could I resist a book that has a 24-Hour Bookstore in the title?

My Impression:  This book was absolutely not what I thought it was going to be and in no way was that a bad thing.  I was expecting the antics of a late night bookstore with quirky characters and maybe a community forming as they bookstore customers got to know each other.  Instead I got a book full of mysteries, codes, secret societies, and quests and it was such a fun ride!

  I don't want to say too much about the plot because I had such a good time just going along for the ride.  I couldn't wait to see what they were going to discover next and what the next step would be.  The story is told through the eyes of Clay Janning a 20 something graphic designer who is trying to weather a rather bad time to be a graphic designer economically.  When desperation drives him to find a job - any job - he ends up walking into Mr. Penumbra's 24 Hour Bookstore and the adventure begins.  I liked Clay.  He has a good sense of humor and a sense of realism that balances out his dreamer tendencies.  He ends up at Penumbra's because he drops his employment standards from "companies in which he agrees with their mission completely" to "companies that aren't actively being evil".  With Clay we have his roommates - special effects guru Matt and android like Ashley - as well as his old friend Neal who he bonded with in middle school over a sci fi/fantasy book series.  Along the way more characters get picked up and join the quest as well as adding new elements of personality and expertise.
There is a lot of talk about Google, "Googlers", or Google products.  For me it didn't feel like product placement but more cultural.
When I looked on Goodreads the reviews seem decidely split.  Some people really loved the book and other people couldn't stand it.  I think if you're going in wanting a bookish book that takes place in a bookstore you're going to be disappointed.  Despite the bookstore setting and the mass quantities of books all around the characters it isn't particularly bookish.  It's far more of an adventure story - think National Treasure style quest.  If you like puzzles, codes, and adventure stories this is a fantastic choice and one you shouldn't miss.

I listened to this book on audio and really enjoyed the experience.  Ari Fliakos did a fantastic job of bring Clay to life with just the right amount of expression and inflection without ever going over the top.  He's definitely a narrator I'd love to hear more from.

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?: I would - especially if it's a quest type story.  I enjoyed how Sloan spun the story out and there's a prequel that I'd love to read!

Would I Recommend this Book?: Yes but don't go in expecting a book about books or I think you'd be very disappointed.  It's a fantastic quest story but not very bookish.


  1. I really would like to give this a try at some point!

  2. I liked this one, and like you it was not what I was expecting! I think I was expecting just a quirky bookstore tale too. And I forgot about his quirky friends and the sci fi series they were always talking about- ha ha. Those were nice touches. I should go read that prequel sometime. And I want to work in a 24 hr bookstore!!

  3. I thought it was a book about books, too. And even though it isn't it still sounds wonderful!

  4. Hmm, I was going to say that I'd read this one, but actually I haven't at all. I was thinking of The Storied Life of AJ Fikry, which I did read and enjoyed pretty much. This one sounds cool! I think I would like it and I appreciate that it's rather unique-- being different is so welcome in a book!

  5. Glad you enjoyed it, Katherine. I've been meaning to read this one for the longest time. I'll have to dust it off and move it to the top of a pile.

  6. I am so glad you liked this one! I have a copy but keep putting it off because someone said it wasn't what they expected and didn't like it. The way you make it sound though, I am back to thinking I will.

  7. This sounds good. The title intrigues me.

  8. This sounds really interesting so it's going on my ever growing list. :)

  9. I have this one on's been there a while. Maybe I'm afraid of being disappointed, or maybe I just have too many Anyway, based on your great review, I think I'll like it. So it should be moving up my queue soon.

  10. While I like what you were expecting I love what you found..the geeky nerd who loves quests, mysteries and puzzles needs this!

  11. I have seen this book around but didn't know a lot about it. It sounds like it is different than I imagined. I may need to check my library for this one. Great review!

  12. Interesting. I like to look at reviews on Goodreads too, it is amazing how the reviews vary for any book. While I'd be drawn to the bookstore I get your point that it is more puzzle and mystery. Good that the audio was so good.

  13. That's an interesting premise and I too would have thought it would be all about books and a bookstore. Maybe I will give this one another look.

  14. I'd kind of forgotten about this one. Saw it recently and couldn't remember off the top of my head if people had thought it was good. Wish I hadn't passed on it!

  15. Great review, Katherine! Mr. Bookwyrm got this on audio for his birthday, and we haven't listened to it yet. After reading your review, I'll be bumping it up near the top of my audiobook TBR.

  16. I had exactly the same impression about the book going on just the title alone. I am glad I read your review. I am still interested in reading it, but maybe not as soon. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. :)
