
Friday, September 16, 2016

Friday Linkups: The Lightning Thief

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice

This Week's Book Blogger Question:
Have you ever wanted to write a book?

My Answer: 
So there a few more parts to the actual question but since my answer makes the rest not applicable I'm leaving them off.  For some reason writing has never pulled at me.  When I was in my early teens I'd get caught up in a specific scene or character and try and write my own but it was always writing someone else's work in order to process what I had read and not creating my own stories.

This week's book is one I've been meaning to read for ages!  My daughter discovered Rick Riordan and his first Percy Jackson book entitled The Lightning Thief a few years after it came out and immediately fell in love with the series.  She's read them all as well as everything else Riordan has ever written.  I loved the mythology angle and always meant to read them myself but never managed it until I finally got my hands on the audio a few days ago.  I'm almost halfway done and am loving it!

The Beginning:
Look, I didn't want to be a half-blood.

My Thoughts:
That's quite a beginning!  Of course I do know the premise so I can guess what half-blood means but it's still intriguing and I like how blunt the narration is.

The 56:
"He's the one.  He must be."
"Silence, Annabeth" the man said.  "He's still conscious.  Bring him inside."

My Thoughts:
We've just got through a huge traumatic scene and now Percy has landed somewhere and has no idea what's going on.  It definitely kept me turning pages to figure out if he is in fact "the one" and what that means!

So what do you think?  Keep reading?


  1. First of all, I love the Percy Jackson books and have read all of them. Keep meaning to read some of his newer series. They were so popular in the library and I loved the fact that kids were so interested in Greek mythology after reading them.

    As to perhaps wanting to write - well, what is it about being an avid reader that makes people think you automatically want to write? I have had more people tell me that I should write a book. I've never wanted to write. I feel like I'd be terrible at it. Just let me be the beta reader for all of my favorite authors and I'd be in heaven. LOL

  2. Yeah I have no desire to write. Really I have no talent to write so that may be part of it!! I have never read Percy Jackson but would love to see what you think!!

  3. I am intrigued by this series and may pick it up one of these days. Enjoy!

  4. I've seen the movie but not read the book yet. I do like this series and should probably grab the books.

    My Friday 56 from Bloodmark

  5. I haven't read this author, but my youngest grandson loves this book...and wrote a report on it, which I helped him with by typing it up.

    Thanks for sharing, and here's mine: “UNTETHERED”

    As for the Book Blogger Question: I have always wanted to write a book...and actually have published six. Available on Amazon. I have another one tucked away on my computer.

  6. I would definitely keep reading and in fact I need to read this series at some point! I love how Riordan makes mythology fun and how kids are eating this stuff up- and it sounds like it's a fun read for adults too. One of these days I need to binge these.

  7. DEFINITELY keep reading! The Percy Jackson books are so good!
    My Friday 56!
    Happy Reading! :)

  8. I only saw a Percy Jackson movie on tv with my granddaughter and son but haven't read the books. I love mythology since high school when I took a Greek Mythology Literature course and picked up Edith Hamilton's title! I don't prefer MG-YA, but I don't know, maybe if I can do a buddy-read with my grandson I would. I never say never about any book :) Thanks.

  9. I really need to start this series.

  10. I haven't seen the film, 'cause I still need to read the book. :-)
    Happy weekend!

  11. I haven't read these books because for some reason I don't care for mythology retelling, but so many people love and adore these books I say keep reading!

  12. Yes I have wanted to write a book before but it seems such a scary and intimidating process I doubt I ever will follow through with it.
    I read this years ago with a friend. She liked it a lot and it was alright for me. I hope you enjoy it. Happy Friday.

  13. I love Percy Jackson! I am currently reading the fourth book in that series. :)

    Friday Memes

  14. I think if I ever "wrote" a book it would likely be something photo related and to do with the crazy herd. lol Other than that writing a book isn't so much my thing I don't think.

  15. Yes I would keep reading. Sounds interesting. Hope you enjoy have a great weekend.

  16. During my early elementary days, I would write stories based on Looney Tunes, Tiny Toons, and TMNT characters on old (really old) typewriter.

  17. Yes! I read the Lightning Thief for the first time last year, and I thought it was fantastic. It was one of the only books I read last year that made me stay up past my bedtime! It's definitely a series I plan to continue, though admittedly I still haven't read book two. I'll read it before the year is out though.
