
Thursday, September 22, 2016

Beyond the Books - Signs I'm Getting Older

This week I'm linking up with KissinBlueKaren for Beyond the Books.  This is a meme where we all answer a non-bookish question.  It's always so fun to see everyone's answers and get a peak at the blogger beyond the books.  This week's topic is - Signs I'm Getting Older

Well this is a hole with no bottom or list with no end or other expressions that mean roughly the same thing!

1.  Normally I don't feel all that different from how I think I felt when I was in college - until I spend lots of time around college students.  Then I remember that I am definitely NOT 18 - 22.

2.  I'm aware of every joint I've injured ever.  It all twinges periodically and my ankle which I managed to spectacularly break lets me know when it's going to rain more accurately than any weather report.

3.  If I have been sitting down for long periods of time I don't just bounce up and go on my way.  There's always a few limping steps first (see #2) and some occasional stretching that must be done.

4.  I have opinions on things I used to think were mind numbingly boring.  Like windows, and retirement plans, and organic food and all kinds of stuff.

5.  I've noticed that I don't get called "miss" anymore in public - it's always "ma'am".

6.  I accidentally turned the camera around on my phone and was horrified to get a very close and unexpected look at my face.  Who knew the Grand Canyon had taken up residence between my eyebrows.  Thankfully wrinkle cream helps diminish that a bit.

7.  I now know that wrinkle cream helps.

That's all the signs I can think of at the moment but I'm sure I'm forgetting some (which maybe should be #8!).  What made you realize you might be getting older?


  1. Ha love these and so agree! Especially number 1.

  2. So true! I was sitting on the floor recently and when I went to get up I was all stiff and twingy- when did THAT start happening? lol and organic food. I can relate. :)

  3. OMG yes - especially to numbers 1-3! Why does standing up hurt?! Makes me never want to sit!

  4. Great list! Creaking joint and not bouncing up is so true. If I do bounce up, I usually hurt myself. It's funny but not really. Getting old is not for the weak!

  5. I hear you on the ankle. Last night I got up and when I put weight on it, I had a hard time getting going at first. GR.

  6. OK, I suspect all of you are much younger than I am. I know you are Katherine! That being said, would you really want to be 18 or 22 again. My word, I would not. Yes, I'm creaky in the mornings, but it always seems to be a different spot each day and disappears after a bit. I take that as a good thing. And trying to remember things. And trying to see things. And the fact that my joints in my hands are getting a little knobbly. But...I feel like I can smile when young mothers talk about this or that regarding their little ones and I can assure them that, yes indeed, this too shall pass. I can tell people that adult daughters are lovely and yes, you will get past the teens. I can smile at the sweet grandchildren that all my friends from my teens are acquiring. And I can appreciate that guy that I first spent time with when I was in my early teens, that I married 36 years ago, and that I'm so happy to be getting 'knobbly and wrinkled' with. Nice post, Katherine!!

  7. Haha. I am the same way after sitting down for a while. It's like my ankles don't want to flex like they used to.

  8. Laughing because I know you are still rather young. But I can assure you they all apply into the sixties, especially that turning the camera. Love your list.

  9. LOL. I hear ya on some of these. Being around youngins make me feel my age. And being called ma'am. Damn.

  10. Great list! Loved reading this post.

  11. The age I am now used to seem almost ancient when I was eighteen! Perspective is everything :)
