
Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday Rewind: Ten Popular Authors I've Never Read

Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic from The Broke and the Bookish is a Rewind so I'm going back to March, 14, 2014 to talk about Popular Authors I've Never Read.  I don't remember doing this topic before so this may have been shortly before I discovered the meme.  Plus, I thought I'd give it a little spin and do authors that I haven't read but plan too soon along with the book I'm planning on reading.

1.  Stephen King
Book: A Good Marriage
When I was 8 I went to a slumber party where the mother had rented Pet Semetary for us to watch and it scared the crap out of me so I've pretty much avoided King ever since.  But lately I've really been wanting to read him and I like that this book isn't the million and a half pages that so many of his books are.

2.  Neil Gaiman
Book: The Graveyard Book
I'm not sure when Gaiman landed on my radar but I'm thinking it was Doctor Who related.  I've hesitated to pick up any of his books because the episodes of Doctor Who that he wrote tend to be my least favorite  But I've heard some good things about The Graveyard Book and then I found an absolutely gorgeous copy at a bookstore so I figured now is the time!

3.  Erik Larson
Book: The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair that Changed America
Larson has covered so many topics that just absolutely fascinate me and I've been wanting to read some of his work.  This one about H.H. Holmes sounds like a great one to start with.  I know a little bit about Holmes but I'm curious to learn more.

4.  Tana French
Book: In the Woods
French is one of those authors that I hadn't heard about at all pre-blogging but I have no idea how I missed her.  Gritty police procedurals were go-to genre for years!  I'm looking forward to reading In the Woods - the first in her Dublin Murder Squad series - soon.

5.  Rick Riordan
 Book: The Lightening Thief
This is one of my daughter's all time favorite books and lots of bloggers I really trust are big fans of Riordan and say this is the book to start with.

6.  Maggie Stiefvater
Book: The Raven Boys
I'm not sure why this series calls to me so much but I do know that I really want to read it.

7.  Maeve Binchy
Book: A Week in Winter
There's an old decaying mansion being turned into a hotel and that kind of just calls my name.  Plus, the description reminds me of Winter Solstice which is a book by Rosamunde Pilcher I really enjoyed.

8.  Louise Penny
Book: Still Life
This is another mystery series that I should have discovered long before now but I'm excited to explore Chief Inspector Armand Gamache's world!

9.  Liane Moriarty
Book: The Husband's Secret
Liane Moriarty is one of those authors I just see everywhere and so many different readers just really love her books.  I don't know why The Husband's Secret calls to me more than any others but it's the one I'm most tempted to pick up.  Maybe because I'm nosy and really want to know what's in that letter!

10. Hazel Gaynor
Book: The Girl Who Came Home
Every time Gaynor releases another book I think "I absolutely have to read that!" and then so far I haven't.  But soon I will!  I got a copy of The Girl Who Came Home on a Daily Deal years ago and it's just begging to be read!

Do you have any popular authors that you haven't read yet?


  1. I took advantage of that same daily deal for The Girl Who Came Home! One of these days...

  2. I have only read The Lightning Thief from your list. And those books are amazing! You should read them next time you feel like reading about Greek Mythology .
    My TTT.

  3. These are lots of wonderful writers. I loved The Lightning Thief, too. Erik Larson shouldn't be missed.

  4. Great list!! Erik Larson is one of my favorite authors. I also recently started Louise Penny's Inspector Gamache series and loved it. And Liane Moriarty is definitely amazing! Happy reading!

  5. Devil In The White City is great but don't go into it expecting it to be mostly about HH Holmes. I did and found myself disappointed because it's mostly about the World's Fair, but the book (and Larson) are still really good!

  6. This a fun topic!! I haven't read Louise Penny or Neil Gaiman either. Tana French and Liane Moriarty are two of my favorites!

  7. I'm not a huge Neil Gaiman fan, but I really loved The Graveyard Book. The audiobook is particularly great too.

    Yay for reading Rick Riordan and Maggie Stiefvater. I love both their books. I've never read Stephen King (but I don't plan to. I don't think his books are for me). My mother loves Louise Penny! She even went to D.C. last year to go to an event with her.

  8. Great list, Katherine! Some of the authors you list I want to read but haven't yet, and others I have tried and want to read more by. :-) Hazel Gaynor is definitely on my must read list. I have a couple of her books on my TBR shelf to read by her that both sound good. Maggie Stiefvater is another author I want to try.

    I've read several King books--he is more of a hit and miss author for me. I haven't read A Good Marriage yet though. I adore Neil Gaiman--although haven't yet read The Graveyard book. Tanya French, Louise Penny and Liane Moriarity are all authors I have read one book by and really want to read again.

  9. Awesome list!! I also have never read a Stephen King book simply because of genre. I do want to check out some of your other picks! :)

  10. Everyone raves about Gaiman but I haven't read him either. Same with King. although I don't always like creepy so that's mainly why I've never felt compelled to read any of his stuff. And Riordan- same. I want to get to him at some point. I would have loved his stuff as a kid probably!

    The Husband's secret is good, I think you'd like it.

  11. I highly recommend The Devil in the White City!

  12. Well, I know I'm one of those bloggers plugging The Lightning Thief! I won't read Stephen King; the few books I've dipped into have been too creepy for me. I love Neil Gaiman's Stardust and highly recommend it—it's an original fairy tale for adults. My mom and sister love Tana French; my daughter loves Maggie Stiefvater; and I really want to try Louise Penny. Have fun, and I hope you get a chance to read some of these soon!

  13. Some of those I have not read either but you haven't read Rick Riordan!! You best get on that and read The Lightening I am finishing that series as my Can you read a series in a Month challenge. :)

  14. I never tire of recommending Maggie Stiefvater, she excels at the character-driven novel. I watched some pretty scary movies when I was far too young as well, but I think it just gave me a thirst for the horror genre. I've read King's Misery and Carrie. Both were good, not really scary. Hope you get a chance to pick up these titles soon!

  15. I love Devil in the White City and look forward to the movie. I want to read more of his books for sure. I've read ... 3 or 4 King books, I think. *whispers* I enjoy his son's books more.

  16. I have yet to read all of your listed authors except for Rick Riordan! I adore his books! Happy reading! :D

  17. Reading Maggie Stiefvater will change you!!
    Here is our

  18. I'm reading Rick Riordan right now, but I haven't read any of the other authors either. I really want to read Maggie Siefvater's stuff though.

  19. I love Rick Riordan's books! I also love Maggie Stiefvater's books.
    My TTT:

  20. You need to read 1, 2, 5, 6! :)

    Check out my TTT.

  21. Please go read Tana French and Hazel Gaynor! Maeve Binchy is like Rosamunde Pilcher but I don't recommend the book you mention, instead try Echoes or Light a Penny Candle or Firefly Summer, they are SO much better. I haven't read Neil Gaiman either, YET!

  22. I've not read a single one of them either. Probably will continue to be the case though. lol

  23. I have never read Louise Penny either. I keep meaning to!

  24. I am really getting worried here....Seperated at birth. I also still want to read ALL these authors, but HAVEN'T. Same story with Stephen King and Pet Cemetery! But I have started reading him. Try the Bill Hodges trilogy (Mr Mercedes). And I really really enjoyed 11/22/63. Oh but you know that!LOL

  25. I have only read one King book and that was It. It was one of the few books my ex had when he moved in with me and I wanted to read all of the books he had because, well... just because; ha ha. Anyway, it scared the poo out of me! I do want yto read Dr. Sleep, the sequel to The Shining. People say it can be read and understood if you have only seen the movie and not read the book. YES, YOU MUST READ SOME MAGGIE! If you don't mind a little "gore" and don't want to get involved in a series at first try The Scorpio Races. Everyone has been raving about its audiobook (I haven't listened to mine yet), so that might be a good option, but I will warn you... steer clear of The Raven Cycle audioboks because that narrator is horrible.

  26. I really enjoy Moriarty's books - a great blend of serious and funny.
