
Sunday, August 28, 2016

This Week in Reading - August 28

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Egg Drop Dead by Laura Childs - This is the 2nd Laura Childs book I've gotten in as many weeks and I'm looking forward to reading this one as well!  I read the first in the series years ago so I can't wait to catch up!  (NetGalley)

Masking for Trouble by Dianne Vallere - Her 2nd book in the costume shop mystery and I can't wait!  I loved the first book in the series and always enjoy her mysteries.  (Blog Tour)

Honor Bound by B.J. Daniels - So this is apparently the year of cowboy romances for me.  I've always said they weren't for me but if I'm counting right this is my 5th this year so I might have to rethink that!  This is a new author for me though I know she's been around for quite some time.  I'm looking forward to reading this one!  (Blog Tour)


Reading:  Beauty at the End by Debbie Howells and Closed Casket by Sophie Hannah

Listening:  I just finished My Name is Lucy Barton and am about to download the 3rd book from the Flavia de Luce series.   I can't wait!

Watching:  I've started watching Blindspot on Hulu.  I really liked the first few episodes but it's getting a little conspiracy-esque and I'm not sure how I feel about that.  I'm definitely going to keep watching though.  J and I are watching season 3 of Northern Exposure and still enjoying the series.  Quirky doesn't even begin to describe it!

Off the Blog:

I have been a terrible blogger this week.  Mostly because I have joined a gym and me being an all or nothing person have been obsessed with it!  Plus, classes are hard and I haven't been able to move my arms!  I really had no plans on joining a gym but a friend of mine spent basically all summer trying out different gyms and had found one she really liked.  I've been wanting to exercise more but other than some videos at home hadn't really done much with it.  So I've been loving my membership so far.  I had forgotten how much I really loved gyms!  This one has a lot of classes that I really like and tons of equipment.  I'm looking forward to some time on the elliptical machine with my earbuds and an audio book!

Getting used to the gym has been most of my week.  We are having a busy weekend.  We had dinner at Eleanor's apartment Friday night and it was really nice.  She's always had a good eye when it comes to decorating and clothes but she's done a fantastic job with decorating her apartment on a budget.  Then Saturday was dinner with J's brother and his wife and was also a lot of fun.  However, that's about enough social activity for this family of introverts!  I expect today will be spent at home not talking to anyone who doesn't live here.  Or at least that's the goal!

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday:  A Story to Kill - Cozy Mystery Review
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday - Good and Bad Required Reading
Wednesday: Last Chance Rebel - Blog Tour Contemporary Romance Review
Thursday: TBD
Friday: Friday Linkup with current book
Saturday: TBD

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Egg Drop Dead looks great and very halloween- ish. I love this time of year lol when all that stuff comes out. I watched the first episode of Blindspot and for some reason didn't stay wih it, but not because I didn't like it- it just fell off my radar I guess. I should catch up. And it is nice to relax and recharge after being out and about- we do the same thing. :) Have a great week!

  2. Wow it sounds as if you've REALLY gotten into the gym Katherine. I only got there once last week (as I worked three days and had medical appts the other day). Of course I COULD have gone on the weekend - but didn't. I did two little walks though and hope to do one today. I hope you continue to enjoy it (or find it bearable!)

    Am keen to hear what you think of Closed Casket and Beauty of the End (I've read the latter).

    Deb x

  3. Egg Drop Dead makes me want some soup now. LOL Good for you at the gym. I miss being a member but dropped out when my work schedule conflicted with workout times. Now I do exercise at home. But it's not really the same.

    My Sunday Post @ fuonlyknew

  4. All the best for the gym and those arms turning into something amazing. I bought a B.J. Daniels book recently and have yet to read it. Haven't read her before either but I like cowboy romance now and then.

  5. It seems to have been a slow blogging week in general. But yay, that's awesome that you joined a gym! You be obsessed all you want! Go big or go home, right? :-P I've never been a gym or group fitness person myself, I prefer working out alone and would rather work out at home than in a gym. And your busy weekend sounds fun, though I don't blame you for wanting to just stay home and introvert today! Have a great week :-)

  6. Gyms can be very addictive! I do enjoy mine too and I love getting on a cardio machine and listening to audiobooks, the time just flies by.
    I really need to start that Sophie Hannah series soon, I'm reminded of it every time I see your blog!

  7. Egg Drop...LOL Hope you enjoy your day of solitude...
    sherry @ fundinmental My Sunday Memes

  8. Hope the gym works out for you! Have a great week!

  9. Hubby & Trip watched Blindspot when it was on regualr tv. I didn't know it was on Hulu. They enjoy it as well as Black List. We've been watching NCIS though I really want to get back to Supernatural. Why aren't there more hours in the day?! Fantastic news about the gym. We have a YMCA Express nearby, but it's not very big. Of course, I have an evilliptical and a dreadmill as well as other exercise paraphernalia, but I never seem to use them. I guess I need to get my butt motivated. Or get a Fitbit to nag me. :D

  10. I haven't read ANY of the Flavia de Luce books yet. And they look soooo good. I can't go to the gym if my friend doesn't come with me. Not enough will power! I actually gym at a very good friend and that also helps. I used to do ballet and wish I can get back to it. But the schedules clash. Hope you will have a good week! Here's my Sunday Post:

  11. I need to exercise more but I need the kids in school so I have some time. Glad you are enjoying the gym!! Sounds like you a busy but fun weekend. Enjoy your new books and have a great week!

  12. We are both in the Masking for Trouble blog tour. :) I hope you like B. J. Daniels she is one of my favorite cowboy romance authors. :)

    Happy reading!
    Week in Review

  13. I know exactly what you mean about being all or nothing! I get so gung-ho about things and then it's like they disappear into nothingness. I hope the gym keeps working out for you though - sounds like the classes are great (the main reason I like belonging to a gym) and the feeling is addicting! Hope you enjoy your Sunday at home talking to no one :)

  14. I love Laura Childs' books although I'm a bit behind on them, as usual :) We binge watched Blindspot and like it at first, but like you, I started to lose interest for some reason. I'll watch again in the fall though. Have a great week.

  15. I joined a gym in 2006...and stayed with it for a few years, and it was good. I liked seeing the regulars who showed up, etc. But then the gym left...and the others in the "chain" required taking a freeway to get there. I kept going for a while, but it was too easy to make excuses for not going when it was so challenging to get there. Sigh.

    I do have an exercise bike in my bedroom, but I seldom get on it. I need to do so, though.

    Enjoy your gym....and I have read and loved some Laura Childs, too, but it's been a while.


  16. So many great books I want to add to my list! I am going through a cozy mystery phase, and am always on the lookout for new (and not-so-new) titles.

    Congratulations on making physical health a priority. I've joined too many gyms (and then never used them) that I refuse to waste my money anymore :( However, I did buy a treadmill and try to walk at least once, if not twice a day. Audiobooks help...

  17. Good for you for joining the gym. I wish I could join something, never can seem to find the time and I plan to do it like you I would want to do it everyday. Can't seem to commit to that right now.

    You sound like you have a busy weekend. I hope no one outside of the house talks to you today and you can have a peaceful day ;) that is usually how I like it lol

    Have a great week, Katherine! Happy Reading! ox

  18. Wow, I wish I could become obsessed with the gym. I keep hoping I'll wake up one day and I'll magically like working out XD I hope you have a great week and happy reading! :)

    My Sunday Post!

  19. I had to be coerced into joining the Y and now I live for it. You never know!

  20. LOL, good luck with the gym. I have that all or nothing attitude too! Northern Exposure was a fun series. Enjoy your new books!

  21. Cozy mystery titles always make me smile. Kudos to you on joining a gym. I love the idea of utilizing those classes. I signed up for a Zumba class through Park & Rec so I'm excited to start that in late September. I also want to buy a pair of roller blades so I can lap around our court at least 2x a week.

  22. I was just thinking about how I missed going to the gym today. I enjoyed walking the track but I let my membership expire. I walked outside but it was so hot that I thought I would fall over. I hope you enjoy all of your new books. Have a great week!

  23. Beauty at the end seems like an interesting read. Decorating on a budget is no small feat!

  24. I haven't been to the gym in about 30 years! Ha ha. I think it is good because it is motivating and you can't use bad weather as an excuse. You have me nostalgic about watching older tv shows. Northern Exposure was one of my faves. Seeing a moose in the wild is still on my bucket list. Have a super week. :)

  25. I used to love watching Northern Exposure, I wonder if I can pick up a box set on my digibox? Must look! I avoid the gym like the plague which may be why my belly wobbles!

    Have a good week!

  26. I'm not sure if I've read BJ Daniels but I like a good western/cowboy romance so I'll take a look at the books!

  27. Katherine, that's great you joined a gym. We are looking at how to incorporate that into our lives. With an older pet we have to get home asap after work and the weekends - we like to ride that trike! Thanks for your comment about the chicken sausage bake. Also, I get what you are saying about living in a college town. We live outside of Tallahassee but there is a community college, FSU and FAMU there - busy with students! We shop there because there isn't anything worthwhile in the county we reside but if we can avoid the traffic, we sure do. I'm glad you don't have to deal with it daily!

  28. I passed on the Honor Bound tour, but it sounds like it will be a good read. I hope you enjoy it as well as your other new books! I have two tours in October, but otherwise am trying to stay away from signing up for any more for the rest of the year. We'll see how I do. :-)

    I liked the first few episodes of Blindspot and liked it, but kind of lost interest after awhile. I may go back to it.

    That's great that you've joined the gym! I've been exercising regularly for the past month, and it feels good. I had to take a short break this week because I've been sick and am too congested.

    I hope you are enjoying your week and have a wonderful long weekend!
