
Sunday, August 21, 2016

This Week in Reading - August 21

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Crepe Factor by Laura Childs with Terrie Farley Moran - I read the first few books in this series years ago and loved them but didn't continue with the series (mostly because at the time I was a used bookstore only reader and the next books just weren't there) so I'm really excited to see what is going on now!  (Blog Tour)

Christmas Comes to Main Street by Olivia Miles - How is it time for Christmas books already?  I'm really looking forward to this one as I've enjoyed the previous books in the series and Kara who has been an interesting side character is finally getting her own book! (Publisher)

Body on the Bayou by Ellen Byron - I'm so excited about this book which is the 2nd in a cozy mystery series that takes place in Louisiana.  I absolutely loved the first one and can't wait to see where Byron takes the series next!  (NetGalley)


Reading: A Story to Kill by Lynn Cahoon and Closed Casket (the new Poirot) by Sophie Hannah

Listening:  My Name is Lucy Barton by Elizabeth Strout.  I just finished Mr. Penumbra's 24 Hour Bookstore and I loved it but don't go in expecting a bookish book.  It's more of a quest book and so much fun!

Watching:  We've watched some of the Olympics and have also been watching Major Crimes on TNT.  I've been watching a series called The Vanishing Women on Investigation Discovery about 6 women who disappeared in this little Ohio town over the course of a year.  It's such a sad story and so eye opening about the heroine epidemic.

Off the Blog:

Well we have checked the final get ready for the school year task off the list with getting Emma moved in to her apartment this past weekend.  It is tiny but had been renovated between the last tenant and Emma picking up the keys so everything was shiny new and clean (well except for the cement block walls and the window that might be older than me).  We enjoyed spending time with her and we ate really well.  For a college town they have some seriously impressive restaurants!  However, it did make me very glad I don't live in a college town as there is only so much frat party and just basic young adults I can take.  But it is the PLACE to play Pokemon Go which kept the Tornado pretty happy for quite some time. It feels great to be done and really able to settle into our new routine.

Eleanor and Paul start school this next week and I think are both really forward to getting started.  This is Paul's first year but Eleanor is getting within sight of the end which is exciting. The Tornado is still doing well though he's occasionally getting in trouble for talking which isn't a surprise.  Academically he's doing great which is a relief.  I figured he would as he always adapts very quickly but it's nice to know for sure.

I'm enjoying being back in a routine.  I'm getting a little more reading time thanks to a half hour in car line every afternoon and I have time to tackle a few big projects that I've been wanting to do for years.  Of course I just have to make myself do them!

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday: Agatha Christie - The Next 4 Poirot Reviews
Tuesday: Top Ten Books that Have Been on my TBR since Pre-Blogging Days
Wednesday: Always a Cowboy - Contemporary Romance Review
Thursday: Whiskey Sea - Fiction Review
Friday: Linkups with Teasers from my current book
Saturday: Pinterest - August Edition

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. It's always nice to revisit a series you haven't read in a while. Crepe Factor looks fun and I see Terri Farley Moran co- wrote- that's interesting as I liked the book I read by her. Body on the Bayou sounds fun too.

    I thought Penumbra's was fun too. And I'm going to miss the Olympics... :)

  2. Such excitement for Emma..I am sure she will have blast. Ooo holiday books..I need to start gathering mine for HoHoHoRAT. LOL my youngest was a talker too! Good luck with everyone starting is both sad and exciting!

  3. All of your new books sound like fun reads. Always a good thing to find new cozies:)Kids go back to school here on Monday. My son is out of school, but I sure remember the angst. Before you know it, they will have settled in and you'll be back in your routine:)

    My Sunday Post

  4. Glad the move went well. Yeah, there are some really good restaurant around the corner from my son's place too. They mostly cater to the college kids, but they're so nice. That' funny about the Pokemon.

  5. I kind of spammed commented on your last week's posts. Ha! I did want to mention that I reccommend starting with The Turn Of the Screw from Henry James because it is a novella and you can test the waters with it. It is also my favorite of his stories. Plus, I think 1984 is a far better read than Twenty Thousand Leagues. I am happy to hear everything with school is going smoothly for all the kids! Yay, for 52 Pins next week! I am happily looking forward to it. Have a stellar week. :)

  6. Looks like the family are all sorted now, so I hope you do get chance to get cracking on your own projects! I can't believe you have to wait for so long in a car line! But it is great that you can use it as a chance to read rather than getting frustrated about it. LOL re only wanting limited young adult time! :D

  7. It's an exciting feeling getting the family ready to fly the nest, isn't it? Wishing them all luck as they embark on this new academic year... As for the Olympics - I have become something of an addict... Who knew Taewkondo could be so engrossing? Have a great week. My Weekly roundup

  8. Those books all look great! I am trying to get the Bayou book but not heard anything yet. I really want it as I just read the first one and it was so good! :) Fingers

    I start my classes this week to and I am a nervous

    Have a great week!
    Week in Review

  9. A Christmas book already?!! I'm not quite ready for that, but I know the Christmas books are coming and I love them so I'll start searching for some in the next few weeks.

    Sounds like your kids are all settling into a routine. I'm glad the Tornado is doing well. Except for a little extra talking--which is not a terrible thing at all! Nice for you to have a little extra time, too. Hope you have a good week, Katherine.

  10. Glad Emma is settled! I agree that college towns always have good places to eat. Yay for more reading time. Have a great week!

  11. Glad to hear the kids are getting settled back into the school routine, and you also! I remember those car lines, ugh, but great time for catching up on reading. I have a couple of Christmas books that I'm waiting to pull out-- book 1 from the Thayne series and another one. Maybe in October, don't know if I feel the holiday vibe yet :)

    I wonder why Laura Childs is collaborating on a book with Farley Moran? Either she is getting swamped with her various series (I read Little Girl Gone that she wrote under a pen name recently) or maybe getting older and needing help, such as the MC in A Dark and Stormy Murder, hmm...

    The scrapbook mystery looks good. I used to do scrapbooking, got hooked at a coworker's party, bought all the supplies, did it for a few years and made some nice albums but now that pics are digital I don't do it anymore. Too bad...

    Have a great week, and try to keep sane with all you have going on!

  12. I'm so excited about the Miles one. It is crazy all the christmas ones already. I've read one of them so far back in July. Crazy.

  13. I love the cover of Crepe Factor. It looks like the kind of shop I could really immerse myself in, with goodies and a book. The book itself looks tempting.

    I had to laugh at your description of Emma's apartment, with windows older than you. Yes, I've been in places like that, but they can also be charming...and how great that hers got "refreshed" a bit before she moved in.

    I hear you on the college town vibe, too; only so much one can take if we're not of that age group.

    Enjoy your books...I do plan to read Mr. Penumbra soon....I vow to do so!


  14. I have one of her series on my TBR and added this one. I'm glad your kids are happy and doing well.

  15. I can't believe the kids are back to school so soon, the holidays have flown by! Christmas books are started to appear, saying that I saw Christmas cards in a gift shop now that is far too early!

    Have a great week!

  16. I've finally figured out a way I can listen to books during my commute in a no-frills truck that only has radio--I'm getting Playways at the library and invested in a pair of decent (i.e. not Dollar Tree) headphones.

    I'm looking forward to your Poirot reviews too!

  17. Moving in every August was always an exhausting task, although I always had plenty of help. Sounds like she's all set for a delicious year!

  18. I love the spirit of college towns! And don't you love those little times that normally are annoying until you figure out how you can make them into time to read? Mine is loving that I listen to audiobooks so that I can enjoy walking at the gym or driving to work. Thanks for visiting my Sunday Post earlier! Have a great week!

  19. Oh yes I identify with the second hand book buys. At one time I used to hunt 'around world second hand' bookshops. Now I can't read all the books I have!

  20. Glad you make good use of that car rider line time. We have some parents who start waiting an hour and a half before school lets out. At least you can read!

    Here's my It's Monday. Consider yourself happiness-tagged. Or not. As you so wish.

  21. I enjoy being able to get back into a routine, too! I really suffer in July and August!

  22. I have a couple of Christmas books on the review stack (netgalley) but will try to hold off on reading for a few weeks :) Enjoy being back to a routine!

  23. Please let me know if you are enjoying Lucy Barton? I'm not sure if I will like it, but if you do - I most probably will too. Please don't talk Christmas yet!!! There are still sooooo much that need to happen this year... I haven't done Sunday Post, but I did do a quick It's Monday:

  24. I can't believe that its time for holiday books already...but I have one in my review pile as well. That Scrapbooking series looks really good...I have the 1st on my shelf but never got around to it! Have a great week!

  25. Christmas books already! I think I have a couple already lined up too. :-) I hope you are enjoying My Name is Lucy Barton. I am looking forward to reading that one.

    I am glad Emma is settled into her new apartment. It sounds like your life is already settling into the school routine. I hope you have a great week, Katherine!
