
Sunday, August 14, 2016

This Week in Reading - August 14

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

The Underground Culinary Tour: How the New Metrics of Today's Top Restaurants are Transforming How America Eats by Damian Mogavero and Joseph D'Agnese - I'm fascinated by food trends and their constant changing so this looks like a book I'd really enjoy! (NetGalley)

Last Chance Rebel by Maisy Yates - I've enjoyed the other Yates books I've read and I'm looking forward to this one.  I love a good second chance love story!  (NetGalley)

Miracle on 5th Avenue by Sarah Morgan - Okay we're going to pretend that I've read the 2 previous books of this series (trilogy?) that I actually possess and that it's entirely logical for me to have requested this one.  But this one includes house sitting, a crime writer, a snowstorm so of course I couldn't pass it up!  (NetGalley)


Reading: A Child's Garden of Death by Richard Forrest and Hometown Girl by Mariah Stewart

Listening:  Mr. Penumbra's 24 Hour Bookstore by Robin Sloan.  So far I'm really enjoying it though it is definitely not what I was expecting!

Watching:  J and I watched Jack Reacher the other night and really enjoyed it.  I've been catching up on NCIS.  I have the whole last season on my Tivo but didn't watch any of it so I'm binging now.  We've been watching some Olympics but not nearly enough!

Off the Blog:

We just finished our first full week of school and I think things are going well.  I'm starting to adjust to the early wake up time but there are mornings where it's still a struggle.  The Tornado seems to have had no problem getting used to a bigger and more regimented school which isn't a huge shock as he's pretty adaptable but it's still a big relief.  Car line in the afternoon is still a little rocky but we're getting there.  I'm enjoying having time in the middle of the afternoon where I'm stuck in the car and can get some reading time in without feeling like I have to do something else.

Paul has adjusted to being home and has enrolled in the university here and planning on going into nursing.  We're really excited!  I think it will be a good fit for him and the career is so flexible about what you can do and where you can go.  With my husband's job it's very location specific as there are just not that many areas that have aerospace work so that amount of freedom seems like a great perk.

We're moving Emma into her apartment this weekend.  Well apartment may be a stretch.  More like a room with an attached bathroom.  However, the location is great and she's really excited.  This is one of those times I wish she was closer because I'm not looking forward to hauling her stuff all that way. I don't know what we'd do if she was more than a driving distance away.  

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday: Ramblings from the Stack - Back to School Reading List
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday - Books with a Beach Setting
Wednesday: A Child's Garden of Death - Mystery Review
Thursday: Le Tote, Stitch Fix and Rent the Runway - Review
Friday: Linkups with Current Book
Saturday: TBD

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. I liked Mr. Penumbra's but it wasn't really what I was expecting either. Kind of a surprise. And that Underground Culinary Tour looks interesting- one of the towns up north where we vacation is sort of a foodie place, with lots of farm to table places opening up and an emphasis on new food trends- it's interesting.

    That's great to hear about your son, he seems to have rebounded nicely. Best of luck to him!! And have a nice week. :)

  2. I don't think I'd have been able to pass on Miracle on 5th Avenue either. The setting sounds fun!

    Good choice with nursing and I hope he loves it. Such a hard job but very rewarding too I'd say.

  3. The movie Javk Reacher aggravated my husband to no end. In the books Reacher is about 6"4 and big broad shouldered, and blonde. Tom Cruise is none of those things 😒
    That's great about Paul! He will have many opportunities with that career choice. Funny story, I wanted to get my LPN and work and move on to getting my RN. It was a huge plan. I went to the college to enroll for the beginning program and was so happy. It never occurred to me I may be woozy at the sight of blood. My dreams were dashed!

  4. I liked Jack Reacher though heard he looked nothing like the guy in the book. I do have the first Jack Reacher book at home to try but haven't yet. :) I need to catch up with some of my shows as well!

    Great haul I hope you enjoy them all,
    Week in Review

  5. I am all in on the Olympics and haven't really watched much else. It also made me take a hit in my reading. Oh well! Glad the first week of school went well. We don't start until almost mid September so we have a while. Hope you have a great week!!

  6. I love NCIS! Definitely my favourite show on TV. :)

  7. I have Mr. Penumbra's, but haven't yet moved it up on my Kindle queue...maybe I should?

    I love the sound of Last Chance Rebel...I am also a fan of second chances.

    I have ordered some print books from Amazon, and I'm hoping that I'm not backsliding into those toppling bookshelves I had before the purge. But it's only a it's okay, right? LOL.

    Enjoy your week, and it sounds as though you're settling into your school routine rather smoothly. Good for you!


  8. Hi Katherine! Mr Penumbra is lying on my shelf, waiting to be read. My neighbour loved it! So glad that school is going well. Can be such a hiccup! Hope your week will be great, here's my link:

  9. The Underground Culinary Tour sounds amazing... right up my alley. Can't wait to hear more about it. I think nursing is an excellent career! SO many possibilities there. Best of luck to Paul.

  10. Blogger just ate my comment. Ha ha. So I will be back. :P

  11. Miracle on 5th Avenue?! I want to read that one too! Like you though, I haven't yet read the first two in the trilogy. I really need to. I am glad you are enjoying Mr. Penumbra's 24 Hour Bookstore. I have a print copy to read.

    I am glad the first week of school has gone well. Mouse has two weeks left before she starts. It's probably time she and her dad start practicing waking up and leaving on schedule so they can get used to it. I hope Emma's move goes well. And I'm glad Paul seems to have a good plan in place. It seems like everyone's adult child I know is going into nursing. :-)

    I hope you have a great week, Katherine!

  12. I'm back! Paul going into nursing is FABULOUS. Congratulations! He can do so many things with it and even go beyond with being a Nurse Practioner in the future. I don't even have a GP anymore. I see a NP. The co-pays are less and she has more time to talk than a physician does. I am happy his transition in life plans was so smooth. You should be thankful that Emma got a tiny abode because that means way less to move. Ha ha. The Le Tote, Stitch Fix, and Rent the Runway is an intriguing title. I can't wait to see what it's all about. Have a terrific week. :)

  13. Hm... I haven't watched the Jack Reacher film as I REALLY objected to Tom Cruise being cast as Jack - Himself and I enjoy the books. But perhaps I should give him a chance. Glad the Tornado is settling in so well. Our grandchildren don't resume school for another 3 weeks. Have a great week.

  14. I hovered over the latest Sarah Morgan book too but I am really trying to not request books at the moment (although who is to say I would be granted it!) I have the second one to read which comes out before this one. I'll still read it at some stage I like the sound of it too!

  15. I haven't requested in a while - down to 4 books on NetGalley at the moment and that feels pretty good :) Glad the first week of school was a good one. I remember those afternoon car lines - guess they're the same everywhere, ha. Have a good week!

  16. You folks start school so early! Here in Nova Scotia (and most, if not all, of the rest of Canada) the kids go back the day after Labour Day.

    Although it would be a huge adjustment, I think it would be nicer to have mid-June to mid-August off.

  17. Our old, SF district started today as they get out by the end of May. We don't start here until the 31st. I'm glad your kids are doing well and you're getting in some good reading time.

  18. Glad you are enjoying Mr. Penumbra and Hometown Girl-- I've read them both.

    Happy to hear the kids are doing well and settling into their routines. Yay for Paul's choice. My daughter is slowly getting her RN piece by piece. First she got her CNA and worked in a nursing home. Then she went back to general college, but didn't enjoy it, so now she is finishing up in a small, private school for MA and having a blast and doing well. She wants to work in a hospital setting, but has to pay her dues first in a doctor's office. She is starting her externship next month. there.

    I'm not sure I can match Tom Cruise up with the picture I have of Jack Reacher from reading the first two books, but oh well, creative license taken. I haven't watched NCIS in a long time. And did you hear that Thomas Gibson was fired from Criminal Minds for kicking a writer on the show during a dispute! I know you also enjoy that show, and I like his character so will miss him.

  19. We've been watching the Olympics too so my reading has been on hold some nights. I used to watch NCIS but stopped after Ziva left. I loved her chemistry with all the other characters so I lost interest when she left. I hear Denozo is leaving too, which is a shame.

    That is great news to hear about Paul. Nursing is a great choice and like you said they can work anywhere. My sister-in-law is a RN but wasn't happy on the floor so she became an advice nurse for Kaiser's Call Center. She's happy there. So he has a lot of options to choose from.

    I hope you have a great week!!

  20. I am struggling adjusting to these early mornings as well. I'm glad to hear Tornado is doing well with his new year and schedule. It's awesome that Paul could enroll and get into a program on such short notice. It's a great field. Moving is such a pain. I truly recommend renting a Uhaul. When I moved out of my apartment on super short notice (ahem, drug-selling roommates) we just rented a Uhaul and crammed it. Hopefully it won't be too bad.
